Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Grazzi Grazzi Grazzi

Kemm il-darba inhossni wahdi f'din il-kampanja elettorali. Inhossni wahdi ghax in-nies li nixtieq naghtihom vuci u drittijiet qishom ma jridux jisimghu minni u jissapportjawni, anzi bi kburija jghidu li ha jissapportjaw lil-partit li hemm fil-gvern, li dawn l-ahhar snin mhux talli ma ghenx lil gays ikollhom xi forma ta drittijiet imma lanqas biss ried jipprotegina fuq il-post tax-xoghol [Lawrence Gonzi, Ministru tas-Social Policy u issa PM], li lanqas biss ried jikkundanna il-qtil taghna [Simon Busuttil u David Casa, MEPs], li lanqas biss hi kapaci tghid il-kelma gay, izda minflok tghid nies li huma hekk [Dolores Cristina, Ministru tal-Familja].

Imma meta nara l-ittri li nircievi nikkomovi ruhi u ninduna li veru hawn hafna nies minsijin f'dan il-pajjiz. Qed innezzel l-emails ta' inkoraggament li qed nircievi biex nuri hemm hafna nies li huma invizibbli.

Ghinuna naqbzu ghalikom fil-parlament.
Ivvutaw 1 AD.

Dr. Patrick Attard

13 Mar 2008


I have been away from the island so I havnt been following the political scene very much. However I have seen clips of your TV stuff and read your material such as the below [Why gay voters cannot vote for GonziPN].

I do hope you are not discouraged by the election results and you do not give up. You make a lot of people proud!

Best regards


11 Mar 2008

Dear Patrick,

The circumstances of a young person’s premature demise recently in Saint Paul’s Bay fully substantiate the import and significance of your public role.

The courage and conviction of your candidacy are a credit to yourself, your party and to your nation.


11 Mar 2008




10 Mar 2008

Hello Patrick:

Ghalkemm ma nafekx u qatt ma ltqajt mieghek il-veru nammirak. Tkunx dizappuntat bir-rizultat. Il-fatt li hloqt dibattitu f' dan il-pajjiz hekk konservattiv, diga' huwa xi haga kbira. Min qatt hareg jitkellem dwar id-drittijiet tal-gays qablek? Int ghadek kemm urejt kuragg liema bhalu meta qbizt ghal haddiehor u gibt l-interess taghhom l-ewwel meta kont taf li se tesponi ruhek ghall-kritika u z-zeblih ta' xi uhud. Dan ma zammekx lura, jew qataghlek qalbek anzi iktar tak il-kuragg u l-qawwa li tkompli fil-hidma tieghek. Ghandna bzonn hafna nies bhalek f' dan il-pajjiz, it-tbatija hija hafna. Is-socjeta' u dawk li jghixu fiha jafu jkunu veru iebsa ma' min ikun differenti. Jekk xi hadd qatt haseb li tezisti t-tolleranza f' dan il-pajjiz mar iktar minn imqarraq. Bizzejjed narax kemm ahna razzisti ma' min ghandu gilda differenti minn taghna.

Aghmel kuragg Patrick u kompli hidmietek. Qrajt b' interess liema bhalu dak li kellek xi tghid dwar il-hbieb tieghek Germaniz u Taljan [Why gay voters cannot vote for GonziPN]. L-ewwel nett nehhejt ideja zbaljata li n-nies kellhom fuq il-gays. Hafna jahsbu fil-gays bhala biss li mohhhom biss fix-xalar u d-divertiment, bhal donnu dawn ma jhossux u huma bla qalb. Int qed turi li hawn hafna li huma kolti u li rnexxew hafna f' hajjithom u li qed jaghmlu success bil-professjoni taghhom. Ibqa' tambar fuq hekk. Jien bhalissa ghaddej bl-istudji tieghi fuq ir-ricerka u nisthi nghid verament li ghadni ma naf xejn fuq il-queer theory. Skuzani jekk hadtlek hafna hin, imma ma stajtx ma nizik hajr.



7 Mar 2008

Hi Patrick,

You don't know me, and to be honest, I only got to know about you just a little while ago. Didn't know there was an openly gay candidate contesting - and I have to say that I really admire you for that.

Just wanted to wish you all the best for this weekend. In light of this, I would gladly give my vote to you... however, being registered in Gozo makes it a bit difficult for me to do that.

Take care and good luck

6 Mar 2008

thank you for bringing forward certain arguments. I am of course appalled that certain atrocities happen to all kinds of people – it simply isn’t right. Nevertheless, if all gay people were more like you – that is professional in their ways and arguments, I think the world would move ahead on certain issues that are basically human rights………other than gay, straight classifications. I think it is also important for gays to realize that certain people do not care about the gay/straight denomination as long as we can live happily together in peace and as long as everybody’s rights can be protected while everybody also does his/her duty. I must confess that sometimes I feel inundated and pressured with arguments (about gay people) in which I really feel I do not wish to participate. I mean, some arguments are so basic, that they shouldn’t even need discussion…………….. basic human rights are not to be tampered with.

Best of Luck

6 Mar 2008

Hi Patrick,

Nawguralek min qalbi. Veru missejtli qalbi b'din l-email [Why gay voters cannot vote for GonziPN] ghax ma kontx naf minn x'hiex qieghed jghaddi minn hu gay f'dan IL-pajjiz.


6 Mar 2008

Hey there...

How are you doing? well i hope...i came across a video of yours on you tube, ( the str8 to d point video), and just wanted to say thanks, and keep up the good work. It's extremely refreshing to see someone like yourself stand up for gay rights...

Anyways elections are round the corner, so Good Luck!

take care


4 Mar 2008

Hi Patrick

nixtieq nibghatlek dan il-messagg biex naghmillek kuragg ghal-elezzjoni. Nammirak li kellek il-kuragg li tohrog bhala gay ghal-elezzjoni lilna il-gays ghamiltilna unur u ta dan nirringrazzjak min-qalbi. ,il-hazin li ma nistax naghtiulek ghax mintix fuq id-distrett t Ghawdex hemm Victor f dak il-kaz.

Inselli ghalik

Antonia Azzopardi

4 Mar 2008


Prosit hafna. Kuragg man, qed tghamel naqa xoghol bomba.


2 Mar 2008

Hello Patrick

jien Manuel Camilleri, kont nghallmek San Alwigi. Ridt biss naghtik l-awguri ghall-elezzjoni. Nammirak hafna. Awguri u kuragg.

29 Feb 2008

Manuel A.

29 Feb 2008

Hi Patrick,
Jiena naqsam hafna s-sentimenti tieghek li thaddan pero jiena qed f'dilemma ghax jiena wiehed minn dawk il-hafna li gay imma mizzewweg.
Ma nistax nghinek f'affarijiet aktar konkreti pero jekk tkun tixtieq li nitkellmu mhix problema. Nammirak hafna.
Tislijiet u awguri

28 Feb 2008

Dear Dr. Attard,

I am a 5th Electoral district man and am thinking of voting AD. Seeing that you are involved in Gay issues further instigates me to vote for you but I feel very sorry that I have not received any printed material or a visit from you - because I am thinking of all the other 5th district electors who have never heard of you. I only saw you once on TV and read a newspaper report some time ago stating that you stood up to the archbishop!

Please make your presence felt so that people can vote for you - I had to google for my local AD candidate - most people here cannot do that!!!

best wishes


[We have practically no money, and little media exposure thanks to the Broadcasting Authority - PA]

28 Feb 2008

Hello Dr. Attard

xtaqt niehu l-opportunita li nghidlek grazzi tal kontribut tieghek fl-artikli u tal pass li hrigt bhala kanditat mal-alternattiva.

l-unika dispjacir li ghandi li mhux hiereg fid distrett tieghi


28 Feb 2008

Thank you for what you are doing within AD. I left
Malta in 1984 for several reasons, one of which was
because I am gay. I have not been given the same
rights as any other Maltese citizen because of my
sexual orientation.....and my right to vote was taken
away from me too!
That is why I wish AD and you in particular every
success in the forthcoming general elections. May
Malta, at long last, become a civilised country, where
all citizens have the same rights, and where our
habitat is respected.
Yours truly,

Victor Micallef
, Switzerland

27 Feb 2008

Ghaziz Patrick

Proset tax xoghol lil qejjet tamel, kenna bzonn x hadt fostna johrog hekk open

Ghodin tieghek


26 Feb 2008

… you only know how you worried me last week on St82thepoint! I really thought you were going to pass out and I really admire your pluck. I also met Harry and Victor yesterday in Valletta and told them that because of the MLP's stubborn retention of Sant we have one of the most undemocratic elections in our undemocratic history.

Good Luck and Keep smiling. There are plenty of people out there who wish you well


26 Feb 2008

It is amazing what a difference that piece of paper could mean for so many people... It is only when people are in a situation like you outlined (sickness, workpermits, etc) that you realise how important it is for SOCIETY to recognise all the different unions that exist between human beings.
I fully support your campaign and wish you the best in the coming weeks!!!


26 Feb 2008

Prosit Patrick tal-kuragg li qed turi f' din il-kampanja. Tassew ta' min jammirak ghax titkellem biex kulhadd ikollu oppurtinajiet indaqs u ma jkunx diskriminat fuq il-bazi ta' l-orjentazzjoni sesswali. Kull tant nibda naqta' qalbi imma meta mbaghad nara nies bhalek li ma jibzghux jiggieldu ghad-drittijiet bazici u fundamentali li huma taghna bi dritt u mhux bi pjacir, nibda nqawwi ftit qalbi. Grazzi ghall-hidma tieghek.



22 Feb 2008

Hi Victor [Galea, AD Secretary]

Hassejt li ghandi nikteb din l-email sabiex nawgura lil Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard ghall-elezjoni generali.

Dan IL-bniedem ma qaghdx jahbi li hu gay bhal ma jaghmlu XI parlamentarji, imma hareg all out tant li se jikkontesta l-elezjoni. Nammirah u nahseb li hu bniedem tA' stoffa.

J'Alla li jkun hawn nies li jkunu kuraggjuzi bhalu.



21 Feb 2008

Hi Patrick,

I admire you, I happened to be gay myself and I’m going through the same motions like you are doing with regards to the mediocrities in the Maltese mentalities when it comes to gay rights. My support is beaming for you, I have happened to be in the same district of yours being that I’m from Zurrieq, I’m voting for you and I’m hoping you will do well, we really need someone like you in parliament. Please don’t give up, I wish more people like us had the courage to prove themselves like you are doing.

Keep it up


15 Feb 2008

Ma nafx kif se nibda nikteb imma msomma lol, vera nixtieq nghidlek grazzi talli ghogbok tohrog open u tikontesta ghall-elezjoni generali, dan iffisser biss bidla gdida kif in-nies iharsu lejn nies b'orjentament sesswali ''normali''. Nixtieq li f'dawn l-ahhar gimghat li ghad baqa isiru iktar riklami ghax ghad baqa hafna min nies li ma jafux li l-AD huma favur il-gays. L-intervista fuq il-gazetta l-Illum kienet move tajba hafna ghax nista nimagina kemm iktar nies bhali saru jafu bik u lesti jtuk il-vot bhali :P
Thanks mill-gdidu nixtieqlek kul gid possibli,

1 comment:

  1. Vera minn kollox qed taghmel l-AD biex forsi ggib il-voti.

    Vot ghall pajjiz ifisser vot ghal gid komuni tal pajjiz bhall edukazzjoni, ekonomija, sahha, policies etc.

    Meta xi hadd jivvota ghal xi hadd biss ghax huwa gay, qed jaghmel bhall kaccaturi u jara sal ponta ta-imniehru biss, bla ma jara stampa aktar wisgha

    Kieku nigu sew kieku tghaddi taghkom, ghax ikollna Prim Ministur inkompetenti bhal Alfred Sant, imma imbasta ghandna rapprezentant gay fil Parlament.

    Il- vera il-politika qed twaqqugha ghar ridokolu.

    Nispera li dal kumment turih fil website

