Wednesday 2 November 2011

Re-Discover Re-Think: Holy but Unequal? The impact of religion on gender issues

Press Call (Malti)

Wara it-tnedija tal-proġett Re-discover Re-think Re-act f’Settembru li gћadda, il-membri tal-Forum Żgћażagћ Laburisti involuti gћandhom pjaċir jistiednu lil pubbliku gћal-ewwel diskussjoni tematika li se tkun qed iġġib l-isem ta’ “Holy but Unequal? The impact of religion on gender issues”. L-attivita` se ssir il-Ħamis, 3 ta’ Novembru 2011 fis-18:30, fl-Osborne Hotel (Valletta). Fr Mark Montebello, Nathalie Grima u Dr Joanne Cassar se jesploraw kif ir-reliġjonijiet differenti jaffetwaw l-iżvilupp tas-soċjeta’ fil-qasam ta’ gender equality u gay rights, kif ukoll jiċċaraw stampi ineżatti li poplu jista’ jkollu fir-rigward ta’ kulturi reliġjuzi differenti minn tiegћu.

Ir-relazzjoni bejn ir-reliġjon u gender issues ftit ġiet studjata f’pajjiżna u gћalhekk it-tim ta’ Re-discover Re-think Re-act jemmen li sessjoni bћal din tista’ tikkontribwixxi ћafna lil qasam.

Press Call (English)

After the inaugural event of Re-discover Re-think Re-act last September, the Labour Youth Forum members involved in the project would like to invite the general public to the first thematic session entitled “Holy but Unequal? The impact of religion on gender issues”. The discussion will take place on Thursday, 3rd November 2011 at 18:30, at the Osborne Hotel (Valletta). Fr Mark Montebello, Nathalie Grima and Dr Joanne Cassar will be exploring the impact of different religions on the development of gender equality and gay rights, as well as clearing some misconceptions people often have with respect to different religious cultures.

Locally, the relationship between religion and gender issues has been somewhat neglected and thus the team of Re-discover Re-think Re-act believe this session can offer an important contribution to the field.

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