Monday, 21 January 2013

AD 2013 Manifesto - Sexual Orientation [Malti / English]

Orjentazzjoni Sesswali - Lesbjani, Gays, Bisesswali u Transesswali (LGBT)

Għandu jkun hemm ugwaljanza sħiħa bejn koppji tal-istess sess u koppji eterosesswali f’kull aspett tal-hajja. L-istat għandu jiftaħ l-istituzzjoni taż-żwieg ċivili għall-koppji tal-istess sess u għaldaqstant jagħti l-istess drittijiet u obbligi lil kull koppja (kemm dawk eterosesswali kif ukoll dawk tal-istess sess).

Ugwaljanza sħiħa ghandha tkun garantita ukoll, fost oħrajn, għad-dritt għall- IVF u għall-adozzjoni, irrispettivament millorjentazzjoni sesswali u l-istat ċivili ta’ dak li jkun.

Għandu jkun hemm pjan nazzjonali għattisħiħ tad-drittijiet u l-promozzjoni talugwaljanza tal-persuni LGBT f’kull qasam tal-ħajja. Dan il-pjan għandu jiġi żviluppat bi djalogu mal-komunita’ LGBT.

Għandu jkun hemm emenda filkostituzzjoni li permezz tagħha d-diskriminazzjoni fuq bażi ta’ orjentazzjoni sesswali u identita’ tal-generu tiġi ipprojbita.L-istat għandu immedjatament jagħraf l-identita` tal-ġeneru ta’ persuni li jkunu assummew identita’ ġdida u din għandha tkun riflessa fid-dokumenti uffiċjali tal-persuna bħall-karta tal-identita` u l-passaport. L-istat ghandu jippermetti li dawn il-persuni jiżżewġu.

Għandu jiġi ratifikat Protokol 12 tal-Konvenzjoni Ewropea tadDrittijiet tal-Bniedem u Malta għandha tieħu rwol aktar attiv filpromozzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-persuni LGBT fuq livell internazzjonali.

Sexual Orientation. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transexuals (LGBT).
There should be full equality between same-sex couples and heterosexual couples in every aspect of life. The state should open the institution of civil marriage to same-sex couples and hence provide the same rights and obligations to all couples (irrespective of whether they are heterosexual or of the same sex).

Full equality should also be guaranteed, among others, for the right to IVF treatment and to adoption regardless of sexual orientation and civil status.

There should be a national human right and equality plan ensuring full inclusion of LGBT persons in Maltese society. This plan should be developed following a dialogue with the Maltese LGBT community.
There should be a constitutional amendment by means of which discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation and gender identity would be prohibited.

The state should immediately recognise the gender identity of persons who have assumed a new gender identity and this should be reflected in the person’s official documents such as identity card and passport. The state should allow these persons to marry.

Protocol 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights should be ratified, and Malta should take a more active role in the promotion of human rights of LGBT persons at the international level.

[If the link is broken click here.]

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