Friday 14 October 2011

MaltaToday: It’s not easy being Green | Michael Briguglio

[Excerpt from the article.]


Briguglio also questions the other parties’ commitment to civil and gay rights.

“We are the only party with clear policies on the LGBT community - the PNhas taken a very conservative stand while Labour promises everything to everyone, but the only concrete thing we have heard from Joseph Muscat so far is that he will definitely not allow gays to obtain certain rights…”

He also mentions minority rights, the modernisation of censorship laws and the amalgamation of economic and environmental policies.

“We have a very forward-looking economic agenda where we say that environment actually creates jobs and if we have a greener economy it would help create a lot of jobs.”

But is this enough to attract the necessary votes to get elected?

“As a Green party we give importance to economic, social and environmental issues. There is also a growing consciousness on theseissues.”

By way of example, Briguglio says that the divorce experience teaches us that Malta is moving closer to being a “fully-fledged” secular European society: “The best bet to have such a society is to have AD in parliament. We are not in parliament, and yet we have managed to help Malta obtain EU membership and divorce rights. Just imagine what we would do if we were in parliament…”


[Click on the hyperlink above to view the complete article and the comments on MaltaToday's website.]

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