Thursday, 30 August 2012

L-Orizzont: Opinjoni: Anke l-minoranzi bnedmin'Opinjoni'&ID2=95012
30.8.2012 minn Evarist Bartolo

F'Mejju 2011 flimkien ma’ 84 pajjiż ieħor, Malta kienet iffirmat dikjarazzjoni tal-Kunsill tal-Ġnus Magħquda dwar id-Drittijiet Umani biex jintemmu l-atti ta’ vjolenza, passi legali kriminali u kull forma ta’ ksur tad-drittijiet umani kontra persuni minħabba l-orjentazzjoni sesswali tagħhom.

Fis-sena 2008 il-Ġnus Magħquda kienet diġà daħħlet għall-ewwel darba fi stqarrija tagħha tal-Assemblea Ġenerali l-prinċipju li l-orjentazzjoni sesswali u l-identità tal-ġeneru għandhom jiġu interpretati bħala li huma parti mid-Dikjarazzjoni Universali tad-Dritti­jiet Umani li tistabilixxi li kull bniedem għandu jgawdi d-drittijiet umani sħaħ.

iNews Malta: Aġġornat: “Żibel u intolleranti” – Ira Losco

Huwa żmien impenjattiv għall-kantanta Ira Losco, li ftit tal-jiem ilu nediet is-single l-ġdida tagħha, What I’d Give. Iżda dan ma żammx lil Losco milli tikkummenta dwar l-abbozz ta’ liġi dwar il-koabitazzjoni.

Losco, li minbarra għas-suċċessi tagħha fil-qasam mużikali hija magħrufa wkoll għall-attiviżmu favur l-ugwaljanza fis-soċjetà, kellha kliem iebes ħafna għal-liġi ta’ koabitazzjoni mressqa mill-Ministru Chri Said ‘ilbieraħ.
Fuq il-fan page tal-Facebook tagħha Losco ddeskrivit din il-liġi bħala żibel u intolleranti.
“Lanqas li kieku kont ngħix f’galassija oħra ma kont naċċetta dan iż-żibel u din l-intolleranza. Nistħi li jiena mmexxija minn persuni omofobiċi u daqstant bil-għatx għall-voti.

Pink News: Maltese LGBT rights group say they feel let down by cohabitation bill
29 August 2012, 3:52pm  by Christopher Brocklebank

Malta recognises same-sex partnerships

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) has expressed disappointment at a bill to regulate cohabiting couples, which has just been launched in the country.

The MGRM say the law has failed to accede to their demands.

Letter on Marriage Equality (UK) - An Open Letter to Mr and Mrs Curnow 

Dear Mr and Mrs Curnow,

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your recent marriage. I can only imagine the joy you both are feeling right now, knowing that you have made such a significant and universally recognised commitment to the person you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with. If things remain as they currently are in the United Kingdom, I will only ever be able to imagine that feeling. You see, I am a lesbian and am therefore not legally permitted to marry the person I choose to spend my life with. I presume you must be very busy at the moment, enjoying the honeymoon period of your married life, but I hope you are willing to take few minutes to try and understand why I find it very upsetting, confusing and frustrating that you both were allowed to marry the person you chose, but I cannot.

Independent: Cohabitation Bill launched: Gay couples ‘are not a family’ – Chris Said
29 August 2012 by Annaliza Borg

Cohabitation is a state of fact, a choice made by several couples and a social reality, and the government is therefore obliged to regulate it by law, said Justice and Family Minister Chris Said yesterday.

Nevertheless, a gay couple is not a family: “It is not the government’s intention to have a gay couple on the same level as a family,” Dr Said remarked.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Times: Bill based on ‘what our society accepts’

Bill’s proposal is ‘far inferior to marriage’
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 by Kurt Sansone

The Bill disappointed gay rights groups. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

The State will not recognise cohabiting partners on the same level as families bourne out of marriage under a proposed law on cohabitation.

“We do not want to put cohabitation on the same level as a family constituted in marriage,” Dr Said insisted at a press conference launching the consultation process on the Bill.The long-awaited Bill published yesterday by Justice Minister Chris Said introduces the idea of a “civil cohabitation partnership essentially a registered contract between two people.

Malta Today: Human rights NGO in scathing attack against cohabitation bill

Justice Minister’s cohabitation bill described by human rights NGO aditus as ‘a regrettable failure’.
Tuesday 28 August 2012 - 19:14,  Miriam Dalli 

'The draft bill has reduced same-sex relationships to quasi-commercial transactions between two persons' - aditus foundation

Human rights NGO aditus has come out strong against the newly launched cohabitation draft bill, describing it as a "regrettable failure based on a zero-starting point".

Mazzun: Ara vera pupazzi tal-Knisja!
August 28, 2012

Jiġbdilhom l-ispaga l-Isqof ta’ żmenijiet id-dlam u joqomsu dawn in-Nazzjonalisti konservattivi!

Aħna tal-Mazzun kemm il-darba għedna li naqblu li l-koppji gay jiżżewġu u jkollhom l-istess drittijiet bħall-koppji eterosesswali. Wara kollox dawn jaħdmu, jħallsu t-taxxa u jikkontribwixxu lejn is-soċjeta’ Maltija daqs ħaddieħor, mela meta l-istat ikun qed jgħid li se jagħtihom biċċa dritt bħalma qed jagħmel il-Ministru Chris Said, dan qed jiddiskrimina magħhom.

Andrew Azzopardi: “…it has been presented as a [cohabitation] bill that tries to shove other ‘realities’ beneath the carpet” – Cyrus Engerer

Cyrus Engerer gives his comments on the proposed Cohabitation Bill;

“The proposed cohabitation bill is a disgraceful one and falls short of all the promises made by GonziPN during the past year, especially through ‘star’ Minister Said. It also shows that no matter what consultation sessions were held with relevant stakeholders, everything fell on Dr. Gonzi’s deaf ears, who remains leading this ultra-conservative government.

Firstly, I believe that a bill regulating cohabitation, should do just that. It should be open to all those who cohabit, especially those who are not in an intimate relationship with each other. It should lay out their rights and obligations towards each other. Therefore, it should address family members who live together (for instance an uncle and a nephew, two siblings etc.) and friends/individuals who share the same dwelling. Against all odds, it is these that the bill omits.

Malta Today: Is gay love second-class?

The proposed cohabitation bill risks institutionalising inequality by creating a ‘second class’ division for same sex couples.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012, James Debono

Instead of strengthening the institution of marriage, the state is creating a second class category which lumps together same-sex couples.

Justice Minister Chris Said said the new bill regulating cohabitation will not be providing an alternative to marriage, but safeguard the right of cohabiting partners. He also boasts that this for the first time same-sex relationships will be given recognition by the state.

Di-ve: Proposed registration of gay couples is not enough – AD
Article news, 28.8.2012

Michael Briguglio, chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika (AD), said that the proposed registration of same-sex couples in the cohabitation bill is not enough.

"While other parties propose civil unions or registered partnerships, AD is in sync with the proposals of the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) for recognition of same-sex marriage. Only the right of marriage represents equality," he said.

Malta Today: Malta Gay Rights Movement ‘disappointed’ with cohabitation bill

Malta Gay Rights Movement says cohabitation bill does not put gay relationships at par with marriage and stigmatises same-sex couples.
Tuesday 28 August 2012 - 14:38

Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja.

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) has expressed disappointment at the newly-launched bill to regulate cohabiting couples, saying the law failed to accede to the gay rights' lobby's demands.

"It is hugely disappointing that the [cohabitation] bill proposed does not accede to most of MGRM's demands and fails to attain even the minimal level of recognition acceptable, that is civil unions at a par with marriage," the MGRM said.

iNews Malta: Koabitazzjoni: “Mhux fuq l-istess livell ta’ familja”
13:17 | 28.08.2012

Il-Ministru Chris Said nieda l-abbozz ta’ liġi li għandu jirregola l-koabitazzjoni f’pajjiżna. Meta kien qiegħed jagħmel dan saħaq li dan l-abbozz huwa mibni fuq numru ta’ premessi. Fosthom li l-koabitazzjoni hi stat ta’ fatt u stat ta’ għażla u li żdiedu sew il-persuni li jgħixu f’din it-tip ta’ relazzjoni. Sostna li din m’għandiex tkun tip ieħor ta’ żwieġ u mhux se tkun fuq l-istess livell. Għall-mistoqsijiet tal-ġurnalisti Chris Said għamilha ċara li mhix l-intenzjoni tal-gvern li jpoġġi koppji f’koabitazzjoni fuq l-istess livell taż-żwieġ, anke dawk omosesswali.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Malta Star: Aditus: “co-habitation bill is zero-starting point”

Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 20:56

NGO on human rights aditus said on Tuesday that the co-habitation bill proposed by government “although being offered as a tool to recognise same-sex relationships, effectively does nothing to alter the present barren legal scenario.”

iNews Malta: Aġġornat: "Liġi falliment" – aditus
19:24 | 28.08.2012

"Wara xhur ta' laqgħat mal-Gvern li matulhom kienu diskussi diversi forom għall-għaqda legali bejn koppji tal-istess sess, il-fondazzjoni aditus tista' tiddeskrivi l-liġi ppreżentata llum dwar il-koabitazzjoni bħala falliment. Għalkemm kienet preżentata bħala għodda biex ikunu rikonoxxuti żwiġijiet tal-istess sess, din il-liġi ma tagħmel xejn biex tneħħi l-vojt li hemm fis-sistema legali ta' pajjiżna." Il-fondazzjoni aditus qalet dan permezz ta' stqarrija.

Times: JPO reacts as government launches Cohabitation Bill

Independent MP says Bill is step in right direction, but will move amendments
Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 12:49

[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

The Cohabitation Bill, launched today, provides for Civil Cohabitation Partnerships which may be registered between a man and a woman or two people of the same gender, to regulate their relationship.

Malta Today: Update 2 | Cohabitation bill recognises same-sex couples but not families, JPO to propose amendments

Proposed registration of gay couples ‘not enough’ – AD. Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to move amendments. PL to wait for publication of bill before commenting further.

Justice Minister Chris Said launches Malta's first law to regulate cohabiting couples.

Adds comments by Labour

[Click on the hyperlink above to listen to the interview.]

A consultation process has been launched over Malta's first act to regulate cohabiting partners, which is expected to be debated in parliament in October.

Malta Star: Cohabitation bill disappoints gays
Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012, 12:37

The Cohabitation Bill proposed by Justice Minister Chris Said will allow for registration of gay couples but does not recognize gay civil partnerships and falls short of what gays have expected and demanded.

MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who has resigned from the PN and declared himself independent wrote on Facebook after the bill was made public today: “The proposed bill which provides for the regulation of cohabitation is a long-overdue step in the right direction. I may be proposing some amendments at the appropriate moment during the forthcoming parliamentary debate.”

Registered couples will be granted next of kin rights such as hospital visitation rights.

A gay partner from a non-EU country will start enjoying protection in the area of work and residence rights.

Malta Right Now: Il-Gvern jippreżenta l-abbozz ta' liġi dwar il-koabitazzjoni

Wara ħames ġimgħat ta' konsultazzjoni pubblika jitressaq fil-Parlament f'Ottubru'+li%26%23289%3Bi+dwar+il-koabitazzjoni&t=a&aid=99839980&cid=19
Amy BORG, 28 t' Awwissu, 2012 15:44 CET

Il-Gvern ippubblika d-dettalji tal-abbozz ta' liġi dwar il-koabitazzjoni - liġi li se tagħraf il-koabitazzjoni bħala realtà soċjali li tinvolvi drittijiet u dmirijiet.

Il-liġi ġdida li ppreżenta l-Gvern tistabilixxi li l-persuni li jistgħu jikkoabitaw huma żewġ persuni adulti ta' sess differenti jew tal-istess sess, li jgħixu flimkien bħala koppja f'relazzjoni intima u li iżda m'humiex qraba ta' xulxin u li m'humiex miżżewġin lil xulxin.
Dawn il-persuni jridu jkunu ilhom jgħixu flimkien minn tal-inqas sentejn jew aktar f'każ li huma jkunu l-genituri ta' tifel jew tifla jew aktar u li dawn l-ulied ikunu jiddependu minnhom, jew għal ħames snin jew aktar f'kull każ ieħor.

MGRM Disappointed by Civil Cohabitation Partnership Bill

Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM), Press Release, 28.8.2012
Gabi Calleja, Coordinator, MGRM, 21 Parish Street, Mosta MST 2012

The Malta Gay Rights Movement was involved in a number of consultation meetings with Minister Chris Said regarding the legal recognition of same-sex couples and their families. MGRM presented the Minister with its Position Paper on Marriage Equality published in January of this year which laid out the reasoning behind the Movement's demands.

DOI: Liġi li tagħraf il-Koabitazzjoni bħala realtà soċjali li tinvolvi Drittijiet u Dmirijiet

PR 1852, Department of Information, 28.8.2012 [PDF Version]

Il-Gvern se jilleġiżla biex jirrikonoxxi li l-koabitazzjoni hi realta` soċjali li tinvolvi kemm drittijiet kif ukoll dmirijiet. Il-Gvern qed idaħħal għall-ewwel darba l-kunċett tas-civil cohabitation partnership fil-liġi Maltija, u qed jiddikjara għall-ewwel darba li persuni li jagħmlu l-għażla li jikkoabitaw għandhom drittijiet u obbligi. M’huwiex aċċettabbli li ċertu relazzjonijiet ta’ koabitazzjoni jispiċċaw fi sfruttament ta’ waħda mill-partijiet u din il-liġi hi maħsuba biex telimina dan it-tip ta’ sfruttament.

Civil Cohabitation Partnership Bill launched


Note by P. Attard.
The Minister for Justice, Dialogue and Family, Dr Chris Said has presented the First Reading of the Bill which introduces Civil Partnerships in Malta earlier today. The term Civil Cohabitation Partnership is used to avoid confusion with business-related civil partnerships.

Five weeks of consultation are allocated to the civil society until the 30th September 2012 and then the Bill will be presented to Parliament for the second reading.

The text of the Bill can be found below. [Click here for the pdf version.]

A Bill entitled AN ACT to provide for the regulation of cohabitation.

Times: Cohabitation Bill to feature registration of gay couples
Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 11:31

Monday, 27 August 2012

Times: Same-sex marriages
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Recognition of same-sex couples in marriage would strengthen the concept of the family, the chairman of Alternattiva Demokratika Michael Briguglio has said.

AD believed there should be full equality in all aspects of social and family policy, irrespective of one’s sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, he said.

AD: LGBT Rights – AD for Full Equality [EN / MT]

PR 21-8-2012 Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party; P.O. Box 38, Marsa, MTP1001

In a meeting with the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM), Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that it believes that there should be full equality in all aspects of social and family policy, irrespective of one’s sexual sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “AD has long believed in equality for all insocial and family rights. I am proud to announce that AD is endorsing MGRM’s position that as regards marriage equality. Equality can only materialise by having one institution for both different-sex and same-sex couples. Recognition of same-sex couples in marriage would lead to the strengthening of the concept of the family. More and more societies and political parties are increasingly recognizing this. Within the EU, the influence of the European Greens is of great importance for such progressive change".

Malta Today: AD endorses MGRM’s position on marriage equality
Tuesday 21 August 2012 - 16:43 by Bianca Caruana

Alternattiva Demokratika says it will adopt Gay Rights Movement’s position for full equality regarding marriage and parenthood for same-sex and heterosexual couples, as well as single persons.

Homosexual couples should have the same rights for marriage as do heterosexual couples says AD

Alternattiva Demokratika said it will be fully endorsing the Malta Gay Rights Movement’s (MGRM) position regarding marriage equality and parenthood.

Di-ve: AD pro equality for LGBT Rights
22.8.12 by Joanna Demarco

This afternoon, the Green Party, Alternattiva Demokratika met up with the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) to discuss the new social and family policies which promote equality in all aspects, irrespective of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

AD Chairman Michael Briguglio asserted that “liberalism is a priority to us”, and expressed his party’s attitude in favour of marriage regardless of sexual orientation.

Times: Freedom to discriminate?
Monday, August 20, 2012, 12:46 by Ramona Depares

Cyber-space is full of pseudo philosophers and fake do-gooders who seem to have enough leisure time that they can spend their days passing judgement on lifestyles that don't coincide with theirs. Such as on those who are in a same-sex relationship.

Usually I'm happy to ignore all the thrash that clutters the web, but occasionally I get irritated enough to call these people out on their moronic approach to life. Last week was one such example.

A screen-shot of a tweet by actor Morgan Freeman bearing the legend "I hate the word homophobia. You are not scared. You are an a*****e" went viral. As is my wont with anything that can help promote an ethos of non-discrimination - I tweeted it back.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Spain wins MR GAY EUROPE for the third time
Rome, Saturday 11 August 2012

It is Miguel Ortiz from Spain who is the new Mr Gay Europe!

Miguel didn’t only wow his fellow contestants, but he also wowed the judges all the way. An early favorite, he didn’t disappoint those who were confident he would win.

Miguel couldn’t show his face on stage without the audience cheering him on. Miguel’s win wasn’t all about his looks, he had to prove that he was an all around worthy winner of the title Mr Gay Europe 2012. But it was a tough fight to get to the top. He was up against Steve Grech from Malta, and host country favorite, Nicholas Menna as the top three candidates.

Independent: Coalition talks on gay and cohabitation rights
18 August 2012

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who went into coalition with the Nationalist government on condition that the Prime Minister would consult him on proposals which were not on the PN electoral programme, yesterday had a meeting with Justice Minister Chris Said, to discuss the Cohabitation Bill.

Malta Today: Pullicino Orlando 'very satisfied' with urgency on IVF and cohabitation bills
Friday 17 August 2012 - 15:56,  Jurgen Balzan

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando expressed his satisfaction at the urgency shown by the government on the IVF and cohabitation bills.

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said he held a "positive meeting" with justice minister Chris Said on the Cohabitation Bill.

Times: Vatican backs French bishops on anti-gay marriage stance
Friday, August 17, 2012

The French Catholic Church is right to defend traditional family values, a top bishop told Vatican Radio yesterday, a day after rights groups criticised a prayer focused on families and children as homophobic.

The prayer, read out in French churches to mark the Assumption holiday, said children should “fully benefit from the love of a father and mother”, underscoring the Church’s opposition to a commitment by French President Francois Hollande to allow gay couples to marry and adopt children.

Malta Today: [SURVEY] The rise of liberal Gozo
National Tuesday 14 August 2012 - 08:05,  James Debono

Vast majority in favour of IVF as survey shows marked increase in support for gay marriages in what was seen as a conservative bastion.

Although becoming more liberal, 59% of Gozitan respondents still trust Bishop Mario Grech.

The picture emerging from a MaltaToday survey carried out over the last week among 300 Gozitan residents is a more secular one than previous surveys.

News Ways Ministry: British Catholic Leaders Support Marriage Equality Legislation
The Times of London, England, has published a letter to the editor today from 27 prominent British Catholics expressing support for the United Kingdom’s proposed legislation to legalize same-gender marriage.  (It is not possible to link to the text on the Times’ website because a subscription is required to access letters to the editor.)

The 27 signatories include James Alison (theologian & priest), Tina Beattie (theologian), Mary Grey (theologian), Bernard Lynch (priest), Martin Pendergast (Chair, Centre for the Study of Christianity & Sexuality).

Times: ‘We must put honour back into honourable’
Sunday, August 12, 2012 by Christian Peregin

Cardiologist Albert Fenech tells Christian Peregin he would turn down a ministerial post if it was offered to him, as his mission in politics is to convince people to vote PN and prove that honest politicians still exist.
[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]


Age: 60
Profession: Cardiologist
Residence: St Julian’s
Districts: 6 and 10
Status: Single

Why have you decided to become an election candidate?

I’ve seen Malta change over the years and I strongly believe the only party that can continue this progress is the Nationalist Party.

Times: ‘I am in it to win it’
Sunday, August 12, 2012 by Christian Peregin

Paediatric surgeon Chris Fearne endorsed Joseph Muscat to become Labour leader. He tells Christian Peregin the time of arrogant politicians is over.
[Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]


Age: 49
Profession: Paediatric surgeon
Residence: Tarxien
Districts: 3 and 4
Status: Married with three children

Why did you chose to stand for election?

If a Labour government is preferential towards its own, rather than making open calls, would you put your foot down?I am unhappy with the way things are going. People are not better off than they were five years ago. I’m also unhappy with the fact that in many cases it is not a question of what you know, but who you know.

Corriere de la Sera: Libano: test omosessualita', proteste
11 Agosto 2012 18:54 ESTERI

(ANSA) - BEIRUT - Decine di persone hanno manifestato oggi davanti ad un tribunale di Beirut per protestare contro il ricorso ad un 'test' anale su alcuni uomini sospettati di essere omosessuali, un orientamento sessuale illegale in Libano. Il 28 luglio la polizia libanese ha compiuto una retata in un cinema gay della capitale, al termine della quale 36 uomini sono stati sottoposti a questo esame per stabilire il loro orientamento sessuale. I manifestanti chiedono che il test venga proibito e punito dalla legge.

Times: Draft Cohabitation Bill provides for gays
Friday, August 10, 2012 by Mark Micallef

The PN parliamentary group was convened yesterday to discuss a draft Bill on cohabitation which also makes some kind of provision for gay partnerships.

The meeting saw Justice Minister Chris Said give a presentation on the proposed law at Castille in the evening.

Malta Today: Josie Muscat convinced he never did anything wrong on IVF
Wednesday 8 August 2012 - 08:33,  Jurgen Balzan

Private hospital owner Josie Muscat understands the Catholic Church’s stand on IVF but insists he never offered services which he terms as “abusive”.

Josie Muscat said he always refused to offer IVF to gay persons.

The owner of the St James Hospital Group and former Nationalist MP, Josie Muscat, said that he understood the Catholic Church's stand on IVF but insisted that during the past 23 years in which he has been offering IVF services in his private hospital he refrained from offering services which he termed "abusive".

Telegraph: Gay man disowned by father publishes final 'hate' letter
7:00AM BST 08 Aug 2012 By Hannah Furness

A gay man who was disowned by his father after he came out has published the final farewell letter he received, in an attempt to expose the “zealotry”, “intolerance” and “persecution” he has been subjected to.
The hand written letter has been viewed by nearly 800,000 people across the world Photo: ALAMY

Spiegel: German Minister Supports Tax Benefits for Gay Couples

'Consistent with Conservative Values' 
08/07/2012 01:28 PM

Germany has long been taking incremental steps toward full legal equality between gay and heterosexual couples. Now, the country's family minister has come out in favor of extending existing tax benefits to those in a civil union, saying it is consistent with conservative values because gay couples take "lasting responsibility" for one another.

A gay couple after their civil ceremony. (DPA)

Times: Pathetically Sad Arguments
Friday, August 3, 2012, 19:30 by Alison Bezzina

The worst kind of let downs are the ones you walk straight into. They’re the ones your better judgement warns you about but you just don’t listen.

And this is exactly what I did with the new IVF Bill.

Times: IVF: There but for the Graces
Saturday, August 4, 2012 by I.M. Beck

I’m afraid I’m going to annoy people I shouldn’t be annoying today. I’ve already annoyed quite a few folk with my blog, when I was more than slightly scathing of the way the Curiae have reacted to the notion that IVF is going to be legalised and regulated.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Malta Today: ‘Having children is not a right’ – pro-lifers on IVF

Gift Of Life supporting IVF bill over ban on embryo freezing.
Friday 3 August 2012 - 15:14, Matthew Vella

The organisation insisted, without quoting any specific data, that IVF remains an “inefficient technique” with a very high failure rate.

Pro-lifers Gift Of Life have welcomed the Embryo Protection bill that will regulate IVF in Malta, saying the law was necessary due to the lack of regulation over private clinics in the protection of embryos and prospective parents.

MHA: Reaction to the Embryo Protection Bill

The Malta Humanist Association (MHA), Press Release, by Ramon Casha, PRO

With the people of Malta having shown a strong preference for civil law to be decided in a secular manner, the new “Embryo Protection Bill” is rather jarring in its extreme and conservative tone. The Malta Humanist Association will be giving a detailed assessment and critique for the Bill “for the protection of embryos”, but at this early stage wishes to point out the matters that seem to be most urgent, until the final report is complete.

Malta Today: No access to IVF for gay couples – national women’s council

National Council of Women says egg freezing best solution to ethical dilemma over frozen embryos.
Thursday 2 August 2012 - 09:21 by  Matthew Vella

The new law will only allow the fertilisation of two eggs at a time, while the rest 
of the harvested eggs will be frozen.

The National Council of Women has come out in support of the draft IVF law that seeks to ban the freezing of embryos and instead introduce oocyte vitrification, or egg freezing, to skirt the ethical dilemma of what to do with supernumerary embryos.

Times: No IVF discrimination against gays – minister

Regulatory authority will decide exactly who can adopt frozen embryos
Thursday, August 2, 2012 by Kurt Sansone

The Justice Minister yesterday insisted there was no discrimination involved in the proposed law to regulate in-vitro fertilisation that bars gay couples from using the treatment.

Independent: Embryo Protection Act discriminatory – MGRM
01 August 2012

The Malta Gay Rights Movement holds the Embryo Protection Act to be blatantly discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation and is inherently homophobic in nature. It believes that by excluding same-sex couples and single people from its definition of prospective parents the Act goes against basic human rights principles such as the right to found a family.

Malta Today: Chris Said: IVF bill not discriminatory

Minister says IVF children should be born in family with father and mother as parents.
Wednesday 1 August 2012 - 17:00

Justice minister Chris Said.

Justice minister Chris Said has defended the draft law regulating in vitro fertilisation, which excludes same-sex couples, saying the government's interest is for children to be brought up in a family with a mother and a father.

Times: IVF ban for gay couples ‘intolerant’
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Limiting IVF treatment to married and heterosexual couples is “blatantly discriminatory” on the basis of sexual orientation and is “inherently homophobic in nature”, according to the Malta Gay Rights Movement.
It is truly shameful that LGBT people will be forced to access reproductive health services in other countries
The government last week published a draft Bill to regulate IVF treatment for consultation.
If passed, the law will regulate a hitherto-uncontrolled sector and make costly IVF treatment – now only available at private clinics – free at Mater Dei Hospital.

Malta Star: MGRM: IVF bill discriminates against gays
Tuesday, 31 Jul 2012, 08:40

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) said on Tuesday that the Embryo Protection Act is blatantly discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation and is inherently homophobic in nature. MGRM said that the bill to regulate IVF in Malta “believes that by excluding same sex couples and single persons from its definition of prospective parents the Act goes against basic human rights principles such as the right to found a family.”

MGRM said that according to the Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity drawn up by a distinguished group of human rights experts, States should take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure the right to found a family, including through access to adoption or assisted procreation (including donor insemination), without discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Di-ve: Gay rights movement deems IVF act 'discriminatory'
31 | 07 | 2012 at 08:52

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) said in a statement that it holds the Embryo Protection Act to be "blatantly discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation and inherently homophobic in nature".

The MGRM said it believes that by excluding same sex couples and single persons from its definition of prospective parents, the Act goes against basic human rights principles such as the right to start a family.

Times: IVF bill 'discriminatory' - MGRM
Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 08:24

The Embryo Protection Act is blatantly discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation and inherently homophobic in nature, the Malta Gay Rights Movement said.

Malta Today: IVF law ‘inherently homophobic’ – gay rights movement

MGRM hits out at IVF law, says gay parents will be forced to go abroad for medical service.
Tuesday 31 July 2012 - 09:30, Matthew Vella

MGRM coordinator Gabi Calleja said the IVF bill was inherently homophobic due to its restrictive interpretation of what a family is.

The Malta Gay Rights Movement has hit out at Malta's draft law for the regulation of in vitro fertilization, claiming the Embryo Protection Bill is discriminatory against gay parents and "inherently homophobic in nature".

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

MGRM: MGRM response to the Embryo Protection Act

PRESS STATEMENT, Malta Gay Rights Movement, 31/07/2012

The Malta Gay Rights Movement holds the Embryo Protection Act to be blatantly discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation and is inherently homophobic in nature. It believes that by excluding same sex couples and single persons from its definition of prospective parents the Act goes against basic human rights principles such as the right to found a family.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Times: Patients who are winning the battle against HIV virus

Gene therapy builds optimism for future Aids treatment, conference is told
Saturday, July 28, 2012 Kerry Sheridan and Jean-Louis Santini

Small but significant breakthrough studies on people who have been able to overcome or control HIV were presented on Thursday at a major world conference on ways to stem the 30-year-old disease.

One study focused on a group of 12 patients in France who began treatment on antiretroviral drugs within 10 weeks of becoming infected with human immuno­deficiency virus, but then stopped the therapy after nearly three years.

It-Torċa: Il-politiċi għandhom jgħidulna dwar il-ħajja sesswali tagħhom

29.7.12 [Dan l-artiklu mhux fuq is-sit tat-Torċa s'issa iżda tista' tarah hawn.]

Fr Colin,

• Nixtieqek tieħu pożizzjoni pubblika dwar dawk il-politiċi li jaħbu l-fatt li huma omosesswali. Aħna, bħala dawk li ntellgħuhom fil-Parlament, għandna kull dritt li nkunu nafu x’inhi l-ħajja tagħhom u kif jgħixu s-sesswalità tagħhom li tista’ tinfluwenza l-mod kif jivvutaw fil-Parlament.

Mintoff Decriminalises Homosexuality

Ara l-ittra pastorali tal-Arċisqof Gonzi hawn:

Sunday, 19 August 2012

INews Malta: Il-każ Joanne Cassar b'impatt fl-Ewropa u lil hinn
09:53 | 27.07.2012

Il-każ ta’ Joanne Cassar, persuna transgender li l-istat Malti rrifjutalha d-dritt li tiżżewweġ se jkun deċiż mill-Qorti Ewropea għad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem iktar tard din is-sena. Anke jekk għad mhijiex stabilità d-data meta se jinstema l-każ fil-midja internazzjonali u fost dawk li jsegwu mill-qrib każi marbuta mad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, id-diskussjoni dwaru diġà bdiet.

WND: 'Transgender Marriage' Up Next?
Court of Human Rights asked to halt 'social engineering'
Published: 25.7.2012
By Alex Newman
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A crucial case on marriage and family set to be heard by the European Court of Human Rights offers the increasingly controversial institution a chance to undo an error committed a decade ago and stop what Malta’s high court called “social engineering,” according to the European Center for Law and Justice.
Experts say even the U.S., embroiled in its own battle over same-sex marriage, could be affected by the ruling.

Times: A testing time for Parliament
Sunday, July 22, 2012 by Kurt Sansone
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on the campaign trail in 2008 in Mosta.
With Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando now an independent MP, Parliament’s composition and dynamics of lawmaking have changed. Kurt Sansone reports.

Times: Pullicino Orlando wants details of Bill - Call for information about the key Bills
Saturday, July 21, 2012 by Kurt Sansone

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando wants to see the details of the Cohabitation Bill as he starts setting the terms for his collaboration with the government.

The newly-independent MP, who resigned from the Nationalist Party on Thursday, said yesterday the cohabitation and embryo protection Bills were notable items on his agenda.

NCPE: NCPE with an extended remit / L-NCPE b’mandat estiż

National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) PRESS RELEASE:

The promotion of equality on the basis of sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, racial or ethnic origin, and gender identity in employment, financial institutions and education is now an area covered by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). The remit of NCPE was extended following amendments to Chapter 456 Equality for Men and Women Act recently approved in Parliament.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Independent: Go ahead, Franco. Vote against it
12 August 2012  by Daphne Caruana Galizia

Franco Debono says he will vote against the Cohabitation Bill if the Nationalist Party does not allow him to stand on its ticket in the upcoming general election.

Good. I am totally against this bill and have been since the start. Of course, I would have preferred it had Debono decided to vote against it on principle or because he disagrees with its provisions, and not because he has the mentality of somebody raised in a hamlet in the Sicilian hinterland and who considers threats and blackmail to be so normal and acceptable that he uses them openly. And we would all have been happier if we didn’t have members of parliament who say, as Debono did, that he is thinking of voting against the Bill “without even knowing what is in it”, which is frightening especially when it comes from somebody who bangs on relentlessly about the deficiencies in other people’s democratic thinking.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Yahoo News CA: Report finds black gay males in US worst hit by HIV-AIDS
By Robert MacPherson | AFP – Wed, 18 Jul, 2012
HIV-AIDS is affecting black gay men in the United States on a scale unseen among any other group in the developed world, said a report issued Wednesday ahead of the International AIDS Conference.
So grave is the crisis that in some US cities, one in two black men who have sex with other men are HIV positive, according to the report from the Black AIDS Institute, the only national HIV-AIDS think tank focusing on African Americans.
"AIDS in America is a black disease, no matter how you look at it," its president and chief executive Phill Wilson, who is himself HIV positive, said ahead of Sunday's opening of the six-day global conference.
"The best lens through which to figure out what AIDS looks like in America is to look at AIDS in black America," he said in an interview, adding that it was time to "jump-start a new conversation... and build a robust response" to the crisis.
The 74-page report, "Back of the Line: The State of AIDS Among Black Gay Men in America," says black gay and bisexual men make up one in 500 Americans overall, but account for one in four new HIV infections in the United States.

Times: ‘Transgender’s case should be thrown out’

Joanne Cassar has been fighting for her right to marry since 2006.

The European Court of Human Rights ought to overturn a 2002 judgement that separated the right to marry from the right to form a family and throw out the case a transgender filed against Malta, according to an international NGO.

Times: Are new phone adverts ringing wrong number?
Friday, July 13, 2012 by Claudia Calleja

Some people have found the images shocking.Photo: Jason Borg

Many people, irrespective of their gender, sexuality, age or colour, have that “number one” special person in their life whom they phone or message frequently, including gay people, of course.

Times: Church approves same-sex blessings

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 09:37 by PA

The Episcopal Church in the US has approved a churchwide ceremony for blessing same-sex unions.

The Episcopal General Convention gave final approval to the liturgy during a meeting in Indianapolis.

It is the latest Episcopal step toward accepting gay relationships. The church elected its first openly gay bishop in 2003.

Other liberal-leaning Protestants ordain gays or allow individual congregations to celebrate gay or lesbian unions. However, only one major Protestant group, the United Church of Christ, has endorsed same-sex marriage outright.

Episcopal opponents of gay marriage say the new ceremonies effectively endorse same-sex marriage with no theological justification for doing so.

Each bishop will decide whether to allow the ceremonies in a local diocese. The liturgy can be used starting on December 2, the first Sunday in Advent.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Ramona de Pares: Marketing: You’re doing it right


Vodafone is the first commercial organisation in Malta to break the taboo by firmly stating which camp they belong to (the one advocating tolerance, if you really need it specified).


PS – Maybe I should clarify that I’m not employed by Vodafone and they’re not paying my phone bill either. I just really believe that any endeavour that points towards a more inclusive society is one to be lauded, even if the endeavour is greasing the wheels of commerce.

Times: Equality starts with visibility
Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 20:41 by Alison Bezzina

We're clearly in election mode and with only a few hundred votes separating the two big parties in the last election, who can blame either of them for going after 'the gays'?

The Labour party seems to be doing this more tactically and strategically, with the latest move being that of raising the rainbow flag on several of their clubs to commemorate Gay Pride.

YouTube: Illegal to be you - Kaleidoscope Trust - #illegaltobeyou

Published on Jul 3, 2012 by KaleidoscopeTrust

L-Orizzont: Insolenti!'Opinjoni'&ID2=92440
3.7.12 Opinjoni minn MARIETTE BORG - Move

BĦALA żagħżugħa li ninteressa ruħi fil-politika lokali, inħoss li l-intelliġenza tiegħi qiegħda tiġi nsolentata b’diversi modi. Li gvern ikun wasal fi stat li jipprova jinsolenta l-intelliġenza tal-individwu, ma jkun baqalu l-ebda dinjità.

Times: Seeing into the gay future
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 by Kenneth Zammit Tabona

“On a clear day you can see forever”, claim the lyrics of this iconic song from the musical, play and film that have haunted us since 1929 when the play by John Balderston appeared on Broadway. Roughly speaking, the story concerns a reincarnated woman with extrasensory perception; something that the leaders of this country require in great abundance if they wish to survive the maelstrom of problems that face us.

Malta Today: Rights for gays: thank God for elections!
Opinion Monday, July 02, 2012 by Evarist Bartolo

The PN knew that legislation to recognise civil partnerships for gays was to be included in the coming Labour Party electoral programme.

Now that another election is in the offing, the PN has officially changed its homophobic policies.

On Tuesday Justice Minister Chris Said tabled the first reading of a cohabitation bill that will recognise new rights for unmarried couples, both straight and gay. The bill has not been tabled but only its title. The bill has yet to be discussed in the PN parliamentary group and the Cabinet.