Sunday, 17 February 2008

Biografija / Biography (About me)


Kandidat fuq il-5 Distrett: Birżebbuġa; Kirkop; Marsaxlokk; Mqabba; Qrendi; Safi; Żurrieq,

u t-12-il Distrett : Mellieħa; Naxxar; San Pawl il-Baħar.

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard iggradwa mill-Università ta' Malta fl-2001 bħala Inġinier u għamel riċerka għad-dottorat fl-Inġinerija fil-Ġermanja mal-Mercedes Benz. Ix-xogħol tiegħu wassal ghal 11-il Patent fl-Ewropa, Amerka u Ġappun u Pubblikazzjoni Xjentifika. Fl-2005 hu ħadem mal-Mercedes-Ilmor biex jagħmel studju fuq sensor innovattiv tal-magni tal-Mercedes tal-Formula Wieħed fl-Ingilterra ħdejn Silverstone. Wara mar l-Awstralja għal sena fejn kompla jaħdem fuq kontroll tal-magni tal-karozzi.

Bejn l-2003 u l-2005 hu kien wieħed mill-Organizzaturi tal-Gay Pride March ta' Stuttgart, Ġermanja u fl-2007 kien membru tal-Kumitat tal-Malta Gay Rights Movement.

Hu ikkontesta l-elezzjoni ġenerali mal-Alternattiva Demokratika għall-ħames u tnax-il distrett u kien membru ta' l-eżekuttiv tal-partit u Kelliem fuq Liżbjani, Gays, Bisesswali u persuni Trans sa Diċembru 2008.


Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard graduated from the University of Malta 2001 in Engineering and read for a PhD in Germany researching for Mercedes Benz. The research led to 11 Patents in Europe, America and Japan and a scientific paper. In 2005 he was employed at Mercedes-Ilmor close to Silverstone UK to conduct a study on an innovative sensor to be used on Mercedes Benz Formula One cars. In 2006 he moved to Australia to work on the engine control.

Between 2003 and 2005 he was one of the organisers of the Stuttgart Gay Pride in Germany and in 2007 he was a committee member of the Malta Gay Rights Movement. In 2008 he contested the General Election in Malta with the Maltese Green Party as an openly gay candidate (Malta is a very conserative land where even divorce is illegal) obtaining 1.4% of the vote in his district. He was an executive member of the Maltese Green Party and was the Spokesperson for LGBT Issues till December 2008.

He has written, co-authored and reviewed a number of articles on LGBT issues in Maltese, English, Italian, Spanish and German, some of which can be seen at

I resigned from Alternattiva Demokratika on the 8th December 2008.

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