Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Gays and Kenneth Zammit Tabona

This blog is a reply to Kenneth Zammit Tabona's article:



Gay Vote

I was perplexed when I read the article "We are but electoral puppet monarchs" by Kenneth Zammit Tabona. I have been a gay rights activist for 5 years, in Germany and in Malta and decided to join Alternattiva Demokratika after Harry Vassallo made a moving speech at last year's gay pride March. It seems Mr. Zammit Tabona wasn't there.

AN made a huge statement on gay issues one week after my political outing on Illum (


). It seems Mr. Zammit Tabona hasn't read this article either.

It seems Mr. Zammit Tabona hasn't realised who showed Joe Saliba the PN's dismal track record on gay rights. It was me, an AD candidate. Maybe Mr. Zammit Tabona hasn't realised that all the nine Alternattiva Demokratika candidates have signed the Malta Gay Rights Petition.

If AD is not elected in parliament this time, maybe all the Kenneth Zammit Tabonas will realise they lost a chance.

Vote 1 Alternattiva Demokratika

Ing. Patrick Attard

Monday, 25 February 2008

Malta Today: Gonzi's muddle on cohabitation promise


Gonzi's muddle on cohabitation promise

Sunday, 20 February 2008

By Julia Farrugia

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday appeared somewhat muddled over the cohabitation issue, claiming during a televised debate that the Nationalist Party's electoral programme for 2008 includes the promise, originally made in 1998, of legislation to regularise cohabiting couples.
However, none of the 353 proposals included in the PN manifesto makes any reference to cohabitation.
Shortly before the 1998 election, then Nationalist Party leader Eddie Fenech Adami had promised that if elected, he would amend the law in order to grant legal rights to persons who are cohabiting. But 10 years later, the promised cohabitation law has still not materialised.
During last night's debate on TVM, organised by the Broadcasting Authority, this newspaper asked Dr Gonzi whether it was embarrassing for him to once again ask for the vote of thousands of separated people who are still waiting for this reform.
The Prime Minister insisted: "You're wrong. That promise did not vanish from our electoral programme. On the contrary, we re-confirmed that we want to look into this situation."
Gonzi avoided the question when asked specifically whether the PN electoral promise 10 years ago was just a political convenience stunt. But he admitted that the existing law does not protect people who are living together outside wedlock, and made an impromptu promise which is not included in the PN's electoral programme.
"Our law already gives limited protection (to cohabiting couples), but in my opinion this is not enough. And yes, I do believe that we need to change the law. I am determined that in the coming legislature we have the duty to change the law affecting couples who are cohabiting in this particular sector."
Asked by this newspaper why the Nationalist government did not make this change over the past 10 years, including during his four-year premiership, Gonzi said: "Yes, yes, I know. I did a lot of stuff during my four years. I did not manage to do everything."
Shortly after Gonzi kept on insisting: "it is not true that the electoral promise vanished from our electoral programme. It could be that not everyone reads all the proposals. But it is there."
During the same debate, Lawrence Gonzi simply ignored questions put by MaltaToday focusing on gay people.
With reference to his promise to single-handedly reform the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, Lawrence Gonzi stated that this will be the biggest challenge he has faced ever in his entire life.
But he stopped short of saying specifically how he will conduct this reform: for instance, how he would eradicate conflict of interest among architects appointed to MEPA boards.
MaltaToday referred Prime Minister Gonzi to a case dating back to 18 July 2006, when MEPA deputy chairman Catherine Galea did not declare her personal interest and was present during an ODZ decision session on land belonging to her clients.
Earlier this month, MaltaToday asked Minister George Pullicino whether Galea should have been asked to step down after this particular case. On that occasion, the Environment Minister said that he did not "feel the need to answer hypothetic questions."
Asked whether he himself would have removed this architect under the same circumstances, the Nationalist Leader stated: "Don't you think that it is obvious that one would remove people with conflict of interest? Isn't it obvious? Do I need to say it?"
But when reminded of Minister Pullicino's response, Gonzi defended his minister, claiming "George Pullicino carried his work in a very good way."


Imagine: Gay Partnerships and Divorce


Why all the fuss about gay partnerships or divorce?

Some people say that Life is what happens when you're trying to do something else.

Imagine that your marriage falls apart, and then after a number of years you fall in love with someone else. Imagine when you're becoming an adult you realise you are different. Then you fall in love with someone of your same sex.

Imagine if the person you love most in your life is seriously ill and you are not involved in the decisions of treatment taken.

Imagine if the person you love most in your life died, and in the most difficult time of your life, you are not entitled to bereavement leave, or organise the funeral.

Imagine if the person you love most in your life, isn't an EU citizen and cannot live or work in Malta.

If the big political parties cannot talk about these issues during the electoral campaign, do you think they will raise them up in parliament? - I don't think so.

All the AD Candidates contesting the election signed the Malta Gay Rights Petition.

Imagine having 9 Green MPs who understand you.

Vote for the people who will take you seriously. Vote for Change.

Vote 1 Alternattiva Demokratika.

Patrick Attard

Core Green Exhibition, Friday 29th, 8:30pm Melita, Balzan


We would like to invite you to the first CORE GREEN collective art exhibition.
The official opening is on Friday the 29th of February @8.30pm. For an invite, pls send an email to greenyouthmalta@gmail.com.

The public is invited to view the exhibition between the 1st and 14th March 2008 at the Melita Gardens, Balzan. We are presenting 50 brilliant Maltese artists!

The paintings are on sale.

Event Info
Collective Art Exhibition
Alternattiva Demokratika
Time and Place
Start Time:
Friday, February 29, 2008 at 8:30pm
End Time:
Friday, March 14, 2008 at 8:30pm
Melita Gardens, Palazzo Exhibition Rooms
Contact Info

Friday, 22 February 2008

The Pink Euro (EN)


Friday, 22nd February 2008

The pink euro

Patrick Attard, Naxxar.

Studies show that gay couples fall under the Double-Income-No-Kids category and their spending pattern is different to other couples, and they spend more money on travelling.

Since Malta's economy thrives on tourism, it is very important not to underestimate this category, especially if we want to increase tourism in the off-peak seasons.

Other countries whose economies are based on tourism, like Austria, realised this, and one can find gay related brochures at the tourist centres of the cities.

In Malta, when I was a committee member of the Malta Gay Rights Movement and we were organising an LGBT festival, I went to the Valletta Tourist Office to leave some leaflets there. The people there were completely surprised if not shocked and after several phone-calls from the staff to the supervisor or director, I just walked out.

Gays are not a burden on the country.

They have a lot to offer. We should not be afraid from them, throw them out of the country or force them to live a lie.

Now the time for change has come. If this chance is lost, the next one will be in five years. Vote for the people who will take you seriously. Vote Alternattiva Demokratika.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Pink News: Malta's gay group ask for equal rights

21st February 2008 12:50

Malta's gay group ask for equal rights

The gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans communities in the tiny EU nation of Malta have presented a petition asking for a range of measures to be introduced to protect them through the law, and have received the backing of a fringe political party.

Alternattiva Demokratika leader Harry Vassallo said yesterday that the recognition of gay rights would be a step forward, according to the Times of Malta.

He said he was supporting the petition organised by the Malta Gay Rights Movement and signed by more than 1,000 people, asking for legal recognition of same-sex couples, a homophobic bullying strategy for the island nation's schools and new laws targeting homophobic and transphobic crimes.

The MGRM also wants gender reassignment surgery to be made available through Malta's public health services and goods and services protection for LGBT people.

In 2004, Malta banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation after the Malta Gay Rights Movement lobbied for the measure to be included in an Employment Relations Act.

Alternattiva Demokratika currently have no seats in Malta's parliament and the MGRM proposals are unlikely to receive the backing of any of the main political parties in the country, one of the most socially conservative countries in the EU.

98% of the population are Roman Catholics, and although homosexuality is legal, there remains significant prejudice.

Malta, a British colony until 1964, has around 400,000 inhabitants and is the smallest EU state in terms of both size and population.

In 2000 the government was criticised by gay rights groups for openly homophobic statements condemning EU proposals to treat gay people equally.

According to a December 2006 Eurobarometer survey, only 18% of the Maltese population support gay marriage, and there is significant prejudice against the LGBT community.

In July Malta's Union of Teachers threatened to publish the details of four attempts to oust gay and lesbian teachers from Roman Catholic school posts. According to the union, Church schools were under pressure from parents to fire the teachers, leading to four interventions in the past five years.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Support the Malta Gay Rights Petition

ALL the Alternattiva Demokratika Candidates have already signed it.

Declaration of support for the rights of LGBT persons in view of the coming General Elections

We, hereunder signed, would like to declare our support to the Malta Gay Rights Movement’s claims for greater rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons, and our desire that the following issues are adequately addressed in the forthcoming election:

- Formal recognition of the rights of same-sex couples.

- The inclusion of an article in the Criminal Code regarding homophobic and transphobic violence, and a clear strategy addressing homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools.

- Legal protection against discrimination in the delivery of goods and services expressly referring to the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

- The formal extension of the remit of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality to cater for the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

- The inclusion of gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy for transgender persons as part of the public health services.

By signing this declaration, I am providing MGRM with the right to forward my support for greater LGBT rights to all the political parties contesting the forthcoming election.

It-Torċa: Casa u l-gay clubs fi Brussell

Settembru jew Ottubru 2007
minn Victor Vella

Omosesswali Maltin qeghdin isostnu li l-ewro-parlamentari David Casa mhux qed ikun onest fl-attitudni tieghu lejhom. Huma qeghdin jallegaw li filwaqt li Casa hass li kellu joggezzjona ghal diversi mozzjonijiet li jiggieldu d-diskriminazzjoni kontra l-omosesswali, huwa xejn ma jiddejjaq jaccetta stediniet u jattendi f’gay clubs fi Brussell.

Din ir-reazzjoni minn fost l-omosesswali Maltin harget wara intervista li kienet ippubblikata fuq it-Torca ma’ l-inginier Patrick Attard, li kien sostna li Casa ghandu jitlob apologija lill-omosesswali minhabba fir-rekord tieghu ta’ votazzjonijiet negattivi dwar mozzjonijiet li jikkundannaw il-vjolenza u d-diskriminazzjoni minhabba fl-orjentazzjoni sesswali tal-persuna.

Diversi omosesswali kkummentaw ma’ din il-gazzetta li lil David Casa kemm il-darba rawh f’gay clubs fi Brussell. It-Torca ikkomunikat ma' l-Ewro Parlamentari, David Casa u staqsejnieh b'mod dirett dwar l-istess allegazzjonijiet, jigifieri jekk ikunx mistieden f'attivitajiet ta' l-omosesswali u jekk hux minnu li jattendi f'gay clubs fi Brussell. Casa rabat l-attendenza tieghu f’dawn il-clubs esklussivament ma’ attivitajiet ta’ natura politika. Huwa wiegeb li “kull meta nkun mistieden minn ghaqdiet u organizazzjonijiet li jiggieldu diskriminazzjoni ta’ kull tip, iva jien nattendi.”

Fil-harga tal-hadd li ghadda, David Casa wiegeb lil Patrick Attard u rribatta li l-vot tieghu kontra mozzjonijiet li jikkundannaw il-vjolenza u d-diskriminazzjoni ma’ l-omosesswali b’ebda mod kienu vot favur l-omofobija.

Ara wkoll:

Malta Gay News: Gay Suicide in Malta


... an interview with Malta's gay psychologist.
Antoine Spiteri

A large proportion of lesbian, gay and bisexual pupils who are bullied by their classmates try to commit suicide, according to research. A study by Dr Ian Rivers, of the College of Ripon and York St John, suggests that half of them contemplate killing or harming themselves, and four in 10 actually harm themselves at least once. Bullying is not the only contributing factor and almost a third harm themselves on more than one occasion. The research also indicates that 17% of bullied individuals- nearly one in five - display symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder later in life.

As adults, some suffer flashbacks and nightmares linked with being bullied at school. John Bowis (UK/EPP-ED), co-author of the written is quoted as saying, "We need to highlight to MEPs that homophobic bullying affects youth indiscriminately. Some victims are LGBT, many are not. Homophobic bullying is particularly destructive, and educators can be ill-prepared to deal with it in a manner that supports the child. This lack of preparation can lead to some dramatic consequences... we're well aware of the elevated rates of suicide amongst LGBT young people. We have to let victims know that they are not alone, and this written declaration will go a long way towards doing just that."

Malta Gay News caught up with psychologist Antoine Spiteri, in London, to discuss this important issue. It is valuable that the gay community is informed about the state of gay suicide in Malta, primarily because it is such a taboo topic to talk about and because there are those who hold positions of power and will do their best to halt publication of material regarding this important matter. Their justification is that “by talking about all these people killing themselves you are encouraging more suicidal behaviour.” The identity of the individual that revealed this to Malta Gay News will be kept a secret. Nonetheless, the statement comes from someone high on the political scale and Malta Gay News feels that by 'sticking our head in the sand', like an ostrich, we are simply ignoring the issue and running away from the problem. This reflects a failure and unwillingness on the part of the authorities to address the needs of people that are considering suicide and a failure to address the contributing factors that may exacerbate suicidal tendencies in the general peopulation.

The Interview:

What are the challenges faced by gays in Malta as compared to gays in other Western EU countries when it comes to coping with depression?

SPITERI: Challenges that impact depression and suicidal tendencies of GLBT in Malta are very much the same as challenges that are faced by GLBT in other EU countries. The difference lies primarily in the availability of intervention programs, treatment, localized knowledge through research, education, social and political views on homosexuality and perhaps a perceived high level of discrimination (in Malta) towards GLBT, resulting from a historically more insular culture.

There is a vacuum in the availability of support services for the community. This is not only true for GLBT people but also for individuals that require mental health services but whose condition is not grave enough to necessitate long term ward residence in Mount Carmel. There are many people who need assistance but do not need to be in "Section 8" [long term ward], as this would exacerbate their condition and make things even worse. Governmental funding is necessary to help set up programs that can serve the needs of these individuals that continue to fall through the crack in our healthcare system.

It is worth noting, however, that Malta is not in as bad a state as compared to even less GLBT friendly nations like Poland etc.

Are GLBT people at higher risk of harming themselves than their heterosexual counterparts?

SPITERI: Findings from a growing body of evidence suggest that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth are at greater risk for suicidal ideation and attempts than non-GLBT youth. It is important to note, however, that sexual orientation alone accounts for only a small portion of the variability in suicidal ideation and attempts. There are various social factors that directly influence suicide risk above and beyond a GLBT orientation. Safren and Heimberg (1999) found that sexual orientation alone contributed relatively little to explain suicide behaviours after accounting for additional personal and environmental risk and protective factors, such as satisfaction with social support and depression.

Research identifying and targeting the needs of Maltese GLBT youth is non-existent but in other EU countries homosexuals may be two to three times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people and might comprise up to 30% of completed youth suicides annually. GLBT youth are 50% more likely to have seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months, are twice as likely to attempt suicide at least once. GLBT are eight times more likely to report four or more attempts than their heterosexual peers. One study reported that almost half (48%) of GLBT youth who had thought about suicide reported that these thoughts were at least somewhat related to their sexual orientation.

This association can be explained in part by the greater prevalence of known risk factors in GLBT adolescents, including depression, substance use and violence victimization. Primary social stressors theorized to account for this relationship include family conflict, ostracism at school, and broader stigmatizing socio-cultural factors such as homophobia. For example, among GLBT suicide attempters, almost half reported that their fathers were intolerant or rejecting of their sexual orientation, compared with approximately one-quarter among non-attempters. Fear of harassment and mistreatment is widespread among GLB youth and may be linked to suicidal ideation, and discrimination and stigmatization have been labelled the “primary culprit” in the epidemic of GLB youth suicide. Furthermore, research suggests that certain risk factors, such as victimization at school, may be more potent for GLBT youth than their heterosexual peers.

How can we reduce the risk of self harming behaviour among GLBT people in Malta?

SPITERI: Certain personal, family and community factors have been shown to affect the likelihood of negative outcomes among GLBT youth and other vulnerable populations. Identifying and targeting modifiable social factors is critical to clinical assessment, intervention development and an ultimate reduction in suicide risk among GLBT people.

Despite powerful negative forces, GLBT youth are not a homogenous “at risk” group. Many have multiple “resiliency factors”—personal traits or characteristics of their social environment that protect young people from harm. Indeed the majority of GLB adolescents living in more accepting western societies grow up to lead happy, healthy, productive lives. Nonetheless, GLBT youth suffer a variety of challenges related to their sexual orientation, including family conflict and rejection, and violence victimization. Individuals that grow up in environments that provide them with high levels of family connectedness, teacher caring, other adult caring and school safety show considerable decreased association with suicidal ideation and attempts, and they are less likely to report a history of these suicide behaviours’.

What support options are available to GLBT people in Malta?

SPITERI: Programs, policies and resources are needed across Malta to support GLBT adolescents, as these youth remain at considerably increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempts. Family connectedness, support from other adults, and school safety are all characteristics that are amenable to change, and would be appropriate targets for interventions aimed at protecting young people from self-harm. Improving the ability of parents and other influential adults to connect with and support adolescents grappling with issues of sexual identity may be a critical component of mental health promotion and protection for these young people.

In addition to research and intervention programs, it is also just as crucial to reduce the existing social stigma that is associated with mental health. Stigma is a barrier and discourages individuals and their families from getting the help they need due to the fear of being discriminated against.

What should people do if they are considering harming themselves?

SPITERI: If you or someone you know is considering harming themselves then you must contact your emergency services on 112. Although often untrained to deal with GLBT people in general, the emergency services in Malta are of considerable higher quality than they are in most other countries.

Political class needs to catch up with society on gay rights - AD


Political class needs to catch up with society on gay rights - AD

February 19th, 2008

At press conference in the AD offices Dr Harry Vassallo said that his party had always insisted that the recognition of gay rights was a sign of tolerance and civilization which Maltese society has achieved ahead of its political class.

Dr Vassallo was talking during a meeting with the representatives of the Malta Gay Rights Movement who presented a petition signed by 1063 people asking for the enactment of specific proposals in favour of the minorities they represent.

Miss Gabi Calleja explained that the petitioners were in favour of the formal recognition of the rights of same sex couples; for the inclusion of a Criminal Code provision against violence motivated by homophobia and transphobia and for a strategy addressing similarly motivated bullying in schools.

The MGRM is asking for legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in the provision of goods and services as well as for the extension of the remit of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression issues. The MGRM petition also calls for transgender surgery and therapy to be included in public health services.

Dr Vassallo said Alternattiva Demokratika supports the MGRM request.

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard, a gay candidate contesting the election with AD emphasized the importance of the pink euro especially for a country so highly dependant on tourism. “Gay couples fall under the category of Double Income No Kids and have a different spending pattern investing more heavily in travel,” Dr Attard said. He added that this existing niche should not be neglected especially with regard to off peak tourism.

Dr. Attard stressed the importance of social tolerance for the economic success of any society. “Studies clearly show that Talent, Technology and Tolerance are very important for economic success. A gay tolerant society is also tolerant of other minorities and becomes attractive to persons of different beliefs and ways of life bringing with them a wealth of talents and skills and creating business opportunities which did not exist before.”

Dr Vassallo said that Alternattiva Demokratika is in favour of the civil partnership that was to be introduced into Maltese law on the strength of the PN promise for the introduction of a law on cohabitation in 1998. “If such a law had been passed hundreds if not thousands of separated persons, and gay couples would have been spared the personal difficulties they have faced so far,” Dr Vassallo said.

Gays and Azzjoni Nazzjonali


Muscat’s Addams Family: OK if gay, but not broken

It’s utter confusion on the extreme right. Gays are suddenly more accepted than children from broken families, who in one fell swoop have been labelled by the infertility doctor, Josie Muscat, as “extensively prone to violence”.
After taking a stand against alternative lifestyles a month ago, Azzjoni Nazzjonali yesterday declared itself in favour of gay civil unions yesterday.
AN leader Josie Muscat surprised everyone when he said discrimination in the laws against gays had to be stopped.
“AN accepts these relationships are not based on capricious intentions,” Muscat said. “We believe that the law should be emended whereby same sex couples can reconcile under a civil contract, called civil partnership.”
Civil partnerships recognise basic rights, including the opportunity of having a joint bank account, joint tax computation, visiting rights in cases of sickness and hospitalisation and rights for succession in cases of death.
Despite these rights, Muscat insisted such partnerships should never be called “marriage,” adding that gay couples should not have the right to adopt children.
In the same breath, Muscat credited broken families with “bringing enormous problems on the country, and on every one of us”.
“What broken families mean is that the State needs to fork out more social benefits. Apart from that, the effect on children is drastic,” Muscat claimed, venturing into his theories on children coming from broken families being “extensively more prone to violence”.
Even worse, he exclaimed, such children will in turn cost “millions of money in social benefits” to get rehabilitated or imprisoned.
“Cancer in the core of the family is increasing, even if we still believe that the majority of our families are strong,” he added.

My Comment:

It is important to remember Dr. Muscat's homophobia on Xarabank in 2007. Philip Beattie, the second founder of AN, doesn't come across as very gay friendly either.

The AN always seemed to ridicule gay rights by the articles they publish on their website:

Flesh-Eating" Bacteria Striking Gay Men

Fury over new gay hate laws which 'threaten free speech'

The foster couple who quit rather than be forced to promote gay rights

Charity: Pupils risk prosecution for 'gay' slur

Firemen demoted and fined for shining torch on gay foursome in the bushes

Foreign News: Gay 'Christian' wins job tribunal against Church of England

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Alternattiva Demokratika – The recognition of gay rights


Alternattiva Demokratika – The recognition of gay rights

Alternattiva Demokratika – The recognition of gay rights would be a step forward helping the political class to catch up with Maltese society

Alternattiva Demokratika tghid li r-rikonixximent tad-drittijiet tal-gays ikun pass ‘l quddiem biex il-klassi politika tlahhaq mas-socjeta Maltija

Waqt konferenza stampa fl-ufficji ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika Dr Harry Vassallo qal li Alternattiva Demokratika dejjem sehqet illi r-rikonoxximent tad-drittijiet tal-gays huma sinjal ta’ civilta li s-socjeta Maltija lahqet qabel l-istituzzjonijiet u l-klassi politika Maltija.

Dr Vassallo kien qieghed jitkellem waqt laqgha mat-tmexxija tal.Malta Gay Rights Movement li pprezentawlu l-petizzjoni iffirmata minn 1063 persuna biex jidhlu fis-sehh proposti konkreti favur il-minoritajiet li jirrapprezentaw.

Is-sinjorina Gabi Calleja fisstret il-petizzjoni li ghalija ingabru l-firem biex ikun hemm rikonoxximent formali tad-drittijiet ta’ koppji ta’ l-istess sess; ghall-inkluzjoni ta’ provvediment fil-kodoco kriminali kontra l-vjolenza homofobika u transfobika u strategija cara kontra l-bullying fl-iskejjel ghal dawn ir-ragunijiet. L-MGRM qeghda titlob ghal protezzjoni legali kontra diskriminazzjoni fil-provvista ta prodotti u servizzi minhabba l-orjentazzjoni sesswali jew l-identita jew espressjoni sesswali. Qeghda titlob ukoll li x-xoghol tal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali ghall-Promozzjoni ta’ l-Ugwaljanza jitwessgha biex jinkludi l-orjentazzjoni sesswali u l-identia u l-espressjoni sesswali. L-MGRM qeghda titlob ukoll li l-kirurgija u t-terapija mehtiega ghall-persuni transgender issir parti mis-servizz ta’ sahha pubblika.

Dr Vassallo qal li Alternattiva Demokratika tappoggja dawn it-talbiet ta’ l-MGRM

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard, Kandidat gay ma’ l-AD, enfasizza l-importanza ta’ l_ewro Roza (Pink Euro) specjalment ghall-pajjiz fejn id-dhul tieghu jigi mit-turizmu. Koppji gay jaqaw that il-kategorija Double-Income–No-Kids u ghandhom spending pattern differenti u jinvestu aktar fl-ivjaggar. Dan hi nicca li m’ghandiex tigi injorata specjalment ghat-turimu fl-off-peak months. Malta m’ghandiex titlef opportunita bhal din, fejn pajjizi bhall-Awstria (li jghix fuq it-turizmu) diga raw l-importanza ta’ din il-kategorija.

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard enfasizza l-importanza tat-tolleranza biex il-pajjizi jirnexxu ekonomikament. Studji juru li l-kombinazzjoni tat-Talent, Teknologija, u Tolleranza huma importanti hafna biex pajjizi jew states differenti, ghax jista ikollek kollegi bravi, xjnzati, tobba, li huma divorzjati, gay, lizbjani jew jemmnu f’xi religjon ohra. Dawk il-pajjizi jirnexxu mhux ghax il-gays l-aktar intelligenti fid-dinja imma ghax socjetajiet li huma tolleranti ghalihom, aktar jaraw u jkunu miftuhin ghal-opportuniajiet ta’ business.

Dr Vassallo qal li Alternattiva Demokratrika hi favur il-partnership civili kellu jidhol fil-ligi Maltija bhala weghda tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ghall-elezzjoni ta’ l-1998. “Kieku twettqet din il-weghda snin ilu hafna koppji separati u koppji gay kienu jiffrankaw snin ta’ diffikoltajiet personali u li ma jifhimhomx haddiehor temm ighid Dr Vassallo.

Ralph Cassar



Malta Gay Exiles


Nitkellmu ma’ l-omosesswali minn Malta....
Il-Mascot ta’ l-eziljati

minn Victor Vella

Boghod minn art twelidhom imma b’talbiet kontinwi biex jghinu huthom Maltin li ma jistghux jghixu hajjithom bid-drittijiet bhal nies u familji tradizzjonali f’Malta, omosesswali li spiccaw refugjati f’pajjizi Ewropej b’mod partikolari fir-Renju Unit, iddecidew li jwaqqfu dik li qieghda tissejjah bhala l-”Malta Gay Exiles’.

L-ghajnuna tvarja kemm f’dawk li huma proceduri ta’ xoghol, biex isibu università u anke appogg morali u psikologiku biex johorgu mit-trawma li jkunu ghaddew f’Malta. Il-Malta Gay Exiles, ghandhom ukoll il-maskot taghhom, Antoine Spiteri, omosesswali li ezilja ruhu minn Malta ta’ 15-il sena. Illum mizzewweg b’mod legali fir-Renju Unit, kuntent u ‘l quddiem hu l-hsieb taghhom li jadottaw it-tfal.

Il-hajja ta’ Spiteri fir-Renju Unit, kif gara bhal fil-kaz ta’ Chris Borg, li trattajna l-istorja tieghu l-gimgha li ghaddiet, inbidlet mill-lejl ghan-nhar. Spiteri mhux biss zviluppa lilu nnifsu u hareg mit-trawma li kellu bil-hajja f’pajjizna, izda llum il-hidma ta’ Spiteri fejn jidhlu c-Chimpanzee’s u r-ricerka li ghamel fuqhom hi maghrufa ma’ l-erbat irjieh tad-dinja.

Antoine Spiteri dwar il-hajja f’Malta

Hu jiddeskrivi s-socjetà Maltija bhala li ghandha strutturi inaccettabbli. Spjega li “meta nghid hekk inkun qed nirreferi ghal-limitazzjoni li membri ta’ gruppi ta’ minoritajiet jiffaccjaw b’mod personali, socjalment u anke politikament. Meta tqabbel lil Malta ma’ xi pajjizi ohrajn Ewropej, il-limitazzjonijiet li jiffaccjaw l-omosesswali f’Malta huma sproporzjonati. Fost dawn hemm nuqqas ta’ servizz ghall-komunità ta’ omosesswali, lesbjani, bisesswali u transesswali f’Malta. Hemm barrieri kulturali biex tghix il-hajja ta’ omosesswali u limitazzjonijiet fuq opportunitajiet edukattivi ghall-membri ta’ gruppi ta’ minoranzi. Hemm ukoll il-limitazzjonijiet politici bejn l-eterosesswali u l-omosesswali, fosthom l-gharfien ta’ relazzjoni bejn koppji omosesswali, il-ligijiet ta’ l-immigrazzjoni u l-gharfien ghall-familji omosesswali”.

L-ezilju lejn Los Angeles ta’ 15-il sena

Antoine Spiteri spjega li “kont qed inhoss li kont qed nikber f’ambjent politiku u religjuz li kien konservattiv ghall-ahhar. Il-Patrijiet Dumnikani kienu qeghdin jghiduli li “m’hemm xejn hazin li nkun ‘gay’, izda tipprattikax”, waqt li l-Gvern kien qed jghid li “m’hemm xejn hazin li jien omosesswali izda tistenniex li se naghrfuk bhala bniedem komplet”. “Ghal hafna snin kont inhossni kkonfrontat mill-istrutturi qawwija tas-socjetà li kienu jiggudikaw u jittimbraw certi attitudnijiet u certu stil ta’ hajja bhala inaccettabbli. Din poggietni f’pozizzjoni kerha u b’hekk kont imgieghel nahseb mill-gdid fuq il-valuri tieghi, dak li nemmen u dak kollu li kien hemm madwari. Iddecidejt li nhalli Malta

Jenfasizza li l-punt li l-aktar li ghafsu biex ihalli lil Malta kienet is-sistema edukattiva. Qalilna li “s-sistema edukattiva ma kinitx taghmilha facli ghall-individwi minn gruppi li gejjin minn minoritajiet biex ikunu success. Ma kien hemm l-ebda ligijiet dwar l-ibbuljar, ma kien hemm l-ebda appogg ghall-vittmi ta’ l-omofobija u ebda rikonoxximent li jezistu omosesswali adoloxxenti. Kien difficli ghall-individwi li ma kinux kompatibbli mat-taghlim u testijiet standard u ma kien hemm l-ebda appogg ghall-istudenti li jsofri minn marki baxxi sempliciment ghax is-sistema edukattiva hi eterosessista”.

Ir-religjon f’Malta u l-omosesswali

Antoine Spiteri jghidilna li “minhabba l-influwenza kbira li r-religjon ghandha fuq is-socjetà u l-kultura Maltija, din l-istess influwenza ghandha implikazzjonijiet kbar fuq kif is-socjetà thares lejn l-omosesswalità u fuq kollox kif l-omosesswali jharsu lejhom infushom. It-tbatija u s-sofferenza li l-omosesswali jesperjenzaw, minhabba rizultat dirett ta’ pregudizzjoni religjuz, ghandhom ikunu rikonoxxuti, u mistharrgin biex jinhargu mizuri biex jaraw li l-omosesswali ma jibqghux aktar mhedda, oppressati u ppersegwitati fizikament u psikologikament. Ghal dawk li weggghu minn dawn il-pregudizzji u azzjonijiet, inhoss li ghandu jkun hemm riparazzjoni u anke appogg biex il-vittmi jkunu mghejjunin. Ghalliema omosesswali ghandhom ikunu protetti bil-ligi u l-ghalliema kollha kemm eterosesswali kif ukoll l-omosesswali, ghandu jkollhom l-istess limitazzjonijiet u libertajiet meta jigu biex jinfluwenzaw lill-istudenti fuq dak li jemmnu u jghixu huma personalment”.

Il-kuntatt ma’ Malta u l-familja nzamm

Antoine Spiteri qalilna li “meta nuza l-kelma ezilju, jien inkun qieghed nirreferi ghat-tluq tieghi b’mod volontarju minn pajjizi u ghad-distakk b’mod psikologiku minn kultura li jien naraha bhala li hi ta’ detriment ghall-omosesswali. Minn Malta tlaqt lejn Los Angeles, belt liberali. Mort hemmhekk biex nghix f’belt, li kienet tqis li l-omosesswali ghandhom jithallew jghixu fil-libertà u meqjusa bhala mem-bri validi ghas-socjetà t’hemm-hekk. Ghalkemm nghix barra, ghad ghandi rabtiet qawwijin ma’ Malta. Ta’ kuljum incempel lil ommi u membri ohrajn tal-familja. L-assi tieghi jinsabu kollha f’Malta. B’mod generali nhossni Malti u nigi Malta regolarment. Nghix fir-Renju Unit mas-sieheb tieghi. Hawnhekk sar progress socjali fejn jidhlu d-drittijiet ta’ l-omosesswali u l-ugwaljanza bejn l-eterosesswali u l-omosesswali. Jista’ jkun li xi darba, l-omosesswali li hallew Malta jhossu li huma ukoll ghadhom post fis-socjetà Maltija u b’hekk ikunu jistghu jergghu jigu lura. Sakemm isehh dan, hafna zghazagh se jkunu qeghdin iharsu lejn sistema socjali aktar tolleranti”.

Daqt jaghlaq sena u nofs mizzewweg

Antoine Spiteri spjegalna li “fit-8 ta’ Settembru se nkun ghalaqt sena mindu jien u s-sieheb tieghi David izzewwigna bic-civil taht il-ligi Ingliza. F’dan il-mument ninsabu ferhanin u kuntenti hafna u qeghdin nippjanaw li jkollna t-tfal fil-futur qrib”. L-omosesswali jistghu jrabbu t-tfal billi jadottaw.

Antoine qalilna li “kienet preferenza tieghi li jkolli t-tfal f’Malta u li jikbru hemm, boghod mill-perikli li jezistu fi bliet kbar. F’dan il-mument izda ma nhossx li l-ambjent f’Malta hu ideali ghall-familji omosesswali. Nara izda li xi darba, l-familji omosesswali se jkunu jistghu jirritornaw lejn Malta minghajr ma jhossuhom li qeghdin f’sistema legali zbilancjata kontrihom.”

Il-hidma fil-Malta Gay Exiles

Ricentament twaqqfet il-Malta Gay Exiles u ghalkemm Antoine mhux wiehed minn dawk li jmexxuha, hu gie maghzul bhala l-mascot ta’ din l-ghaqda.

Antoine Spiteri qalilna li “l-Malta Gay Exiles hi ghaqda ta’ persuni, li konna sirna nafu l-xulxin permezz tal-Facebook. M’inix involut fl-organizazzjoni ta’ din l-ghaqda, izda infurmat li l-ghan taghha hu li ggib nies qrib xulxin u li ghandhom problemi jew thassib fuq is-sitwazzjoni fejn jidhlu drittijiet u ugwaljanza ta’ l-omosesswali f’Malta. Din l-ghaqda fiha nies li bhali kellhom jeziljaw ruhhom minn art twelidhom. Wiehed mill-ghanijiet hu li noholqu kuxjenza f’Malta fuq l-omosesswali. Ahna hrigna mit-trawma, izda ghad hemm hafna li minhabba nuqqas ta’ opportunitajiet jew restrizzjonijiet ohra ghadhom qeghdin ibatu fis-silenzju. Primarjament l-ghan tal-Malta Gay Exiles hu dak li jkun vuci favur l-ugwaljanza.”

‘Lest li nghin b’kull mod’

Antoine Spiteri maghruf ghall-karattru dhuli tieghu, qalilna “jien lest li nipprovdi l-ghajnuna kollha li nista’ lil din l-ghaqda u l-dawk li jitolbuha. L-ghajnuna tieghi hi f’appogg morali, dikjarazzonijiet pubblici, pariri lill-ohrajn. Aktar tard lest li noffri parti mill-hin tieghi biex nipprovdi pariri personali bla hlas permezz tal-Malta Gay Exiles, lil dawk iz-zghazagh Maltin li qeghdin isibuha difficli kemm biex jghixu f’Malta jew biex jiddikjaraw fil-berah li huma omosesswali. Bi hsiebni niehu sehem f’tahdidiet pubblici li jqajmu kuxjenza fuq is-sitwazzjoni f’Malta. Staqsewni biex inkun il-mascot ghall-eziljati Maltin, u jien accettajt bil-ferh u ghalissa se nkun anke qed nehdilhom hsieb il-websajt”.

Kemm hu l-ammont ta’ eziljati Maltin?

Ghal din il-mistoqsija, Antoine Spiteri qalilna li “n-numru ezatt mhux maghruf. Biss b’mod regolari niltaqa’ ma’ nies li kellhom jitilqu minn Malta biex jghixu mas-sieheb taghhom. Issibhom f’kull sezzjoni tan-negozju jew servizzi. Issib dawk zghar fl-età u ohrajn kbar, sinjuri u fqar. Issib min hu wahdu u hafna ohrajn bis-sieheb. Hawn diversi li zzewgu ukoll u qeghdin irabbu t-tfal. Naf nies Maltin bhal danw fi New York, Texas, California, l-Awstralja, l-Kanada, l-Olanda, Brussels, Franza, Spanja, l-Italja u l-Germanja fost ohrajn. Hafna minn dawn ghadhom ma jafux bil-Malta Gay Exiles, biss dawn kollha ghandhom haga wahda komuni...’kellhom jitilqu minn pajjizhom’”.


AD 'closest to gay aspirations'

AD 'closest to gay aspirations'

Ivan Camilleri
Malta Gay Rights Movement officials said yesterday they feel Alternattiva Demokrtatika policies are closest to their aspirations.
"From the way they've been speaking on our issues and concerns, we feel they are the party closest to us," an official of the movement said during a meeting with AD to officially present a petition to political parties asking them to address their problems. The petition was signed by 1,063 citizens.
The movement is calling on political parties to formally recognise the rights of same-sex couples, to include an article in the Criminal Code on homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools, to provide legal protection against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and to include gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy for transgender persons as part of the public health services.
AD chairman Harry Vassallo said his party is generally in agreement with these proposals, qualifying his comment by stating that "priorities should prevail" when it comes to free gender reassignment surgery through the public health system.
Asked by The Times whether AD is in favour of recognising gay marriages, Dr Vassallo said his party is in favour of recognising partnerships not marriages.
The country, he said, is not prepared yet for gay marriage. The recognition of partnerships is "a first step".
In the EU, gay marriages are recognised only in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Dr Vassallo criticised the Nationalist Party for not putting into practice its 1998 promise to recognise civil partnerships.
"If that promise was delivered, we wouldn't be here talking again about the recognition of civil partnerships," he said.
Gabbie Calleja - coordinator of the movement - said there are a minimum of 15,000 Maltese voters who are gay, lesbian or bi-sexual.
The petition will be presented to the other political parties.
Azzjoni Nazzjonali has already accepted to meet the movement while the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party are expected to reply shortly.

L-importanza ta' L-Ewro Roza

€ Pink Euro €

Studji juru li koppji gay jaqaw taht il-kategorija ta' Double-Income-No-Kids.
Dawn it-tip ta'koppji jonfqu flushom b'mod differenti minn koppji ohrajn, u studji juru li aktar jonfqu flus fl-ivvjaggar.

Peres li Malta tghix fuq it-turizmu, hu importanti hafna li ma nissottovalutawx din li kategorija ta' nies specjalment, meta f'Malta irridu inzidu t-turizmu fl-istagunijiet off-peak.

Pajjizi ohrajn li jghixu fuq it-turizmu, bhall-Awstria fehmu din u fl-ufficji tat-turizmu tal-bliet issib kategorija ta' brochures ghal nies gay.

Hawn Malta meta kont membru tal-kumitat ta' Malta Gay Rights Movement, konna qed norganizzaw LGBT film festival u meta mort fl-ufficju tat-turisti l-Belt Valletta biex naghtihom il-leaflets biex ipogguhom fuq l-ixkaffa kulhadd baqa iccassat li jista' ikun hemm gay film festival li, iva fil-films ikollok nies gay. Il-mara quddiemi baqghet ixxukkjata u wara li kellha icempel lis-supervisor u mbaghad nahseb lid-direttur, qtajt qalbi u tlaqt il-barra.

Il-gays m'humiex pjaga fuq il-pajjiz. Ghandhom hafna x'joffru. M'ghandiex nibzghu minnhom, inkeccuhom mill-pajjiz jew ingeghulhom jghixu f'gidba.

ISSA wasal iz-zmien ghall-bidla. M'ghandniex nitilfu dan ic-cans ghax ic-cans li jmiss jigi hames snin ohra. Ivvota lil min mhux se jghaddik biz-zmien. Ivvota 1 Alternattiva Demokratika.

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard

Related links:

The Pink Pound




MGRM presents petition to AD


MGRM presents petition to AD

The Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) launched a petition yesterday requesting that the following issues be adequately addressed by all political parties:

• Formal recognition of the rights of same-sex couples;

• The inclusion of an article in the Criminal Code regarding homophobic and transphobic violence, and a clear strategy addressing homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools;

• Legal protection against discrimination in the delivery of goods and services expressly referring to the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression;

• The formal extension of the remit of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality to cater for the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression;

• And the inclusion of gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy for transgender persons as part of the public health services.

MGRM’s petition has been signed by 1,068 people since last October 2007, including Alternattiva Demokratika’s chairman Harry Vassallo, and AD is the first among the various political parties to have accepted the presentation of this petition yesterday at their offices in Sliema.

“As a party our message has been clear and we do not have any difficulty with any of the five requests listed in MGRM’s petition. Even with regards the public health services, we agree that trans-people should have free health treatment to enable their transition, and we doubt that the number of people requesting this service will be so exorbitant as to have an effect on the other free health services given, although we do think other priorities at Mater Dei Hospital need to be taken into consideration,” said Dr Vassallo.

“However, AD has always been clear that the word ‘civil marriage’ should not be used in the case of gays and lesbians,” he said.

Unlike AD, MGRM would like to see the institution of marriage for gays accepted legally since the recognition of marriage would give them true equality, however they are welcoming the acceptance of “civil unions” as this would be a step forward in the right direction said the movement’s coordinator Gabriella Calleja.

MGRM have 300 registered members although they do not feel that this is representative of the number of LGBT’s (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & Transexuals) in Malta and Gozo since according to international research it was found that between 5-10 per cent of voters in any given population is usually gay which would mean that on average there would be between 15,000 to 30,000 gay members within our voting community, although most of them would not have “come out” due to fear of being discriminated against.

“AD is the only party consistently in favour of our rights, within which a candidate is an openly declared gay. However AN have also agreed to meet us and we are also waiting for a reply from the MLP and PN,” concluded an MGRM spokesperson.

Monday, 18 February 2008

AD is in favour of gay rights


Alternattiva backs gay rights

Alternattiva Demokratika leader Harry Vassallo said today that the recognition of gay rights would be a step forward, helping the political class to catch up with Maltese society

At press conference at the AD offices Dr Vassallo said that his party had always insisted that the recognition of gay rights was a sign of tolerance and civilization which Maltese society had achieved ahead of its political class.

Dr Vassallo made his comments following a meeting with the representatives of the Malta Gay Rights Movement who presented a petition signed by 1,063 people asking for the enactment of specific proposals in favour of the minorities they represent.

Miss Gabi Calleja explained that the petitioners were in favour of the formal recognition of the rights of same sex couples; for the inclusion of a Criminal Code provision against violence motivated by homophobia and transphobia and for a strategy addressing similarly motivated bullying in schools. The MGRM is asking for legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in the provision of goods and services as well as for the extension of the remit of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression issues. The MGRM petition also calls for transgender surgery and therapy to be included in public health services.

Dr Vassallo said Alternattiva Demokratika supported the MGRM request.

Technorati Profile

L-Orizzont: Il-'gay drain' minn Malta biex imorru jghixu vera suret in-nies Fl-ezilju… imma kuntent hafna


Il-'gay drain' minn Malta biex imorru jgœixu vera suret in-nies Fl-eÿilju… imma kuntent œafna
minn Victor Vella

Immaġinaw ftit. Żagħżugħ jinduna li l-ġibdiet tiegħu huma lejn is-sess maskili – omosesswali. L-atteġġjament tiegħu u forsi l-mod kif jaħseb, jibda' jwasslu biex sħabu jemarġinawh. Iċ-ċajt goff jipprovawh fuqu l-ewwel "għax hu mhux bħalhom". Ħafna drabi jispiċċa vittma ta' bbuljar, mgħajjar u insulentat. Appoġġ fl-iskola jew servizzi ta' appoġġ għalih ma jsibx. In-nies fit-triq u s-soċjetà inġenerali ukoll titkaża bih. Il-patrijiet jgħidulu "xejn ħażin li inti omosesswali, imma tippratti-kahiex". Kull fejn imur jinduna li jkun diskriminat, li m'għandux id-drittijiet daqs l-eterosesswali. Kull fejn imur mit-toroq sal-knejjes, ħafna jippontaw subgħajhom lejh. Ta' ġewwa wkoll jinħasdu meta jgħidilhom li omosesswali. Ikun hemm min jgħidlu li "se tħassrilna l-unur tal-familja" jew li hu "n-nagħġa s-sewda tal-familja". Din hi s-sitwazzjoni li jgħixu fiha ħafna omosesswali f'Malta.

Il-mistoqsija hi x'tista' tagħmel jekk int omosesswali u trid verament tgħix ħajtek bi drittijiet daqs in-nies l-oħrajn. Is-soluzzjoni, għal ħafna omosesswali, hi waħda – dik li teżilja ruħek, għax sa issa f'Malta għadna wisq lura biex l-omosesswali jingħataw drittijiethom kif għandhom f'pajjiżi Ewropej. Meta tagħmel hekk tibda tgħix ħajtek, skond l-emozzjonijiet tiegħek, fil-kuntentizza u mingħajr ma tkun iġġudikat. Għadd ta' omosesswali imxew fuq dawn il-passi u ħallew jew qegħdin jitilqu minn Malta, f'dak li qed jissejjaħ il-'gay drain'.

Wieħed minn dawk li ma felaħx u ma setax jgħix aktar f'Malta, kien Antoine Spiteri, li eżilja ruħu minn Malta, fl-età żgœira ta' 15-il sena. Illum Spiteri, mhux biss żviluppa l-karattru tiegħu tant li għamel riċerka interessanti fuq iċ-'chimpanzees', iżda qiegħed jgħix ħajtu kif dejjem xtaq, miżżewwġġ u l-quddiem bit-tfal ukoll. Antoine u David issa ilhom sena miżżewæin, bir-rispett u l-imħabba lejn xulxin fl-aħħar sena qatt ma naqsu. Huma tant jinsabu kuntenti jgħixu ħajjithom, li qegħdin jippjanaw li jkollhom it-tfal fil-futur qrib, billi jadottaw. Ix-xewqa ta' Antoine dejjem kienet li jkollu tfal f'Malta, iżda fiċ-ċirkostanzi preżenti din ma tistax isseħħ.

l-orizzont ikkomunika ma' Antoine Spiteri u staqsejnieh dwar id-deċiżjoni li jeżilja ruħu minn Malta. Tkellimna miegħu ukoll fuq il-ħajja miżżewġa fir-Renju Unit.

Hu jiddeskrivi s-soċjetà Maltija bœala li gœandha strutturi inaççettabbli. Spjega li "meta ngœid hekk inkun qed nirreferi gœal-limitazzjoni li membri ta' gruppi ta' minoritajiet jiffaççjaw b'mod personali, soçjalment u anke politikament. Meta tqabbel lil Malta ma' xi pajjiÿi oœrajn Ewropej, il-limitazzjonijiet li jiffaççjaw l-omosesswali f'Malta huma sproporzjonati. Fost dawn hemm nuqqas ta' servizz gœall-komunità ta' omosesswali, lesbjani, bisesswali u transesswali f'Malta. Hemm barrieri kulturali biex tgœix il-œajja ta' omosesswali u limitazzjonijiet fuq opportunitajiet edukattivi gœall-membri ta' gruppi ta' minoranzi. Hemm ukoll il-limitazzjonijiet politiçi bejn l-eterosesswali u l-omosesswali, fosthom l-gœarfien ta' relazzjoni bejn koppji omosesswali, il-liæijiet ta' l-immigrazzjoni u l-gœarfien gœall-familji omosesswali".

L-eÿilju lejn Los Angeles ta' 15-il sena

Antoine Spiteri spjega li "kont qed inœoss li kont qed nikber f'ambjent politiku u reliæjuÿ li kien konservattiv gœall-aœœar, ambjent li ma kienx possibbli li ÿagœÿugœ omosesswali jiÿviluppa u jimxi 'l quddiem. Il-Patrijiet Dumnikani kienu qegœdin jgœiduli li "m'hemm xejn œaÿin li nkun 'gay', iÿda tipprattikax", waqt li l-Gvern kien qed jgœid li "m'hemm xejn œaÿin li jien omosesswali iÿda tistenniex li se nagœrfuk bœala bniedem komplet". "Gœal œafna snin kont inœossni kkonfrontat mill-istrutturi qawwija tas-soçjetà li kienu jiææudikaw u jittimbraw çerti attitudnijiet u çertu stil ta' œajja bœala inaççettabbli. Din poææietni f'poÿizzjoni kerha u b'hekk kont imæiegœel naœseb mill-ædid fuq il-valuri tiegœi, dak li nemmen u dak kollu li kien hemm madwari. Iddeçidejt li nœalli Malta."

Jenfasizza li l-punt li l-aktar li gœafsu biex iœalli lil Malta kienet is-sistema edukattiva. Qalilna li "s-sistema edukattiva ma kinitx tagœmilha façli gœall-individwi minn gruppi li æejjin minn minoritajiet biex ikunu suççess. Ma kien hemm l-ebda liæijiet dwar l-ibbuljar, ma kien hemm l-ebda appoææ gœall-vittmi ta' l-omofobija u ebda rikonoxximent li jeÿistu omosesswali adoloxxenti. Kien diffiçli gœall-individwi li ma kinux kompatibbli mat-tagœlim u testijiet standard u ma kien hemm l-ebda appoææ gœall-istudenti li jsofri minn marki baxxi sempliçiment gœax is-sistema edukattiva hi eterosessista".

Ir-reliæjon f'Malta u l-omosesswali

Antoine Spiteri jgœidilna li "minœabba l-influwenza kbira li r-reliæjon gœandha fuq is-soçjetà u l-kultura Maltija, din l-istess influwenza gœandha implikazzjonijiet kbar fuq kif is-soçjetà tœares lejn l-omosesswalità u fuq kollox kif l-omosesswali jœarsu lejhom infushom. It-tbatija u s-sofferenza li l-omosesswali jesperjenzaw, minœabba riÿultat dirett ta' preæudizzjoni reliæjuÿ, gœandhom ikunu rikonoxxuti, u mistœarræin biex jinœaræu miÿuri biex jaraw li l-omosesswali ma jibqgœux aktar mhedda, oppressati u ppersegwitati fiÿikament u psikoloæikament. Gœal dawk li weæægœu minn dawn il-preæudizzji u azzjonijiet, inœoss li gœandu jkun hemm riparazzjoni u anke appoææ biex il-vittmi jkunu mgœejjunin. Gœalliema omosesswali gœandhom ikunu protetti bil-liæi u l-gœalliema kollha kemm eterosesswali kif ukoll l-omosesswali, gœandu jkollhom l-istess limitazzjonijiet u libertajiet meta jiæu biex jinfluwenzaw lill-istudenti fuq dak li jemmnu u jgœixu huma personalment".

Il-kuntatt ma' Malta u l-familja nÿamm

Antoine Spiteri qalilna li "meta nuÿa l-kelma eÿilju, jien inkun qiegœed nirreferi gœat-tluq tiegœi b'mod volontarju minn pajjiÿi u gœad-distakk b'mod psikoloæiku minn kultura li jien naraha bœala li hi ta' detriment gœall-omosesswali. Minn Malta tlaqt lejn Los Angeles, belt liberali. Mort hemmhekk biex ngœix f'belt, li kienet tqis li l-omosesswali gœandhom jitœallew jgœixu fil-libertà u meqjusa bœala mem-bri validi gœas-soçjetà t'hemm-hekk. Gœalkemm ngœix barra, gœad gœandi rabtiet qawwijin ma' Malta. Ta' kuljum inçempel lil ommi u membri oœrajn tal-familja. L-assi tiegœi jinsabu kollha f'Malta. B'mod æenerali nœossni Malti u niæi Malta regolarment. Ngœix fir-Renju Unit mas-sieœeb tiegœi. Hawnhekk sar progress soçjali fejn jidœlu d-drittijiet ta' l-omosesswali u l-ugwaljanza bejn l-eterosesswali u l-omosesswali. Jista' jkun li xi darba, l-omosesswali li œallew Malta jœossu li huma ukoll gœadhom post fis-soçjetà Maltija u b'hekk ikunu jistgœu jerægœu jiæu lura. Sakemm iseœœ dan, œafna ÿgœaÿagœ se jkunu qegœdin iœarsu lejn sistema soçjali aktar tolleranti".

Jagœlaq sena miÿÿewweæ mas-sieœeb

Antoine Spiteri spjegalna li "fit-8 ta' Settembru se nkun gœalaqt sena mindu jien u s-sieœeb tiegœi David iÿÿewwiæna biç-çivil taœt il-liæi Ingliÿa. F'dan il-mument ninsabu ferœanin u kuntenti œafna u qegœdin nippjanaw li jkollna t-tfal fil-futur qrib". L-omosesswali jistgœu jrabbu t-tfal billi jadottaw.

Antoine qalilna li "kienet preferenza tiegœi li jkolli t-tfal f'Malta u li jikbru hemm, bogœod mill-perikli li jeÿistu fi bliet kbar. F'dan il-mument iÿda ma nœossx li l-ambjent f'Malta hu ideali gœall-familji omosesswali. Nara iÿda li xi darba, l-familji omosesswali se jkunu jistgœu jirritornaw lejn Malta mingœajr ma jœossuhom li qegœdin f'sistema legali ÿbilançjata kontrihom."


Alternattiva Demokratika for GAY Rights

Alternattiva Demokratika for GAY Rights
AD is in favour of civil partnerships.

Discussion with

Dr. Harry Vassallo
Dr. Patrick Attard

at the Adams Hotel, Ross Street Paceville
on Sunday 17th February at 13:30

If you are in favour of gay rights, and believe that civil partnerships should be recognised by the state then it is important to attend and have your say.

If this chance to move the issue of gay rights forward is lost, then the next one will be in 5 years' time!

Please note that the media will not be invited for the event.

It-Torca: Ittri lil Editur: David Casa u l-gay clubs fi Brussels

Novembru 2007
minn Dr Joseph Chetcuti, Melbourne

Qrajt ir-rapporti li dehru fit-torċa online (18/11/2007) u pinknews.co.uk. Skond dawn ir-rapporti, David Casa rabat l-attendenza tiegħu f'xi gay clubs fi Brussels ma' attivitajiet ta' natura politika.

Ladarba dawn kienu impenji uffiċjali, nassumi li bħala membru effiċjenti tal-parlament u tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Casa għandu rekord sħiħ ta' dawn il-viżti uffiċjali. Allura jien nistaqsih hekk:

(a) Liema kienu dawk il-gay clubs li int żort fi Brussels?

(b) Meta (jum u ħin) għamilt dawn il-viżti uffiċjali tiegħek?

(ċ) Min kienu dawk li stednuk (jew ħajruk) tmur f'dawn il-gay clubs?

(d) X'kienet l-okkażjoni ta' kull stedina?

(e) Barra Brussels, qatt attendejt uffiċjalment gay clubs jew postijitet oħra mfittxa mill-omosesswali kemm f'Malta kif ukoll f'pajjiżi oħra? U jekk iva, x'kien l-iskop ta' kull attendenza tiegħek?

Ġie rrapurtat ukoll, dejjem skond Casa, li d-deċiżjoni tiegħu li jastjeni mill-vot tal-mozzjoni li tikkundanna l-vjolenza u d-diskriminazzjoni kontra l-omosesswali ma kienet bl-ebda mod vot favur l-omofobja. B'kull rispett, ma naqbel xejn ma' dan is-sentiment. Kif jgħid il-qawl Ingliż: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it is a duck. Aħjar naqlibha għall-Malti: jekk iżżegleg bħal papra, tlaq-laq bħal papra u tidher qisha papra ... hi papra!

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Pink News: Maltese press question MEP over gay club visits


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Malta is one of the most socially conservative countries in the EU.
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9th November 2007 12:28
PinkNews.co.uk staff writer

A leading newspaper in Malta has questioned the gay-hostile voting record of one of the country's Member of the European Parliament in light of revelations that he is a regular at Brussels gay bars.

LGBT activists are angry that David Casa, 38, voted against motions in the parliament that condemned homophobic violence and discrimination.

Newspaper Il Torca reported in September: "Many homosexuals commented with this newspaper that David Casa was seen a number of times in gay clubs in Brussels."

Reporters contacted Mr Casa about these allegations and were told that he only goes to gay establishments for "politically-related events."

"Whenever I am invited from groups and organisations who fight discrimination of every kind, yes I attend," he told Il Torca.

Malta is one of the most socially conservative countries in the EU.

98% of the population are Roman Catholics, and although homosexuality is legal, there remains significant prejudice.

The Mediterranean island, a British colony until 1964, has around 400,000 inhabitants and is the smallest EU state in terms of both size and population.

In 2000 the government were criticised by gay rights groups for openly homophobic statements criticising EU proposals to treat gay people equally.

Only 18% of the Maltese population support gay marriage, a December 2006 Eurobarometer survey found, and there is significant prejudice against the LGBT community.