Saturday, 29 January 2011

YouTube: Malta's Archbishop on Employment of Gays in the Church

Xarabank 30.1.2009 L-Omosesswali u l-Knisja.

L-E.T. Arċisqof Mons. Cremona jgħid li persuni gay f'relazzjoni ma jiġux impjegati fil-Knisja jekk ma jaħbux ir-relazzjoni tagħhom. Anki nies isseparati li qed joħorġu ma' persuna oħra ma jingħatawx impieg.

Mgr. Anton Gouder
Gaby Calleja, MGRM
Stanley Cassar Darien.

1 comment:

  1. It is for this reason, among others, that the State must retain all social services rather than privatise them. Invariably the Church would end up running at least a few of them, and then it will empose its 'morality' by discriminating against gay men, lesbians, trannies, women in general, people whose marriages have broken down and so on. This is also a major reason why anti-discrimination legislation has to be widened to include all minorities.
