Friday, 28 September 2012

YouTube: It Could Happen to You [Shane Bitney Crone and Tom Bridegroom]

Pink News: President Ahmadinejad: Gays are ugly and are like thieves

24 September 2012, 5:18pm
Interviewed on Piers Morgan Tonight, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad equates homosexuality to stealing and tells the presenter that being gay is ugly.
When Morgan asked if Mr Ahmadinejad if he could publicly accept homosexuality as people are born gay, the president turned the tables on the presenter and asked: “do you believe that people are born homosexual?” Morgan, who also judges Americas Got Talent replied: “yes, I absolutely believe that”.
Mr Ahmadinejad responded: “I’m sorry. Let me ask you this. Do you believe that anyone is giving birth through homosexuality? Homosexuality ceases procreation. Who has said that if you like or believe in doing something ugly, and others do not accept your behavior, that they’re denying your freedom? Perhaps in a country they wish to legitimise stealing.”

Guardian: Homophobia is still rife in UK prisons

Gay prisoners face a constant threat from homophobic prison culture, and often receive little support from the authorities
Tuesday 25 September 2012 13.00 BST by Erwin James

Attitudes have changed, but a 'macho culture' can still prevent staff helping victims of homophobic abuse in prison. Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Despite moves in recent years towards eradicating discrimination against prisoners on the grounds of race or religion, the challenges facing gay men in prison have still not been addressed sufficiently by the prison service.

It-Torċa: Fr Colin: Min jitwieled tond... L-omosesswali: Isiru hekk għax il-moħħ u l-organi sesswali ma jaqblux

23.9.2012 [Verżjoni PDF]

Fr Colin,

• Bħalissa hawn qawmien qawwi min-naħa ta’ dawk il-persuni li twiedlu b’orjentazzjoni differenti mill-organi sesswali tagħhom.

Skont professur magħruf fil-mediċina kien stqarr li dawn l-isfortunati jitwieldu b’moħħ mhux kompatibbli mal-organi sesswali tagħhom.

Safejn huwa magħruf fid-dinja tax-xjenza, fl-iżvilupp tal-ġisem tal-bniedem ħadd u qatt ma jirriżulta li xi ħadd jista’ juri li qatt wettaq xi tibdil fl-orjentazzjoni sesswali tiegħu jew tagħha b’xi mediċini, eċċ., li setgħu qatt kellhom xi suċċess fit-tnissil bil-bidla li qatt wettaq fuq xi persuni b’orjentazzjoni mhix kompatibbli mal-organi sesswali tagħhom.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Join MGRM's call for Marriage Equality and send a letter of opposition to the proposed bill now!

26.9.2012 by the Malta Gay Rights Movement
[Please note that the public consultation period ends on the 30th September 2012]

'Civil Cohabitation Partnerships' = 2nd class citizenship.  

The government's Civil Cohabitation Partnership Bill includes a limited set of basic rights and obligations for cohabiting same sex and opposite sex partners most of which can already be entered into through a private notarial deed!

This falls far short of the recognition that same-sex couples and their children deserve by right. The European Court of Human Rights has clearly stated that same-sex couples constitute 'family life' like different-sex couples do.

Get involved by sending the letter below to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (, the Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family Chris Said ( as well as the official consultation process address ( asking for equal civil marriage for all irrespective of the couple's sexual orientation.  This is the surest way to achieve equality for same-sex couples and their children. Show them that marriage matters and that you are not ready to barter!

Dear Prime Minister, Dear Minister,
 I would like to express my disappointment at the Civil Cohabitation Partnership Bill and the lack of dignity and rights which it grants to same-sex couples and their families. I take this opportunity to express my strong support for the introduction of marriage equality that would extend the right of civil marriage to same sex couples and grant equal protection to their children. 
 The denial of marriage equality hurts not just same-sex couples but also family members and any children they care for. While the Civil Cohabitation Partnership Bill may grant some limited recognition to such families, there is no substitute to the equality in dignity and rights that marriage equality provides. No legal mechanism for protecting families is as widely accepted and as far reaching as marriage. Denying access to marriage to same sex couples discriminates against them and relegates them to second class citizenship. I believe that same-sex families deserve much better. 
 Marriage equality hurts no one. It is not a threat to society, nor does it negatively affect marriage between opposite sex couples. It only serves to validate the love and commitment of same sex couples and their families and sends a clear signal that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not acceptable in any sphere of Maltese society. I thus urge you to show that you care and choose equality over prejudice. 
[Name and Surname]

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

YouTube: Why Marriage? (Why not Civil Unions?) - John Corvino

Some people wonder why the fight for marriage rights is important to gays and lesbians, given marriage's spotty history. Others wonder why it's important to call it "marriage" -- aren't "civil unions" enough? John Corvino explains why the rights and responsibilities of marriage are important, and how "separate but equal" never really ends up being truly equal.

Dr. John Corvino, also known as the "Gay Moralist," is a writer, speaker, and philosophy professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. He is the co-author, with Maggie Gallagher, of the book Debating Same-Sex Marriage (Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).

Find the book here:
Video by Chase Whiteside.

Malta Today: On the trials and tribulations of being called a ‘puff’

Can you really take someone up to court for calling you gay or a puff?
Monday 24 September 2012 - 10:35 by  Joseph Carmel Chetcuti

Words are defamatory when they expose a person to hatred, contempt or ridicule, but poking fun at someone is often inconsequential and seldom libellous.

Hurting one's feelings does not necessarily give rise to a cause of legal action although there is no denying that calling someone a 'puff' is hardly an inviting subject for polite conversation. Even so, is it defamatory to call someone 'a puff'? More specifically, can such a designation give rise to a cause of action?

The meaning of 'puff'

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Malta Star: Australia rejects gay marriages
Thursday, 20 Sep 2012, 05:09

Australian members of parliament have overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would have legalised gay marriages after days of heated debate.

The House of Representatives voted 98 to 42 against the bill, with one MP resigning a key post after making controversial comments against it.

Independent UK: Drug use 'seven times higher' among gays

Two-year survey uncovers 'problematic substance abuse' among LGBT community

Whether it is a coping mechanism in the face of homophobia or just hectic partying is not clear, but new figures suggest that gay people are seven times more likely to take illegal drugs than the general population, with one in five of those surveyed showing signs of dependency on drugs or alcohol.

More than a third of gay, lesbian and bisexual people took at least one illegal drug in the last month, according to the largest study of its kind. Whether drug use is a psychological crutch, a way of integrating into the "scene" or perhaps both, that figure compares to 5 per cent of the wider population who admitted using a drug in the last month in the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

Malta Today: Pope urges Catholic parties to ‘defend marriage’, ethics in economy

Pope Benedict XVI has called on Christian-Democratic parties to defend marriage “at all costs”, urging family “must be promoted and defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature.”
Saturday 22 September 2012 - 13:41 by  Karl Stagno-Navarra

Pope Benedict XVI

Addressing an audience from the International Christian-Democrat Union, Pope Benedict XVI stressed that Christian inspired political parties must "defend and promote" marriage, family and life.

Independent: The government is listening
23 September 2012 by David Lindsay

According to Justice, Dialogue and Family Minister CHRIS SAID, the recent draft legislation on IVF and cohabitation are by no means etched in stone and the government is taking on board all the comments it receives through the public consultation process, which, Dr Said tells David Lindsay, is the most important part of the process. And, provided that the underlying principles of the bills are safeguarded, Dr Said is adamant that the government is indeed listening to the feedback it is receiving.

Times: The art of pleasing everybody
Saturday, September 22, 2012 by I.M. Beck

That Labour, and Joseph Muscat, in particular, scuttle in the most undignified of ways after every passing bandwagon is a given: any issue that can win them a vote by saying what they think will achieve it is grasped with both hands and, hey, if they have to do a Nick Clegg later, so what?

A few days ago, Muscat had the gall to accuse the Government, and Minister Chris Said in person, of institutionalising homophobia, a charge that would be serious if it had been made by someone who’s consistency is anything to write home about.

Malta Star: [VIDEO]"We want a future that unites us" - J.Muscat
Saturday, 22 Sep 2012, 18:07

When addressing the mass meeting to conclude the Labour Congress, Labour Leader Dr Joseph Muscat listed the guidelines for the roadmap that Labour will present to the electorate, and also mentioned specific measures, like a new Labour government recognising civil partnerships between gay couples.

Dr. Muscat started his address to the thouands that thronged Ta' Qali on Saturday by saying that the movement created by the PL is the new way of doing politics. The major difference is that through the introduction of such a movement the people are being heard. Gone are the days when people just listened to politicians. We have opened our doors to the people so that they can have a say in governing.

Malta Today: Updated | Muscat says Labour will create 'new middle-class'

Labour leader Joseph Muscat says a new Labour government will build a new middle class, as he addresses thousands of party supporters in Ta Qali.
Saturday 22 September 2012 - 18:45 by Jurgen Balzan

Labour leader Joseph Muscat addressing the mass meeting in Ta Qali.

The Labour Party today stressed its desire to create a new middle-class as Joseph Muscat's hour-long speech to the party faithful in Ta Qali was littered with references to the middle-class and repeatedly claimed that a new government will "build a new middle-class that guarantees the future of the whole country, a future that unites us all."

Times: Muscat reiterates economic growth before raising minimum wage

Saturday, September 22, 2012, 18:32

[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

Labour leader Joseph Muscat this evening spoke on the priority areas of a new Labour government and reiterated that the economy had to grow before one could discuss a raising of the minimum wage.

Speaking at a mass meeting at Ta' Qali which concluded the party's first ever congress Dr Muscat reiterated the PL's commitment to improve living standards and the business environment.

DCG: The truly unintelligent are never able to see the bigger picture

Malta Today reports Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja as saying that Labour recognises the need for more equality and urging “the gay community to weigh up its options properly and vote wisely in the forthcoming general election”.

How Ms Calleja made the leap of imagination from Joseph Muscat saying that he recognises the need for more equality to Joseph Muscat actually planning to do something about it is quite beyond me.

I believe they call it wishful thinking.

In terms of what needs to be done to give state recognition to homosexual relationships and to permit homosexual couples to adopt children – and this is what it is all about, because there is nothing else left to deal with – the political parties are at par.

They have exactly the same stance on both. This is ‘No’ and ‘No’. The Labour Party has no policy documents we can look at, so we have to go by the pronouncements of the Labour leader, which are more than clear.

Malta Today: MGRM’s Gabi Calleja urges gay community to ‘vote wisely’

MGRM coordinator Gabi Calleja says Labour recognises the need for more equality and urges gay community to weigh-up its options properly and vote wisely in forthcoming general election.
Saturday 22 September 2012 - 11:51 by  Jurgen Balzan

Gabi Calleja said Labour is acknowledging the need for more rights for same-sex couples.

The LGBT community should weigh up their options well and choose carefully in the run-up to the forthcoming general election, Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) coordinator Gabi Calleja said.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Calleja explained that following this week's events in which both major political parties discussed equality issues, "it is clear that Labour recognises more gay rights while the Nationalist Party has consistently said no to more gay rights, as can be seen in the IVF and Cohabitation bills which were recently launched."

Pink News: Pope: Same-sex marriage threatens the future of human nature and society

22 September 2012, 1:43pm
The Pope has defended the traditional definition of marriage, saying it must be “promoted and defended” from changes such as allowing gay couples to marry.
Pope Benedict XVI made the comments yesterday in France where he met with 32 of the country’s bishops. The country’s recently elected president Francois Hollande has promised to make same-sex marriage legal.
“Marriage and the family are institutions that must be promoted and defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature, since whatever is injurious to them is injurious to society itself,” the Pontiff said.
He said the family, which is the foundation of society, “is threatened in many places by a faulty conception of human nature.

iNews Malta: "Min irid l-ugwaljanza jaf x'għandu jagħmel" - Gabi Calleja
Roberta Fenech | 08:12 | 22.09.2012

Gabi Calleja, koordinatriċi tal-Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) qalet ma’ li l-ibbujar mill-udjenza waqt mistoqsija dwar id-drittijiet ta’ persuni omosesswali - tul diskussjoni fuq il-Fosos tal-Floriana - setgħet kienet qiegħda tirrifletti l-messaġġi tat-tmexxija. Mitluba tikkummenta dwar dan l-aġir, li ħasad lill-bosta anke fl-istess folla u xi persuni fil-Partit Nazzjonalista stess, Calleja għażlet li ssemmi esperjenza iktar pożittiva li għaddiet minnha hi.

“L-uniku ħaġa li nista' ngħid huwa li nhar it-Tlieta kont qiegħda nitkellem fil-Kungress li organizza l-Partit Laburista u l-folla preżenti laqgħetni u ġabet ruħha kompletament l-oppost,” qalet Calleja.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

US News: Maine Senator Bucks Republican Party on Gay Immigration Rights

Maine lawmaker bucks party with same-sex rights
September 19, 2012 RSS Feed Print
 Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins again took a step outside of her party's box Wednesday on the issue of gay rights when she became the first Republican in the Senate to co-sponsor legislation that she says would give same-sex couples immigration rights equal to those of heterosexual couples.

Malta Right Now: Il-Partit Laburista mingħajr pożizzjoni dwar il-persuni LGBT - Alternattiva Demokratika
Matthew MAMO, 1 ta' Settembru, 2012 11:49 CET

Iċ-Chairperson tal-Aternattiva Demokratika, Michael Briguglio attakka lill-Partit Laburista fuq in-nuqqas ta’ pożizzjoni dwar il-persuni LGBT waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet f'Tas-Sliema.

Michael Briguglio qal li l-Partit Laburista, bħas-soltu, qiegħed gallarija biex jingħoġob ma kulħadd mingħajr ma joffri proposti fuq id-drittijiet tal-komunita' LGBT bħaż-żwieġ. Fakkar kif il-Partit Laburista jbiddel il-verżjoni tiegħu skont l-udjenza li jkollu quddiemu.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

YouTube: Drachma on Jesus Had Two Daddies

Drachma LGBT brought Peterson Toscano over to Malta to perform 'Jesus had two Daddies'. Clayton Mercieca, speaks on behalf of Drachma LGBT about it reconciliation of faith and sexuality and the continuous search for truth.

Times: Footbal News: Homophobia more likely than racism
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homophobia may now be a bigger problem in British football than racism, a report published by the government said yesterday.

The study, undertaken by a cross-party parliamentary committee, found that while anti-racism schemes had proved successful, fans were becoming increasingly aware of homophobic chants at grounds.

“Evidence is emerging that homophobia may now be a bigger problem in football than other forms of discrimination. Recent research found that 25 per cent of fans think that football is homophobic while 10 per cent think that football is racist,” the report said.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Malta Today: What is accepted by society?

[This article isn't online on Malta Today's website. It is publicly posted here with the author's permission.]
5.9.12 by David Pace

Being a minister should not make one automatically paternalistic and Dr. Chris Said is a bit too young to already know what’s good for society. His claim that the cohabitation and IVF bills are based on what society accepts at the present time is quite worrying. Using the same argument, if societies only accepted what was “acceptable” at the present time, they would never have moved on and became fairer and more sympathetic to women, the poor, gays, ethnic minorities, refugees, etc.

When the Suffragette movement in the US managed to obtain the vote for women, was it acceptable at that time?

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Times: ‘My faith helped me to accept that I was gay’

Dramatist had reparative therapy for 17 years
Thursday, September 20, 2012 by Bertrand Borg

An American dramatist who had almost two decades of gay reparative therapy has spoken about the strength of his religious faith despite the ordeal.

Peterson Toscano’s failed attempts at “de-gaying” himself left him with a sense of overriding desperation. “I thought I had so much to lose – from heaven to friends and family – if I didn’t sort it out.”

Independent: PM dismisses claims of stepping down if re-elected
20 September 2012 by Keith Micallef

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday evening dismissed claims aired earlier during the evening by the Labour media that his intention is to step down from his post if he is re-elected as Prime Minister. According to the Labour media, Dr Gonzi was due to make this announcement this evening during the traditional mass meeting marking the end of the PN’s Independence activities. Dr Gonzi promised to remain at the helm till he enjoys the necessary backing, referring also to the 97% support garnered in February in the internal contest, where he was unchallenged.

L-Orizzont: Il-PM: Iż-żwieġ huwa bejn mara u raġel'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=95904 

Il-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi lbieraħ kellu l-aħħar laqgħa ta’ diskussjoni taħt it-tinda bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-festa tal-Indipendenza qabel il-mass meeting tal-lejla.

Kif kien mistenni għad-diskussjoni tal-lum kien hemm aktar nies milli kien hemm f’dawn l-aħħar jiem. Il-mistoqsijiet tal-lum għamluhom il-ġurnalisti Charlo Gouder minn ONE News, Kurt Sansone mit-Times of Malta u Matthew Vella mill-Maltatoday. 

Meta l-Prim Ministru kien mistoqsi minn Kurt Sansone dwar il-liġi tal-koabitazzjoni, u jekk il-PN hux se jdaħħal id-dritt taż-żwieġ għall-persuni tal-istess sess, instema’ bbujjar kbir ġej minn dawk preżenti taħt it-tinda.

Il-Kap tal-PN filwaqt li talab lil dawk preżenti biex ikunu aktar sensittivi għall-emozzjonijiet u s-sentimenti ta’ kulħadd qal li ż-żwieġ huwa bejn mara u raġel. Din ir-risposta kienet milqugħa minn ħafna ċapċip fost l-udjenza preżenti. 

Malta Today: Gonzi does not let on as to how he will deal with the Debono bogeyman

Prime Minister boasts of his economic record, but mum on tax cuts and tells gay vote that marriage is for heterosexuals.
Wednesday 19 September 2012 - 21:54 by Miriam Dalli

Lawrence Gonzi deflected questions on how he would deal with Franco Debono's open rebellion.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi steered clear of committing himself to a political position in the face of an open rebellion by Franco Debono, the Nationalist MP who is threatening not to support Gonzi's hamstrung government when parliament is convened in October.

Addressing his audience at the Floriana granaries, Gonzi said he would stay at the helm of the country for as long as he enjoyed support when asked whether he was planning to announce he plans to resign two years into a new legislature, if elected.

Times: Gonzi dismisses reports that he will step down
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 20:51

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening sought to dismiss reports that he would resign his post of prime minister if the PN won the forthcoming election.

Reacting to the reports, made in the Labour media, Dr Gonzi said at a PN discussion on the Granaries that he would continue to serve for as long as he enjoyed the confidence of the people and the councillors of the Nationalist Party - and he pointed out that the 97% of the councillors had renewed their confidence in him last February.

ABC Australia: Australian Senate votes down same-sex marriage bill
By chief political correspondent Simon Cullen
The final vote on the bill introduced by Labor senators was 26 in favour and 41 against.The Australian Senate has joined the House of Representatives in voting down legislation aimed at allowing same-sex couples to marry.
Labor senator Penny Wong, who is openly gay, described the result as disappointing and a failure of the Parliament to remove discrimination.
"Despite the results in both the House of Representatives and the Senate this week, I believe we have achieved a great deal," she said.

Guardian: Australian senator resigns after comparing gay marriage to bestiality

Cory Bernardi quits as opposition leader's parliamentary secretary after 'one mistake too many'
Haroon Siddique, Wednesday 19 September 2012 11.13 BST

An Australian senator has resigned from the opposition's frontbench team after he provoked outrage by comparing gay marriage to bestiality.

Cory Bernardi also warned that allowing same-sex unions could lead to calls to legalise polygamy, during a debate in the senate on Tuesday.

"The next step, quite frankly, is having three people or four people that love each other being able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society – or any other type of relationship," he said.

Malta Star: [VIDEO] "Quality of life is vital" - Joseph Muscat
Tuesday, 18 Sep 2012, 19:23

On the second day of the Labour Party Congress 2012, the theme of the first ever national congress meeting between the 14 and 23 September will be ‘A future that unites us’. The topics discussed are the Future of Jobs, Family and Civil Liberities at MFCC in Ta' Qali.

The successful congress kicked off on Monday attended by people from all walks of life who went to listen and also voice their opinion and aspirations. Labour president Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi said the congress will be an opportunity for the members to propose ideas and policies for the party's electoral manifesto.

Meanwhile, discussions about Civil Liberties and Family are ongoing. One of the keynote speakers MGRM Coordinator Gabi Calleja said that it is about time that gay families will be recognised as a family unit. She added that as the love between a man and a woman is protected, so must be the love between two men and two women, so as to protect the rights of all the children.

Social worker Carmen Faerne stressed that the family's standard of living should be the priority of the government. She shared various ideas on how to improve the quality of life, especially those of the children.

Di-ve: We were the first to uphold the rights of gay people - PL
18.9.2012 By Christian Mangion,

Under the logo 'Searching for that which unites us', the PL today has again opened its doors in a bid to reach out to the general public to lay the foundation of its electoral program through public acclaim.

In his speech, PL Deputy Leader Anglu Farrugia promised those present that all suggestions mentioned by the floor would be taken into consideration by the Labour Party.

Times: Update 2: PL government would be most feminist in Maltese history - Muscat
Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 20:34

A Labour government would be the most feminist in Maltese history and would break through the glass ceiling many woman were faced with, PL leader Joseph Muscat said this evening.

Speaking at Ta' Qali during the session of the party’s congress which discussed employment and approved the guideline ‘work you deserve for a better lifestyle’, Dr Muscat said that Labour was in favour of the EU women quotas’ proposal.

iNews Malta: Aġġornat (3) /Kungress PL: Ħtieġa ta' soċjetà ħielsa
21:18 | 18.09.2012

Bit-tieni diskussjoni fil-kungress tal-Partit Laburista llum tkun dwar iktar drittijiet ċivili ħafna kienu qegħdin jistennew l-intervent tal-koordinatur tal-Malta Gay Rights Movement, Gabi Calleja. Iżda, Calleja tkellmet fl-ewwel diskussjoni, dik dwar il-familja. Il-preżenza ta’ Calleja f’din il-laqgħa tista’ tfisser ħafna fid-dawl tad-dibattitu li qam dan l-aħħar f’pajjiżna dwar jekk koppja gay hijiex familja jew le.

Malta Today: Labour congress sounds approval to ‘free society’ and a ‘better standard of living'

Labour congress discusses the future of the family and equality and civil in the second session open to the public.
Tuesday 18 September 2012 - 20:46 by  Miriam Dalli

The Labour Congress discussing the future of the family.

The Labour Congress this evening approved two motions calling for a "free society" and a "better way of living".

Discussed in two separate events, the participants in today's congress highlighted the future of the family as stemming from a better way of living and a free society where diversity is respected and celebrated.

While discussing the future of the family, Labour's deputy leader Anglu Farrugia insisted that it was useless having the best policies available if the family wasn't supported and the quality of life improved.

Drachma: "JESUS HAD TWO DADDIES" - An Insightful, Funny and Queer Theatrical Performance by Peterson Toscano

17.9.2012 by Clayton Mercieca

[Click on the image to enlarge.]

I am pleased to announce that tickets for Peterson Toscano's queer & funny theatrical performance 'JESUS HAD TWO DADDIES' at St. James Cavalier, Valletta on the 21/22 September can now be purchased online via this link:

Our facebook event link is:

We Are: Challenging Stereotypes - an introductory workshop on gender and sexuality

[Click on the image to enlarge]

WE ARE is pleased to announce it's first ever workshop Challenging Stereotypes - An Introductory Workshop on Gender and Sexuality which will be held on the 22nd September between 10:00 and 15:00 at the Common Room at the University of Malta.

The event, facilitated by Colette Farrugia Bennett, aims to equip members with jargon and knowledge on sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression. The methods used will be informal and they will lead to a productive and creative output to be used by We Are in Freshers week and beyond.

Interested persons may fill in the application form online and view the Facebook event here.

We Are is a student organisation which was set up at the University of Malta in 2010 to increase the visibility of LGBT issues on campus. We are active in spreading awareness, increasing access to information and creating safe spaces for youth to be themselves regardless of gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. Would you like to get to know us more? Call us on 99815240, join us on Facebook or send us an email!

Independent: US Embassy supports LGBT group ‘We Are’
16 September 2012

On Monday, September 10, US Embassy Public Affairs Officer Winnie Hofstetter awarded a grant of US$1,300 from the US Government to the organization ‘We Are’, represented by its Secretary General Luisa Tolu.

The funds will support a visit to Malta by Jordan Long, Policy Officer of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization (IGLYO). During her visit, Ms Jordan will organize train-the-trainer programs, enabling members of “We Are” to provide workshops on sexual orientation, stereotyping and gender identity for local youths.

Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley remarked how American policy is based on the belief that LGBT rights are human rights. She reiterated her support of the Malta Gay Rights Movement and We Are in their efforts to advance human rights and, in particular, the rights of gay people in Malta.

It-Torċa: Wara li vvotaw favur iż-żwieġ bejn l-omosesswali...“Irridu nagħtu kas iż-żgħażagħ, il-mexxejja ta’ għada...”'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=42894
16.9.12 minn Joseph Farrugia

“Iż-żgħażagħ minn dejjem kienu kritiċi u progressivi fil-ħsibijiet tagħhom u minħabba l-aċċess għal kuntatt ikbar ma’ barra minn Malta allura forsi ċerti bidliet fis-soċjetà Maltija huma radikali u f’daqqa. Iżda ż-żgħażagħ huma l-mexxejja ta’ għada u dawk li se jkunu qegħdin jagħmlu d-deċiżjonijiet u rridu nagħtu kashom u nisimgħu x’qegħdin jgħidu imma naġixxu fuq l-aspirazzjonijiet u l-mod kif qegħdin jinterpretaw il-ħajja tagħhom.”

Dan stqarru s-‘senior lecturer’ fl-Università ta’ Malta, Andrew Azzopardi meta mitlub jikkummenta mit-TORĊA dwar ir-riżoluzzjoni favur żwieġ bejn persuni tal-istess sess approvata fil-Parlament miż-żgħażagħ matul il-ġimgħa li għaddiet.

Malta today: The proof of the pudding… | Joseph Muscat
Monday 17 September 2012 - 09:23 by  Raphael Vassallo

Joseph Muscat is brimming with confidence ahead of an election which cannot be more than a few months away. But does he expect to get elected simply by default? Does he have an electoral programme of his own? And if so… what’s taking him so long to make it public?

Labour leader Joseph Muscat. Photograph: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.

These are busy times at the Centru Nazzjonali Laburista at Mile End. I meet Opposition leader Joseph Muscat in his office at the end of what must have been a tiring day... most of which, he later explains, was taken up by meetings and final preparations for the Labour Party Congress which kicked off the following morning (Friday).

Malta Today: Nationalist MP insists ‘gay couples are a family’

Nationalist MP Karl Gouder says gay couples are a family contradicting Minister Chris Said but cohabitation bill is a step in the right direction.
Sunday 16 September 2012 - 15:00 by  Miriam Dalli

Nationalist MP Karl Gouder

Nationalist MP Karl Gouder, the first openly gay MP elected to Parliament, has insisted that gay couples are a family just like any other heterosexual married couple.

The 33-year-old MP from St Julian's however expressed his satisfaction with the fact that a draft cohabitation bill had finally been published. "The bill has been in the making for a long time and it's been quite a while that we have realised that regulating cohabitation was needed," Gouder said.

Malta Today: Of gay conversion, bloody testicles and flying foreskin | Peterson Toscano
Saturday 15 September 2012 - 15:06 by Teodor Reljic

Now a renowned performance artist and gay activist who will be visiting Malta with a show – intriguingly entitled Jesus Had Two Daddies – next week, Peterson Toscano speaks to us about how he once felt the need to ‘expunge’ his sexuality through ‘reparative therapy’, his relationship to faith and the healing power of comedy…

Peterson Toscano: “It turns out most of the Bible stories I tell in Jesus Had Two Daddies have something to do with bloody genitals.”

What are some of the most important moments of realisation that you've experienced ever since you've become aware of your sexuality? What led you to undergo 'reparative therapy', and at what point did you realise that it just wasn't for you (or, indeed, for anybody)?

I believe in large part I pursued reparative therapy - unscientific methods designed to destroy the gay part of me and make me more masculine - because I truly believed I would be more valuable to the world if I were heterosexual. The messages I heard in church, at home, in the media, and on the playground all reinforced the idea that heterosexuality was superior to anything else and anyone who deviated from it would be punished in one way or another. In many ways I was a coward, afraid to face the consequences of being honest about who I was.

L-Orizzont: Il-kriminalità fl-Unjoni Ewropea - Direttiva ġdida għall-protezzjoni tal-vittmi'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=95717
15.9.2012 minn Sammy Sammut

Il-Parlament Ewropew app­rova direttiva ġdida li tistabbilixxi standards minimi dwar id-drittijiet, l-appoġġ u l-protezzjoni tal-vittmi tal-kriminalità. B’mod notevoli, hekk kif tidħol fis-seħħ, din il-liġi se tkun qiegħda tipp­rovdi għajnuna u protezzjoni speċifika lil dawk il-persuni li jisfgħu vittmi ta’ xi reat kriminali minħabba l-orjentazzjoni sesswali, l-identità tal-ġeneru jew l-espressjoni tal-ġeneru tagħhom. Din hi l-ewwel darba li liġi tal-UE ssemmi b’mod speċifiku l-espressjoni tal-ġeneru. 

iNews Malta: Il-valur tal-ugwaljanza
16:14 | 14.09.2012 minn Cyrus Engerer

Ħadt gost meta qrajt li l-parlament taż-żgħażagħ approva mozzjoni favur l-ugwaljanza fiż-żwieġ. Jawgura tajjeb ħafna għal futur u juri li għandna s-sezzjoni żagħżugħa tas-soċjetà tagħna li hi miftuħa sew għad-diversità u temmen li kull individwu għandu jkollu l-istess drittijiet u opportunitajiet daqs kull individwu ieħor.

Meta ftit ġimgħat ilu rċevejt e-mail mingħand Oriana Farrugia, li kienet il-mexxejja ta' wieħed miż-żewġ partiti fil-parlament taż-żgħażagħ, u talbitni niltaqa' mal-grupp li kienet qed tmexxi, aċċettajt bil-qalb kollha li ngħidilhom x'naħseb dwar diversi temi. Peró,kienet esperjenza isbaħ meta bdejt nisma' dak li jaħsbu fuqu huma. Tkellimna fuq l-ugwaljanza fiż-żwieġ, l-IVF, l-ifriżar tal-embrijuni, d-donazzjoni ta' gameti, l-adozzjoni ta' embrijuni u l-adozzjoni u l-fostering tat-tfal. Kellna laqgħa fejn l-għan prinċipali tiegħi kien li nisfida l-prekonċetti li ħafna minnha jkollna f'moħħna.

Times: My Family & Other Animals

Saturday, September 15, 2012, 11:42 by Alison Bezzina

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t make a living writing. This is because as most writers and bloggers will tell you, living off writing alone almost invariably results in a very poor and meagre life.

So, to make ends meet, and sometimes comfortably overlap, I also market commercial products to unsuspecting audiences, (imagine a smiley face right about now.)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Times: On IVF and same-sex marriages
Friday, September 14, 2012 by Jacqueline Calleja, Balzan

Regarding the proposed IVF legislation, some matters need to be clarified. If one of the embryos to be implanted is found to be defective, will the woman concerned be informed about this? Will she be given the option to refuse to have a defective embryo implanted?

If she refuses, what will be the fate reserved for the embryo concerned? Will it be discarded, bringing to fruition the concept that only those who fulfil certain criteria deserve to live?

KullĦadd: Biex Tiskonġra ...


Aktar kmieni din il-gimgha, in-Nazzjonalisti ppruvaw jaljenaw l-attenzjoni tan-nies billi ghamlu plejtu kbir fuq ritratt satiriku li ttella' fuq il-Facebook ta' kunsilliera tal-PL, Rachel Tua u li kien juri wicc Lawrence Gonzi bl-uniformi ta' Gaddafi. In-Nazzjonalisti tant tkazaw b'din l-istampa li hargu sahanistra stqarrija mid-Dar Centrali biex jikkundannaw lil Tua.

Izda kif jghid il-proverbju: in-Nazzjonalisti jaraw it-tibna f'ghajn haddiehor u ma jarawx it-travu li ghandhom f'ghajnejhom. Jippuntaw subajhom lejn haddiehor, imma ma jarawx l-erbgha swaba l-ohra jippuntaw lejhom.

Jekk wiehed ifettillu jidhol fuq il-profil tal-Facebook tal-Ministru Joe Cassar, fis-sezzjoni tar-ritratti, jista' jsib bosta ritratti editjati ta' Joseph Muscat. Ritratti satirici izda, li whud minnhom mhux biss huma dispreggjattivi lejh, izda anke lejn nies ohra fis-socjetà.

Ezempju klassiku ta' dan huma ritratti editjati ta' Joseph Muscat li juruh liebes ingravati differenti. Apparti l-izbalji ortografici li fihom il-kliem ta' taht ir-ritratti, jispikka wkoll il-fatt li biex jirreferu ghall-komunità LGBT, juzaw kelma dispreggjativa ghall-ahhar fil-konfront ta' dawn il-persuni.

Leħen is-Sewwa: Editorial: L-attakki kontra l-Knisja [Diversi Artikli]

[Ara dan u aktar artikli relevanti li dehru fil-ħarġa tal-15 ta' Settembru 2012 hawn.]

Meta f’pajjiżna tinqala’ xi kwistjoni li dwarha l-Knisja thoss li għandha titkellem, mill-ewwel iqumu s-soltu opinjonisti li jattakkaw l-awtoritajiet tagħha u jsostnu li f’Malta mhux bħal pajjizi oħra. Iżda dawn li suppost isegwu l-aħbarijiet u l-ġrajjiet kurrenti jafu li mhux hekk qed jiġri fil-pajjizi l-ohra tad-dinja fejn fin-nofs ikun hemm kwistjonijiet fundamentali.

Guardian: Malaysia holds seminars to help teachers spot 'gay children'

Light-coloured clothes and large handbags for boys listed as signs, as government forges ahead with anti-gay agenda
Reuters in Kuala Lumpur
Friday 14 September 2012 08.59 BST
Jump to comments (416)

Malaysia's government said in March that it is working to curb the 'problem' of homosexuality, especially among Muslims. Photograph: Lai Seng Sin/AP

The Malaysian government has begun holding seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot signs of homosexuality in children, underscoring a rise in religious conservatism in the country.

Times: Uganda Briton held over gay play
Thursday, September 13, 2012, 16:15 by PA

The British producer of a play about being gay in Uganda is in jail pending his trial on charges that he had the work performed without official authorisation.

David Cecil appeared in court in Kampala today charged with "disobeying lawful orders" from the Uganda Media Council, which says he staged The River and the Mountain in Uganda's capital last month despite orders to the contrary.

L-Orizzont: Ġejja Malta biex tqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-orjentazzjoni sesswali'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=95646

B’fondi li ngħatat mill-Gvern Amerikan, l-għaqda “We Are” se tibgħat Malta rappreżentanta biex tqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-orjentazzjoni sesswali.

Kienet Winnie Hofstetter, l-uffiċjal għar-relazzjonijiet pubb liċi tal-Ambaxxata Ame rikana f’Malta, li ppreżentat €1,300 lis-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-“We Are” Luisa Tolu.

L-Orizzont: Gonzi u l-omosesswali'Ittri'&ID2=95662
Ittri, 14.9.2012 minn MA NINSIEX, Tas-Sliema

Sur Editur,

Kemm jinsa l-poplu Malti?! Kif diġà nsew li meta Lawrence Gonzi sar “mexxej” tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, l-ewwel ħaġa li kien qal kienet li hu ma jridx omosesswali fil-PN u jekk ikun jaf li fil-PN ikun hemm xi ħadd omosesswali jaqbad u jkeċċih mill-ewwel. Din hi prova oħra ta’ kemm Lawrence Gonzi huwa omofobiku mill-kbar.

Allura kif issa n-nies qegħdin jistennew u jittamaw li l-gvern ta’ GonziPN jagħti d-drittijiet ċivili lill-persuni omosesswali?

Irid ikun biss gvern Laburista li jagħti jeddijiet ċivili kollha lill-persuni ‘gay’ bħalma fis-snin sebgħin kien qabad u neħħa l-omosesswalità minn reat kriminali. Wara kollox ħadd ma għażel minn jeddu li jkun omosesswali.

Times: Busy Buddies
Thursday, September 13, 2012, 09:35 by Tanja Cilia

“It’s not my business, but…” is a statement that sends chills down my spine.

It indicates that the person who says it is definitely going to make it his business to comment about something that he ought not to.

There is no saying what a person may see it fit to comment upon; topics that fall under this category include politics, religion, choice of career or job, finances, clothes, attitude, bringing up offspring, food, home décor, attitude… If a person is not comfortable with something, or does not understand it, or does not like it; well, then, it becomes ‘wrong’.

Times: Cachia Caruana files libel suit against Joe Grima
Thursday, September 13, 2012, 13:31

Malta’s former permanent representative to the European Union, Richard Cachia Caruana, this morning filed a libel suit against former Labour Minister Joe Grima for comments he made about him on Facebook.

Mr Cachia Caruana claimed that Mr Grima made libellous and false allegations in his regard, calling him Rich il-Puff and claiming that Mr Cachia Caruana was selling his villa in Valletta for €5 million,and that it had an “exclusive” permit for a pool.

U.S. Embassy supports Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender group “We Are”

Embassy of the United States of America
Ta’ Qali National Park Road , Ta’ Qali, ATD 4000
Tel: (+356) 2561-4000, Fax: (+356) 2561-4192

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, 11 September 2012

On Monday, September 10, U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer Winnie Hofstetter awarded a grant of $1,300 from the U.S. Government to the organization “We Are,” represented by its Secretary General, Luisa Tolu.  The funds will support a visit to Malta by Ms. Jordan Long, Policy Officer of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization (IGLYO).  During her visit, Ms. Jordan will organize train-the-trainer programs, enabling members of “We Are” to provide workshops on sexual orientation, stereotyping and gender identity for local youths.

Times: Youth parliament comes out in support of allowing gay marriage
September 12, 2012 by Christian Peregin

Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry and adopt children, according to a group of 18 to 30-year-olds taking part in the National Youth Parliament yesterday.
If we are granting them the same rights because they are taxpayers like us, why should we place them even one millimetre below us?
Two out of 31 youngsters abstained after a long debate on whether society was prepared for the changes, while the rest voted for the resolution. The debate was one of four that took place throughout the morning.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat, who is in favour of civil unions but not full marriage or adoption rights, attended the session but remained silent.