Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Pink News: Q&A: Swedish gay footballer Anton Hysen
23 October 2012, 4:52pm by Patrick O Kane

Anton came out publicly in March 2011 (Photo: Twitter)

Anton Hysen, the world’s only openly gay professional footballer, says his life has changed dramatically for the better, following his decision to come out eighteen months ago.

Ahead of a crucial match for the 21-year-old, the Swedish Utsiktens BK player has taken time out to do a Q&A session with journalist Patrick O’Kane.

Pink News: Poland: HIV infections on the rise for gay men due to ‘risky’ sexual behavior
13 September 2012, 11:00am by Scott Roberts

Poland’s National AIDS Centre said that some of the rise was down to improved HIV testing

A study in Poland shows there were 992 new HIV infections reported in the country last year, and that two thirds of those who tested positive for the virus were in the gay community.

Poland’s National AIDS Centre said that some of the rise was down to improved HIV testing.

YouTube: Romeos 2011 Trailer
Transsexual, FTM Female-to Male

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Malta Today: AD - nomination of Tonio Borg is 'irresponsible'

Alternattiva Demokratika says nomination of Tonio Borg as EU Commissioner is irresponsible due to his stance on human and civil rights.
National Tuesday 30 October 2012 - 12:30 by Bianca Caruana

AD says Tonio Borg's problematic past, with his homophobic declarations and attitude toward migrants, is incompatible with EU norms

Alternattiva Demokratika said that the European Greens have expressed their scepticism on supporting Tonio Borg’s nomination for EU Commissioner due to issues regarding human rights and civil rights.

AD Chairman Michael Briguglio said that Borg had good virtues such as being a “clean politician” and effective Minister for Foreign Affairs but his stance on issues such as LGBT rights were not compatible with policies in modern European democracies.

Malta Today: Secular groups plan to protest against the Commissioner-designate

Candidacy is 'certainly very bad for the image of Malta in Europe' says secularists who will protest Borg nomination.
National Tuesday 30 October 2012 - 17:05 by Raphael Vassallo

Tonio Borg.

The nomination of Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg to replace John Dalli on the Commission has not gone down well with NGOs representing Europe's secular liberal interests, and protests are planned to coincide with his screening by the European parliament on 13 November.

PL: Interview with Deborah Schembri [PL offers a Civil Union at par with marriage = equal rights]

Watch the videos here: Part 1Part 2

ONE Television. October 2012

YouTube: Longtime Companion Trailer [HIV / AIDS]

This ensemble piece centers on a group of gay men in 1980s New York City whose lives are changed by the puzzling new "gay cancer." The first film to have AIDS as its main subject, Longtime Companion is a powerful mix of historical realism and bittersweet drama. Winner of the Sundance Audience Award and numerous supporting actor awards for Bruce Davison, including an Oscar.

YouTube: Xarabank - L'Omosesswalità - Dr. Patrick Attard

Published on Oct 22, 2012 by xarabankonline\xarabank
Malta Gay News Library: YouTube: Xarabank: Vjaġġ fl-Istorja tal-Komunità Gay
Tags: Gay Gays Lesbian Lesbians LGBT Malta Cohabitation "Civil Partnership" "Gay Marriage" "Marriage Equality" Koabitazzjoni Pride HIV AIDS Holocaust "Pink Triangle" Stonewall Suicide Homophobia "Concentration Camps" "Paragraph 175" Enigma "Alan Turing" "Pink Pest"

iNews Malta: Għotja ta' sperma tirranġah għall-frisk
08:12 | 30.10.2012

Mark Langridge, persuna gay, ma xtaqx ikollu tfal, imma l-ħbieb tiegħu leżbjani iva. Għalhekk iddeċida li jagħti b'donazzjoni l-isperma tiegħu. Imma issa li l-koppja leżbika ma baqgħux flimkien u l-omm qed tfittex il-manteniment mingħand id-donatur.

B'hekk wara 13-il sena “l-ġest nobbli” li darba għamel issa qiegħed jiġri warajh. Fil-fatt skont dak li rappurtat il-mailonline Langridge rċieva ittra uffiċjali minn Aġenzija Ingliża favur il-Ħarsien tat-Tfal li tgħid li jrid jagħti l-manteniment tat-tfal.

Guardian: Sicily gets ready for first gay governor

Rosario Crocetta, who made his name by standing up to the mafia and surviving three assassination plots, is poised for office
Tom Kington in Rome, Monday 29 October 2012 17.53 GMT

Political candidate Rosario Crocetta during his campaign. Photograph: Francesco Bellina/ Francesco Bellina/Demotix/Corbis

A gay man who shrugged off three mafia plots to kill him is poised to become Sicily's first homosexual governor in elections that show the centre left advancing at the expense of Silvio Berlusconi's right-wing party.

Times: Falzon’s medieval jibe?
Sunday, October 28, 2012 by Mark Sammut, Valletta

I think Mark Anthony Falzon’s article, ‘I too have a moustache’ (The Sunday Times, October 14) about the ‘Mellieħa Gay Jibe’ case is misleading.

Clearly, the wording of the sentence – “l-insinwazzjoni li forsi l-imputat seta’ kien ‘gay’, waqt li ma hemm xejn ħażin f’dan, forsi f’moħħ l-imputat u ċ-ċittadini l-oħra tal-lokal, dan m’huwiex wisq aċċettabbli” (“The insinuation that perhaps the accused was gay, while there is nothing wrong with this, perhaps for the accused and the citizens of the locality this is not very acceptable”) – indicates an element of doubt, which works in favour of the accused.

Times: AD only party for full gay rights
Monday, October 29, 2012 by Lana Turner, Żurrieq

I refer to the letter by Gabi Calleja, coordinator of the Malta Gay Rights Movement, regarding adoption by same-sex couples (October 18).

I am both disappointed and confused by what appears to me as Ms Calleja’s pandering to the Labour Party.

Considering that she and her movement have been calling for equal rights for gay couples, including marriage and adoption, it is strange that she criticises the Nationalist Party and hints that Labour might change its opposition to gay couple adoption, completely ignoring Alternattiva Demokratika, the only party calling for equal rights and social justice for the LGBT community.

Malta Today: Updated | Muscat reiterates that Borg's nomination will face problems over anti-gay statements

Labour Leader Joseph Muscat reiterates support for Tonio Borg’s nomination to EU Commissioner post, warns that anti-gay statements will be problematic.
Saturday 27 October 2012 - 10:34 by Nestor Laiviera

Speaking on Għandi X'Ngħid, Labour Leader Joseph Muscat reiterated labour's warning that Tonio Borg's nomination for EU Commissioner would not be an easy task.

Labour Leader Joseph Muscat reiterated Labour's support for Tonio Borg's nomination for the post of EU Commissioner, recently vacated by John Dalli.

"We cannot leave a vacuum," Muscat said, speaking on Andrew Azzopardi's radio talk programme Ghandi X'Nghid.

Malta Star: Zminijietna appeals for a more progressive cohabitation law

Zminijietna - Voice of the Left welcomes the proposed cohabitation bill with reservations. "The bill lacks in concrete progressive measures", stated Zminijietna.

Zminijietna said that "the limit for registration to a couple cohabiting should not be subject to a time factor, but couples should be able to register at the start of their relationship. According to the proposed bill, couples will be eligible for registration after a relationship of two years".

Monday, 29 October 2012

TN Argentina: Why gays can't donate blood?
18.6.2012 by Bruno Bimbi
Translated to English by Patrick Attard

What we now know as AIDS was called differently, in its early years. Some doctors called it, Gay-Related Immune Deficiency (GRID), something like "immunodeficiency for gays" and others in the press referred to it as the "pink plague".
These names, that no serious person would defend today, appeared because, when the the first cases were discovered in the early '80s, the HIV virus had not yet been identified and it wasn't clear what this new disease was, and identified patients were male homosexuals. 

Saturday, 27 October 2012

We Are Family - Meeting with Hon. Dr Chris Said - Change of Time and Venue

Facebook Event:
27.10.12 by Dr Ing. Patrick Attard

NOTE: Due to Changes in the Parliamentary Agenda we have to shift the meeting to 16:30 inside the Ministry for Justice, Dialogue and the Family.

Date: Tuesday 30th October 2012
Time: 16:30
Location: Palazzo Ferreria, Republic Street, Valletta (Opposite the Opera House Ruins, corner with Ordnance Street)

Further to the previous event and the interest from the people present, we have been invited for a private consultation meeting about the Civil Partnership Bill (Bill 120/2012) with the Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family inside Parliament.

The attendance to this meeting is very important since we can show our points of view BEFORE the debate on the Cohabitation Bill starts in the House of Representatives in the coming days.

The press will NOT be invited.


Malta Today: Lacklustre logic in same-sex parents debate

21.10.12 by Gabi Calleja

A great deal of emphasis is being placed by some sections of the media on the possibility that the Labour Party is considering the removal of the legal barrier currently in place with regards to same-sex couples access to adoption. LGBT people already enjoy this right as single parents.

The reasoning provided by the Labour Party, with which MGRM concurs, is that where the well-being of children is concerned, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. This is a well-established human rights principle which also informs current policy as implemented by the Nationalist Government through its Social Welfare agencies and the Adoption Board. The only difference would be that the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child or of any family member or other person would not be considered incompatible with such best interests.

Guardian: Gay Jamaicans launch legal action over island's homophobic laws

Landmark case seeks to abolish colonial-era 'buggery' laws and stop murders and violent attacks on Caribbean homosexuals

Owen Bowcott and Maya Wolfe-Robinson, Friday 26 October 2012 17.21 BST

Jamaican prime minister Portia Simpson Miller has condemned discrimination but not yet attempted to repeal the homophobic laws. Photograph: Collin Reid/AP

Two gay Jamaicans have launched a legal challenge to colonial-era laws, which in effect criminalise homosexuality, on the grounds that they are unconstitutional and promote homophobia throughout the Caribbean.

The landmark action, supported by the UK-based Human Dignity Trust, is aimed at removing three clauses of the island's Offences Against Persons Act of 1864, commonly known as the "buggery" laws.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Malta Today: Cassola says Greens will vote against Tonio Borg

Alternattiva Demokratika's Arnold Cassola says European Greens will vote against Tonio Borg if he fails to quell doubts on his track-record in human and civil rights.
Friday 26 October 2012 - 09:35 by Jurgen Balzan

Arnold Cassola was secretary-general of the European Green Party between 1999 and 2006.

Alternattiva Demokratika's spokesperson for international and EU affairs Arnold Cassola said designate EU Commissioner Tonio Borg faces a tough challenge to overcome a grilling by MEPs in the European Parliament, scheduled for 13 November.

The hearing before MEPs is a prerequisite in the process of appointing all European Commissioners, and Borg is expected to be grilled by MEPs from two committees: the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, and the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs Committee.

YouTube: Tonio Borg - Hekk jonqos issa...nitqannew bil-gays (2008 - 2013)

Il-Vici Prim Ministru Tonio Borg, fil-leġislatura GonziPN 2008 - 2013, tkellem dwar koppji LGBT b'mod dispreġattiv fil-parlament waqt id-dibattitu dwar ir-riforma tal-liġi tal-kera. fost l-oħrajn qal: Hekk jonqos issa, nitqannew bil-gays.

Malta Today: Cohabitation and IVF Bills discriminate against LGBT persons – AD

AD says both Nationalist and Labour support cohabitation and IVF Bills which discriminate against LGBT persons.
Thursday 25 October 2012 - 12:03

Same-sex couples will still be discriminated by the cohabitation and IVF Bills says AD, "They should have full marriage rights as enjoyed by heterosexual couples".

Alternattiva Demokratika said that the cohabitation law as proposed by the government “leaves much to be desired” as it retains some forms of discrimination toward LGBT persons.

AD Chairman Michael Briguglio said that while the Labour Party was trying to depict itself as an equal rights party, it unfortunately still agreed with certain forms of discrimination.

Independent: AD says LGBT persons remain discriminated
26 October 2012

The cohabitation law as proposed by the Nationalist government leaves much to be desired and retains certain forms of discrimination with respect to LGBT persons, Michael Briguglio, AD chairman said. Unfortunately, the Labour Party, which is depicting itself as the party for equal rights, agrees with certain forms of discrimination, such as its opposition to marriage rights and its opposition towards couples having the right to adopt.

With Alternattiva Demokratika one knows where one stands, and we are clear in our anti-discrimination position which ensures full equality in all social and family policies, he said.

Di-ve: Cohabitation, IVF Bills discriminate against LGBT

The Cohabitation and IVF Bills as proposed by the Government discriminate against LGBT people and the Labour Party, which is depicting itself as the party for equal rights, is in agreement with these discriminations, Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, Michael Briguglio, held.

Mr Briguglio said that PL is still in opposition to marriage rights and against couples having the right to adopt however AD ensures full equality in all social and family policies

AD Spokesperson for Social Policy and Civil Rights Angele Deguara, said that AD believes that there should be full equality between same-sex couples and heterosexual couples in every aspect of life including full marriage rights as enjoyed by heterosexual couples.

Times: EP socialists on Tonio Borg's nomination: 'We do not need a second Rocco Buttiglione'
Thursday, October 25, 2012, 12:11

Dr Tonio Borg.
The head of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament said today that Commissioner-designate Tonio Borg would be questioned  closely on whether his views are compatible with Europe's fundamental values on civil liberties and non-discrimination.
"There has already been one case where the European Parliament rejected a candidate who could not convince MEPS of his readiness to accept basic European values. We do not need a second Rocco Buttiglione," Hannes Swoboda said in a statement.

Malta Today: European socialists’ president: ‘We’ll give Tonio Borg severe but fair grilling’

S&D president says doubts exist over Dalli investigation and warns Tonio Borg - 'we don't need a second Rocco Buttiglione'.
Thursday 25 October 2012 - 13:07 by a Staff Reporter

Tonio Borg is commissioner-designate for health and consumer policy.

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have urged the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and European Commission to disclose all steps taken in the procedure and report that led to Health Commissioner Dalli's resignation last week.

Hannes Swoboda, President of the S&D Group, said: "There are serious doubts about the entire process that led to Mr Dalli's resignation. We demand that the involvement of OLAF and in particular the role and public appearances of its director general, Giovanni Kessler, be clarified immediately.

iNews Malta: AD: Il-liġijiet tal-adozzjoni u tal-IVF diskriminatorji mal-LGBT
Melvin Farrugia | 10:15 | 25.10.2012

Filwaqt li Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) temmen li l-ewwel prijorità għandha dejjem tingħata lit-tfal, min-naħa l-oħra qiegħda ssostni li fir-rigward tal-adozzjoni l-liġi hi waħda diskriminatorja mal-koppji LGBT hekk kif dawn ma jistgħux bħala koppja iżda bħala persuni ‘single’ biss.

Times: [Same-sex couples constitute a family]


L-Orizzont: Diversi 'gays' jinġabru quddiem il-Parlament


Times: ‘Let’s talk about the future’
Sunday, September 2, 2012 by Christian Peregin
[Excerpt of the article. Click on the hyperlink above to read the entire article and watch the video.]

Dingli mayor Ian Borg is thrilled to be in such a united party and tells Christian Peregin he can’t understand why some younger voters are not convinced by Labour.

Times: Tonio Borg nominated for vacant EU post
Sunday, October 21, 2012 by Herman Grech

Tonio Borg will still serve as Foreign Minister for the coming weeks.

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg was last night officially nominated as European Commissioner in the wake of John Dalli’s shocking resignation.

The seasoned politician and deputy Prime Minister was Lawrence Gonzi’s favourite to take on the Brussels job for the rest of the current Commission’s term up to 2014.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Times: ‘Don’t take Tonio Borg nomination for granted’
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 by Christian Peregin

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat yesterday endorsed Tonio Borg’s nomination as the country’s EU Commissioner but said his appointment should not be taken for granted.
I do not want the hearings of Dr Borg to be somehow overshadowed by any doubts on the Dalli case

Stressing his party would support Dr Borg’s nomination as John Dalli’s replacement, Dr Muscat said: “We never worked against the national interest and we never will.”

However, he then pointed out that the Foreign Affairs Minister had made certain “declarations” in the past which had already reached Brussels and would need to be “addressed”.

Dr Muscat did not give details about these declarations, but Labour sources have raised concerns about Dr Borg’s views on issues such as gay rights as a possible sticking point in Brussels, where he could face a tough grilling.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Malta Today: Conservative Borg gets ready to meet his MEP ‘makers’

Tonio Borg will probably be grilled over how he intends to take John Dalli’s anti-tobacco mission further, rather than his conservative and Catholic standpoints on civil rights.

Tonio Borg is bound to be quizzed on his take of the Tobacco Products Directive that John Dalli was championing.

When Tonio Borg comes to Brussels, there's going to be some questions waiting for him.

It is hard to know whether MEPs from the health and consumer policy committee will be interested in things other than the area of concern that Borg will be dealing with in Brussels.

To political observers in Malta, Borg stands out as a Christian-democrat whose Catholic patina has informed some of his outdated stands: in January 2009 in parliament he was cynical of a stand by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat when the latter declared himself in favour of recognising the rights of gay or cohabitating couples during the debate on the rent reform legislation.

Monday, 22 October 2012

L-Orizzont: Mixli li hedded lil kuġintu'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=97235

Żagħżugħ ta’ 21 sena mill-Imsida, inżamm taħt arrest pre ventiv, wara li tressaq il-Qorti fejn kien mixli li hedded lill-kuġina tiegħu.

Fil-Qorti ħareġ li l-eks-tfajla tal-imputat, li minnha għandhom wild, issa qiegħda tikko abita mal-kuġina tiegħu, li hija leżbjana. 

iNews Malta: Abbozz ieħor li mhux biżejjed għall-komunità gay
Roberta Fenech | 08:05 | 22.10.2012

“Mill-konsultazzjoni li għamlet il-Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) jidher li hemm qbil li din il-liġi m'hijiex dak li l-komunità gay hawn Malta qiegħda titlob... li hija l-ugwaljanza fiż-żwieġ. Minbarra hekk din il-liġi ma tofriex ir-rikonoxximent u dinjità li koppji tal-istess sess jixitiequ u jixirqilhom bi dritt.”

Dan kien il-kumment tal-kordinatriċi tal-MGRM dwar it-tieni abozz tal-liġi tal-koabitazzjoni, li issa ngħatat l-isem ta' Civil Partnerships and Cohabitation Law.

iNews Malta: Eleganti quddiem il-Parlament biex juru li huma familja
08:04 | 22.10.2012

Illejla l-komunità gay hija mħeġġa li tinġabar quddiem il-Parlament bil-għan li twassal il-messaġġ li relazzjoni bejn koppja tal-istess sess hija familja. Dan qiegħed isir fid-dawl li issa quddiem il-Parlament hemm il-liġi tal-unjoni ċivili u l-koabitazzjoni. Iżda, fuq kollox l-organizzaturi qegħdin isostnu li din m’hijiex protesta.

"Din m'hix protesta. Dan hu mument storiku għalina. Din hi l-ewwel darba li d-dinjità tar-relazzjonijiet tagħna se jkunu diskussi fil-Parlament. Ir-relazzjonijiet tagħna huma ta' rispett u ta' dinjità ukol," qiegħed jingħad.

L-Orizzont: Il-‘gays’ imħeġġin biex illejla jkunu quddiem il-Parlament'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=97231

“Din mhix protesta. Dan hu mument storiku għalina. Din hi l-ewwel darba li d-dinjità tar-relazzjonijiet tagħ na se jkunu diskussi fil-Parlament. Ir-relazzjonijiet tagħna huma ta’ rispett u ta’ dinjità wkoll”.

Dan hu l-messaġġ li beda jitmexxa fost persuni ‘gays’, hekk kif l-abbozz ta’ liġi dwar il-koabitazzjoni qiegħed fis-sitt post fl-aġenda tal-Parlament. 

Times: Man in custody for allegedly harassing lesbian relative
Friday, October 19, 2012, 15:35

A 21-year-old man from Msida has been remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to harassing his cousin, threatening to use violence against her, insulting her and carrying an unlicensed firearm and an unlicensed knife.

The court heard that the man's former partner, with whom he has a child, was now cohabiting with his lesbian cousin.

Malta Today: Remanded for calling woman ‘lesbian’, threatening her

A 21-year-old man from Msida was remanded in custody after he allegedly threatened he would shoot gay woman for ‘sitting’ with his former girlfriend.
Court & Police Friday 19 October 2012 - 13:10 by Karl Stagno-Navarra

An unemployed 21-year-old man who cannot be named, due to a court ban on the name of his victims, was remanded in custody by Magistrate Giovanni Grixti this afternoon, following his arraignment in connection to threats which followed an argument with a woman, whom he called a "lesbian" when she accepted his former girlfriend and mother of his child to live with her.

The man was arrested last Wednesday soon after the woman filed a police report over harassment, and threats she received from the accused.

Independent: Man charged with threatening cousin
20 October 2012

A young Msida man was arraigned before Magistrate Giovanni Grixti yesterday, accused with threatening his cousin that he would shoot her after she went to live with his former girlfriend. He allegedly called his cousin a lesbian.

The 21-year-old man, whose name cannot be published by court order, testified that he is unemployed. He allegedly lost control after his girlfriend, who has a child by him, decided to leave him and go to live with his cousin, who is lesbian.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

We Are Family @ Parliament
18.10.2012 by Dr Ing. Patrick Attard

Date: Monday 22nd October 2012
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Location: St. George's Square Valletta, in front of Parliament

This is NOT a protest.

This is a truly historic moment. It is the first time that the dignity of our relationships is being discussed in Parliament. Our relationships can be as respectful and dignifying as heterosexual ones.

We should go in front of Parliament dressed ELEGANTLY in order to show respect to the Highest Institution of OUR country and to demonstrate that we are respectable people too.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Leħen is-Sewwa: L-akkuża Inġusta li l-Knisja hi Omofobika

20.10.2012 mill-Kanonku John Ciarlò

Spiss nisimgħu l-kelma 'omofobija', In-New World Dictionary jiddefinixxi l-omofobija bħala hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality (mibgħeda jew biża mill-omosesswali jew l-omosesswalità). Spiss ikun hawn min jakkuża l-Knisja Kattolika bħala 'omofobika'. Veru li l-Knisja tobgħod jew tibża mill-omosesswali jew mill-omosesswalità?

It-tweġiba hi waħda ċara: ...

[Kompli aqra l-artiklu kollu hawn.]

Independent: IVF and Cohabitation Bills: On agenda but no date for debate
19 October 2012 by Annaliza Borg

It is unclear when the debate on the Embryo Protection Bill, which according to Leader of the House Tonio Borg should have started on 15 October, will be held as there are other matters before the House that first need to be concluded.

The Embryo Protection Bill debate is to be followed by another on the Cohabitation Bill and the plan seems to be for these to be discussed before the Budget, for which no date has been announced.

Independent: Adoption: Unmarried and same-sex couples’ rights
19 October 2012

A judge in Northern Ireland yesterday ruled that unmarried and same-sex couples in the country should be allowed to adopt children, overturning a 1987 adoption law that discriminated against both groups.

Belfast High Court Justice Seamus Treacy ruled that the law clearly violated European human rights laws on privacy and discrimination.

Other parts of the United Kingdom already permit gay and unmarried heterosexual couples to adopt children. But Northern Ireland’s law restricted applicants to married couples and single adults, including homosexuals.

YouTube: Xarabank: Vjaġġ fl-Istorja tal-Komunità Gay

Għalfejn għadna bżonn Liġi ġusta? Ejjew immorru vjaġġ fl-istorja.

Xarabank 12.10.2012 Il-Liġi tal-Koabitazzjoni

Grazzi lit-Team ta' Xarabank li tawni l-faċilità biex nagħmel din il-video clip.
Grazzi lil Peppi, Olwyn, Cleaven, Russell u l-crew kollu.

Dr Ing. Patrick Attard

Tags: Gay Gays Lesbian Lesbians LGBT Malta Cohabitation "Civil Partnership" "Gay Marriage" "Marriage Equality" Koabitazzjoni Pride HIV AIDS Holocaust "Pink Triangle" Stonewall Suicide Homophobia "Concentration Camps" "Paragraph 175" Enigma "Alan Turing" "Pink Pest"

Watch the film clip in a better quality here:
YouTube: Xarabank - L'Omosesswalità - Dr. Patrick Attard

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Parliament: Bill 120 / 2012: Civil Partnerships and Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act
18.10.12 [Malti / English] - [SECOND READING] 
[View the FIRST READING here.]

[PDF Version]

A Bill


AN ACT to provide for the regulation of cohabitation.

BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:-

Short title and commencement.
1. (1) The short title of this Act is the Civil Partnerships and Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act, 2012.

(2) This Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for justice may by notice in the Gazette appoint and different dates may be so appointed for different purposes or provisions of this Act.

Times: Adoption by same-sex couples

Thursday, October 18, 2012 by Gabi Calleja, coordinator, Malta Gay Rights Movement, Mosta

A great deal of emphasis is being placed by some sections of the media on the possibility that the Labour Party is considering the removal of the legal barrier in place with regard to same-sex couples’ access to adoption. LGBT people already enjoy this right as single parents.

The reasoning provided by the Labour Party, with which MGRM concurs, is that, as far as the well-being of children goes, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.

Malta Today: Magistrate accuses media of ‘spin’ over Mellieħa ‘gay’ jibe judgement, then retracts

[This article is not available on-line so far.]
14.10.2012  by Karl Stagno-Navarra

Magistrate Carol Peralta had no option but to retract his claim that the media created a “spin” and “misinterpreted” the judgement he handed down last week, when he conditionally discharged a man who was found guilty of causing permanent disability to a tourist when he deliberately ran him over in Mellieħa , concluding that the accused’s actions were provoked by the victim’s taunting.

An irate Magistrate Peralta – who recently returned to the bench after a seven year stint as a UN judge in the Balkans – sent for Malta Today and The Times court reporters on Wednesday and accused them of creating a “spin” over his judgement.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

L-Orizzont: LGBTs u proposti oħrajn'Opinjoni'&ID2=97033
Opinjoni, minn Tony Zarb - Segretarju Generali tal-GWU

Se nkompli nagħti iktar informazzjoni dwar il-proposti li qiegħda tagħmel il-GWU lill-partiti politiċi għall-elezzjoni li jmiss.


Sa mit-twaqqif tagħha l-GWU ħaddnet il-prinċipju li kull bniedem, irrispettivament minn kif jitwieled, għandu jkollu l-istess opportunitajiet għal ħajja ħielsa daqs u bħal kull ċittadin ieħor. Dan it-twemmin tal-GWU jgħodd ukoll għall-opportunità ta’ impjieg u l-iżvilupp tal-personalità biex kulħadd ikun jista’ jimxi ’l quddiem fil-ħajja privata tiegħu u fis-soċjetà. Għalhekk, il-GWU dejjem kienet kontra kull forma ta’ diskri­minazzjoni u omofobija.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Malta Government Gazzette: 18,976

"It is notified for general information that the following Bill [is] published in the Supplement to this Gazette: Bill No. 120 entitled the Civil Partnerships and Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act, 2012".

[The Supplement hasn't been uploaded so far.]
The Bill can be seen on the Parliament's Agenda:

Arċidjoċesi ta' Malta: Nevanġelizzaw il-Familji Feruti
Uffiċċju Komunikazzjoni, Tel: +356.21241281, email:,
16 ta’ Ottubru, 2012, 117/2012

[f' Ruma, Italja]


1. Fil-bidu tas-Sena tal-Fidi, il-Q.T. il-Papa jistedinna biex ngħaddu mill-“bieb tal-fidi” ħalli nidħlu f’komunjoni ma’ Alla, u fl-istess ħin biex nagħtu spinta ġdida lill-evanġelizzazzjoni “ħalli niskopru mill-ġdid il-ferħ li hemm filli nemmnu u nerġgħu nsibu l-entużjażmu filli ngħaddi l-fidi lill-oħrajn” (Porta fidei, 1.7). Hija l-istess sejħa għall-qdusija li l-Konċilju Vatikan II promova u ppropona lill-Insara kollha, u li minnha kellimna l-Q.T. il-Papa Benedittu XVI fl-omelija tal-ftuħ ta’ dan is-Sinodu: il-qdusija bħala triq ta’ evanġelizzazzjoni.

Malta Star: Of gays and adoption
Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012, 06:54

A great deal of emphasis is being placed by some sections of the media on the possibility that the Labour Party is considering the removal of the legal barrier currently in place with regards to same-sex couples access to adoption. LGBT people already enjoy this right as single parents.

The reasoning provided by the Labour Party, with which MGRM concurs, is that where the well-being of children is concerned, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. This is a well-established human rights principle which also informs current policy as implemented by the Nationalist Government through its Social Welfare agencies and the Adoption Board. The only difference would be that the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child or of any family member or other person would not be considered incompatible with such best interests.

Times: Gay jibe case
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Anne Jagla, Qawra

I sincerely hope that the recent ‘gay jibe’ case will go to appeal and an appropriate sentence will be given for the crime.

I was appalled to read that someone was conditionally discharged after deliberately running another person down.

When one takes this kind of action, one is automatically taking into account that the person may be killed. In my opinion, and in the opinion of most other civilised countries, this is a clear case of attempted murder and should be treated as such.

Times: Institutions in ivory towers
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Kenneth Zammit Tabona

A drunken Somali was fined €3,000 for smashing the window of a bendy bus while a local from Mellieħa was given a suspended sentence after having run over an Australian for having called him gay!

The reasoning behind this bizarre decision appeared to be that, in Mellieħa, being called gay is an insult of such magnitude that it justifies causing grievous bodily harm in retaliation; if not attempted murder!

Malta Today: ‘Court has no business pandering to culture of violence’ – Bonello

“I cannot accept that culpability can be graded according to locality – provocation that should be taken lightly in Sliema, would then justify attempted murder in Mellieha”
Tuesday 16 October 2012 - 09:11 by Miriam Dalli

Giovanni Bonello - I can never accept that persons escape responsibility for their actions, ‘because others make them behave like that’

Malta's former judge at the European Court of Human Rights issued a scathing judgement of his own at a ruling by Magistrate Carol Peralta that a man who ran over a tourist who implied he was gay, was justified in his action.

"The Court has no business fanning and pandering to a culture of violence," Judge Giovanni Bonello (pictured) said of the conditional discharge for a Mellieha resident whom Peralta felt was justifiably defending his honour when he ran over a drunken Australian tourist who had irked him at bar, a few hours before the incident.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Times: Labour non-committal over gay adoption
Sunday, October 14, 2012 by Bertrand Borg

The Labour Party has stopped short of endorsing gay adoption, hinting instead that further debate is needed on the controversial issue.

“We are guided by the principle that adoptions should be in the best interest of the child first,” a PL spokesman said when asked about the party’s position on adoption by same-sex couples. This indicates that the party is keeping its options open, two days after Labour MP Michael Farrugia appeared to hint that the PL favoured allowing gay couples to adopt .

Times: I too have a moustache
Sunday, October 14, 2012 by Mark Anthony Falzon

We’ve heard the jokes about the Republic of Mellieħa, the only gay in the village, and such. But there’s a deeply unpleasant and unfunny side to what Magistrate Carol Peralta said in his now-infamous ‘gay jibe’ sentence on Monday. I’d say in fact that the sentence, and the reasoning behind it, may have set a dangerous precedent.

As reported, the court argued that the accused’s action was the direct result of provocation and therefore worthy of leniency. That’s assuming that being provoked by someone is a fine reason for parking your car on their head. Still, the law seems to allow for that and I suppose we have to accept that thus far Magistrate Peralta was well within his ambit.

Times: Of laws and asses
Sunday, October 14, 2012 by Claire Bonello

Most people agree with the saying that ‘the law is an ass’. Every now and again we come across a judgment which proves that this is indeed the case. In this vein we have the judgment given by Magistrate Carol Peralta in what has become known as ‘The Mellieħa Jibe Case’ or alternatively ‘The Gay Jibe Case’.

Described in that manner it sounds like some cosy mystery story by Enid Blyton on the lines of The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat or The Mystery of the Missing Necklace. In reality it’s a case where a man deliberately drove into another, causing grievous injuries and permanent damage and got away with the equivalent of a pat on the back.

Friday, 12 October 2012

YouTube: I DO Teaser

A film about the complexities of love, family and a green card marriage.
Song: Unravelling by Harry Escott:
Official Selection Outfest
Official Selection Frameline
Winner "Rising Film Star Award" QFest

This new feature length narrative indie film takes a look at the human cost of DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act), the law that bars same sex couples full federal level rights in America.
[Tags: Immigration, Migration, Residence Permit, Work Permit]

Times: Is the word ‘gay’ offensive? We ask people in Mellieħa
Friday, October 12, 2012 by Kim Dalli

[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

Magistrate Carol Peralta’s decision to hand Alan Gauci from Mellieħa a conditional discharge after he ran over Australian Jeremy Lalic for making a gay jibe was regarded as lenient by many. Yet, the most critical comments were propelled by the magistrate’s reasoning in his judgment. According to Magistrate Peralta, the conditional discharge was appropriate given the “mentality” of Mellieħa residents who considered such an insult “unacceptable”.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Courts: Police Vs Gauci Alan
[Mellieħa incident: Australian run over for calling someone gay]

Court Of Magistrates (Criminal Judicature)
Parties: Police Vs Gauci Alan, Date: 03/10/2012, Reference: 256/2004 
[Kopja Informali tas-Sentenza] [Verżjoni PDF]
Aqra l-Appell hawn [PDF].  



Seduta tat-3 ta' Ottubru, 2012 

Numru. 256/2004


Rat l-akkuza migjuba kontra l-imsemmi Alan Gauci detentur tal-Karta tal-Identita` numru 340476M.

Akkużat talli: 

Fil-21 ta` Marzu 2004 ghal habta tal-erbgha ta` filghodu fil- Mellieha bil-hsieb li joqtol jew li jqieghed il-hajja ta` Jeremy Lalic f’periklu car, wera dan il-hsieb b’atti esterni u ta bidu ghall-esekuzzjoni ta` dan id-delitt, billi saq vettura tal-ghamla Sunbeam Imp bin-numru ZWE 113 fid- direzzjoni tieghu, liema delitt ma giex esegwit minhabba xi haga accidentali u indipendenti mill-volonta` tieghu;

Gay Star News: Motorist freed despite running over man who called him gay

Malta Magistrates Court sets local man free after leaving an Australian tourist permanently disabled

A Maltese man is walking free after running over an Australian tourist in his car who ‘provoked’ him by implying he was gay.

Alan Gauci, of Mellieha, was let off the hook by Magistrate Carol Peralta yesterday (9 October), after he admitted to causing permanent disability to Jeremy Lalic in 2004.

Times: Gay jibe sentence may be appealed
Thursday, October 11, 2012 by Kurt Sansone

The Attorney General is considering appealing against a magistrate’s decision to hand a man a conditional discharge after he ran over an Australian for making a gay jibe.

Attorney General Peter Grech said his office would be “looking into the case” but refrained from commenting on the decision.

The sentence, seen by some as lenient, was handed down by Magistrate Carol Peralta on Friday and published on Monday.

Independent: Mellieha gay jibes case - ‘A very negative message’
11 October 2012  by Francesca Vella

Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja said yesterday that the gay jibes court case involving a Mellieħa man who was let off with a slap on the wrist after trying to run down a drunk Australian sends a very negative message to any victim of violent crime.

“Irrespective of what the harassment was, the response was definitely not proportionate or justified,” said Ms Calleja in reaction to the fact that the Mellieħa man had taken the law into his own hands because he felt insulted by the Australian’s insinuation that he was gay.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Guardian: Stem Cell Discovery will allow Gay Men to create their own eggs for surrogate birth

Recent findings by a group of Scientists from the Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) have taken the Scientific World by storm, and this has raised numerous questions about the findings, and the potential uses and abuses.
This discovery will allow gay men to create an egg of their own, not having to use a donated egg from a female donor, thereby allowing creation of a child born with both parents DNA, not just the DNA of one of the men and the DNA from the egg donor, as is currently the case. This finding has the potential to invigorate the LGBT community, and whispers of it’s use in this manner are already beginning.

Pink News: New condom guide for gay and bi men launched
30 July 2012, 3:03pm by Staff Writer,

THT advise that condoms remain the best way to prevent HIV

HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust has launched an online guide instructing gay men in condom use.

The guide has been launched as part of a new HIV prevention campaign for gay and bisexual men in London.

Malta Today: ‘Mellieha honour’ ruling sent message that homophobia can be condoned – MGRM

‘Disconcerting that the court thinks harassing someone verbally on one single occasion justifies such a violent and extreme reaction which resulted in a permanent disability’ - gay rights movement.
Wednesday 10 October 2012 - 12:36 by Karl Stagno-Navarra

Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday.

A court decision yesterday to conditionally discharge a man on attempted murder charges, because he had been 'provoked' by homophobic taunts on the part of the victim, sent the message that homophobia can be condoned in certain circumstances, according to the Malta Gay Rights Movement's coordinator Gabi Calleja.

Alan Gauci, 36 of Mellieha, was let off the hook yesterday by Magistrate Carol Peralta after admitting to causing permanent disability to an Australian tourist in 2004. In the incident, Gauci deliberately ran his victim over in a car at 4am, after being called "gay" by the tourist.

Times: Do not call me gay
Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 07:29 by Alison Bezzina

IMPORTANT Disclaimer - this blog is not to be consumed literally. If you lack the sarcastic gene, please skip to the crosswords.

During my years at University, two of my very best friends hailed from Mellieħa. To be perfectly honest, I always knew that something wasn't quite right with them - for starters, they hung around me out of their own free will, and secondly they hardly ever complained about the long commute to and from University.

Strangely, whereas normal people would hate that daily hour-long nightmare, these very strange people from Mellieħa accepted it in a Zen kind of way.

Times: The gay, backwater of Mellieħa?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 14:10 by Ramona Depares

I know I shouldn’t be flippant, really, given that the incident points to a highly disturbing mentality where the word “gay” is used as an insult and is also perceived as one by its recipient.

But seriously, the amount of “what the hells” (since I’m not allowed to use the more forceful internet lingo) that the latest court report generates is baffling. Go on, read more here. Basically, I can’t stop myself from giggling in exasperation at the inanity of it all. Immature, I know. But really, when you have an Australian guy, probably off his face, daring to call a Mellieħi “gay”... the potential for comedy just cannot be ignored. And sure enough, the potential was fulfilled.

Malta Star: Let off as victim called him gay
Wednesday, 10 Oct 2012, 07:04

A 36 year old man from Mellieha was let off lightly by the court when he was charged in knocking down an Australian and causing him permanent disability after he implied he was gay. The court accepted the prosecution’s viewpoint that the incident happened because the Mellieha man felt provoked. The court also accepted that the Mellieha man felt insulted because of the village homophobic mentality.

Malta Right Now: Malti ħati li tajjar Awstraljan fil-Mellieħa għax għajru omosesswali
9 t' Ottubru, 2012 13:55 CET minn Ray ABDILLA

Raġel ta' 36 sena mill-Mellieħa kien illiberat bil-kundizzjoni li ma jagħmilx reat ieħor fi żmien tliet snin mill-Maġistrat Carol Peralta wara li nstab ħati li kkaġuna feriti gravi fuq Awstraljan wara li tajjru bil-karozza. L-inċident seħħ wara li nqala' argument f'ħanut tax-xorb fil-Mellieħa meta Awstraljan qagħad jiddieħaq bil-Malti u dan rah fit-triq u tajjru bil-karozza.

Fid-deċiżjoni tagħha dwar dan il-każ l-Qorti ħadet inkonsiderazzjoni l-lokalità u l-mentalità tas-soċjetà tal-lokalità tal-Mellieħa. Il-każ kien seħħ fil-21 ta' Marzu tal-2004 fl-4.30 ta' filgħodu. Mill-provi rriżulta li Alan Gauci saq il-karozza tiegħu għal fuq il-vittma Jeremy Lalic għal ta' l-apposta, u dan wara li kien inqala argument bejniethom fiz-Zep's Bar fil-Mellieħa ftit qabel.

iNews Malta: Transesswali tilmenta li fuq il-Gozo Channel talbuha tuża t-toilet tal-irġiel
17:06 | 09.10.2012

Celine, persuna transesswali, irrakkontat waqt il-programm 'Bejnietna' fuq Favourite Channel kif sfat “umiljata” meta fuq il-vapur tal-Gozo Channel kienet mitluba tuża t-toilet tal-irġiel. Minkejja dan fl-istess programm hi tkellmet ukoll dwar kif b'mod ġenerali fis-soċjetà Maltija l-affarijiet bdew jinbidlu għall-aħjar.

Fil-programm Bejnietna, li ddiskuta d-drittijiet ta’ persuni omosesswali Celine qalet: “Ġieli jkun hemm sitwazzjonijiet… ftit ilu kelli nitla’ Għawdex u konna jiena u ħabiba tiegħi transesswali, jiġi membru tal-crew u ppretenda li aħna, jiena u l-ħabiba tiegħi nużaw it-toilet tal-irġiel.”

“Dawn huma affarijiet fejn int tħossok umiljata quddiem in-nies… imma dawn jiġru, peró mhux ta’ spiss almenu lili,” qalet Celine.

Independent: Man let off with a slap on the wrist after trying to run down drunk Australian for gay jibes
Article published on 10 October 2012

Magistrate Carol Peralta yesterday conditionally acquitted Alan Gauci, 36, of Mellieħa after finding him guilty of seriously injuring an Australian by driving at him and hitting him with his car.

The offence was committed on 21 March, 2004 at 4.30am after the two had argued at Zep’s Bar in Mellieħa, shortly before.

The thinking of society in Mellieħa played a part in the court’s deliberations. The Australian, Jeremy Lalic, had been noisy in the bar and was offending Mr Gauci, gesticulating even behind his back, and giving the impression that Mr Gauci was homosexual and propositioning him. Mr Lalic had offended most of those in the bar, but especially Mr Gauci, the court heard.

iNews Malta: Il-qorti tikkunsidra l-mentalità tal-post fis-sentenza tagħha
12:23 | 09.10.2012

Raġel ta’ 36 sena kien illiberat bil-kundizzjoni li ma jikkommettix reat ieħor fi żmien tliet snin, wara li nstab ħati li kkaġuna feriti gravi fuq Awstraljan wara li laqtu b’daqqa ta’ karozza.

Fid-deċiżjoni tagħha dwar dan il-każ l-Qorti ppreseduta mill-Maġistrat Carol Peralta ħadet inkonsiderazzjoni l-lokalità u l-mentalità tas-soċjetà ta’ dik il-lokalità. Il-każ kien seħħ fil-21 ta’ Marzu tal-2004 fil-Mellieħa fl-4.30 ta' filgħodu.

Malta Today: Mellieħa man who ran over obnoxious Aussie tourist ‘was defending his honour’

A Mellieha man was surprisingly discharged after causing a tourist permanent disability, when the court ruled his actions were provoked by the victim's taunting.
Court & Police Tuesday 9 October 2012 - 11:59 by Karl Stagno-Navarra

The insinuation by a drunken tourist that the accused was gay, led the court to believe the accused – from Mellieha – was defending his honour when the accusation was made in the presence of other villagers.

Alan Gauci, 36 of Mellieha, was given a conditional discharged by Magistrate Carol Peralta after admitting to causing permanent disability on an Australian tourist in 2004, when he deliberately ran him over in a car at 4am, on the basis that the accused - a Mellieha resident - had defended his honour after he was called "gay" by the tourist.

Times: Court says gay jibe not acceptable in localities like Mellieħa

Accused conditionally discharged despite seriously injuring man
Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 11:51
[See parallel article here.]

Magistrate Carol Peralta. Photo: Kenan Pasic

A Mellieha man who seriously injured an Australian who implied he was gay, got off with a conditional discharge today after the court considered he had been provoked, and that the perceived insult might not have been acceptable in a locality like Mellieha.

The incident happened in the early hours of March 21, 2004.

The court heard that Alan Gauci, 36, had been in a bar when with Australian Jeremy Lalic insinuated that he (Gauci) was gay.

Times: I am and, therefore, I know
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 by Kenneth Zammit Tabona

Cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. It was, in fact, Emeritus Presi­dent Eddie Fenech Adami who quoted this extremely salient adage at the Times To Debate held last Tuesday, themed Is The Church 200 Years Behind The Times?

Had Cardinal Martini died 10 years ago I very much doubt whether a debate like this could have been organised for the simple reason that there would have been very little public interest. Never in the history of the world has the man in the street been better informed. Cogito, ergo sum encapsulates the gist of the last interview given by the late Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, in which this visionary questions the validity and relevance of the Church today in a number of scenarios directly connected with us, the laity, whom, it seems, the Church has not yet fully accepted as made up of people who doubt and question the Church’s stand on issues like IVF, divorce and same sex marriage, which, in Malta, the gay lobby has accepted to call civil partnership.

Monday, 8 October 2012

L-Orizzont: Meħtiega “roadmap” li tippromwovi drittijiet għall-persuni gay u leżbjani'Ahbarijiet'&ID2=96669
8.10.12 minn Sammy Sammut

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea kienet imħeġġa tipproduċi “roadmap” li tippromwovi drittijiet għal persuni gay u leżbjani. Dan l-appell sar fi tmiem ta’ laqgħa li saret fil-Parlament Ewropew dwar kwistjonijiet li jolqtu mill-qrib persuni trans u intersesswali.

Il-laqgħa, organizzata mill-Intergroup għad-Drittijiet LGBT fi ħdan il-Parlament Ewropew, saret wara l-pubb­likazzjoni ta’ rapport ġdid dwar persuni trans u intersesswali, miktub minn żewġ uffiċjali ta’ ILGA-Europe, il-Malti Silvan Agius u Christa Tobler, li kien ikkummissjonat mill-European Network of Legal Experts fil-qasam ta’ non-diskriminazzjoni.

It-Torċa: “Illum omm għal uliedi…qabel kont missierhom”

Mhux tas-soltu
7.10.12 minn Gaetano Micallef [Verżjoni Pdf]

KIF tħossok li kieku l-ġenituri jinfirdu wara li missierek jibda jilbes ta’ mara u jgħid lil ommok li hekk jixtieq jgħix? Din il-mistoqsija mhux biss staqsewha imma esperjenzawha Charlie u Conor Lamprey, żewġ aħwa Ingliżi.

It-tnejn li huma kellhom jiffaċċjaw ix-xenarju li jgħaddu minnu dawk it-tfal li f’mument jew ieħor ta’ ħajjithom jirrealizzaw li xi ħadd mill-ġenituri tagħhom ikun qed jgħix ħajja doppja minħabba l-orjentazzjoni sesswali tiegħu jew tagħha.

[Kompli aqra hawn.]

La Nación: Justice still due one year after the murder of gay Naval Sergeant

[Note by P. Attard: I have translated this article because I have found no reference to the case in English. This a very sad and important story. "Gay" Marriage was introduced in Argentina in July 2010 and Octavio Romero was going to be the first member of an Argentine Armed Force to marry a man. He was a sergeant at the Prefectura which is equivalent to a Naval Coast Guard / Frontier Police Force.]

Octavio Romero was murdered and his body was found in the River [Rio de la Plata] soon after asking permission to marry; Gabriel Gersbach, his partner with whom he lived for 12 years, has asked to be the plaintiff to know the status of the case
Monday June 11, 2012 | 18:11, By Veronica Dema, La Nación

Octavio, the slain officer (left), with Gabriel. Photo: File / Facebook Gabriel Gersbach

A year after the death of Octavio Romero, the first officer who worked at the Argentine Naval Police and who was going to become the first uniformed force to marry another man, his partner, his family and hundreds of friends and acquaintances are still seeking justice. Once the marriage equality law was approved, Romero asked his superiors for permission to marry Gabriel Gersbach, the person with whom he lived for 12 years. He went home happy with the news that they could get married in December; according to Gersbach when interviewed by La Nación. That was not possible: a short time later, Romero disappeared from his home and his body was found six days later, naked and beaten, in the waters of the River Plate, close to Vicente Lopez [situated on the outskirts of the city of Buenos Aires], paradoxically, the banks he had to guard.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Times: ‘Labour Party has learnt its lessons and evolved’
Sunday, October 7, 2012

[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

Former divorce campaigner Deborah Schembri is an ex-Nationalist. She tells Christian Peregin Labour has changed and has its own policies which it will release in its own time.


Name: Deborah Schembri
Age: 36
Profession: Lawyer
District: 11 and 12
Residence: St Paul’s Bay
Status: Single

Friday, 5 October 2012

Independent UK: Psychotherapist who tried to ‘cure’ me of homosexuality has at last been struck off

Our writer, who uncovered gay "conversion" therapy in Britain, discusses his struggle with practitioners and British psychotherapy's regulating body

Lesley Pilkington, the psychotherapist who tried to “cure” me of my homosexuality while I was undercover investigating so-called conversion therapy, has now, finally, after a two-and-a-half-year fight, been struck off.

The professional body under which she practiced – the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy - has withdrawn her membership. She becomes the first therapist in history to be struck off after trying to convert a gay client to heterosexuality - despite decades of such abusive interventions by the profession.

Times: Marriage and cohabitation Bill
Friday, October 5, 2012 by Ann Marie Mangion

The Bill regulating cohabitation is a step forward, finally regulating a reality that legally can be considered as non-existent, to the detriment of the persons concerned. But will cohabitation be at par with marriage? Is the Bill giving marital status to a cohabiting couple?

The Bill caters for persons who share an intimate relationship, that is, siblings living together or a couple of friends living together are not classified as cohabitants.