Sunday, 24 November 2013

David Gold: Same-Sex Marriage around the world

24.11.2013 by David Gold

So far, civil marriage for all consenting adult couples, no matter their gender, no matter their sexual orientation, is legal in ... (the following list grows from year to year):

A.  Outside the United States


Saturday, 23 November 2013

Times: Let’s safeguard natural family
Saturday, November 16, 2013, 00:01 by Theodore Sammut, Luqa

People my age who value the concept of marriage as something sacred, above any other so-called civil partnership or civil union, cannot accept the reasoning behind the legalisation on same-sex unions through marriage. We see this as absurd and against all natural behaviour and common sense.

I’m not against respecting and granting all human rights to gays even if they wish to live together with all the rights a married couple enjoy, although adoption is controversial.

Times: Non-discriminatory recruitment policies
Thursday, November 14, 2013, 00:01 by Mariosa Vella Cardona

It is up to employers to prove that there has been no breach of the equal treatment principle enshrined in both EU and national law when they are faced with facts from which discrimination can be presumed, the Court of Justice of the European Union has recently ascertained.

The EU’s directive on equal treatment in employment and occupation lays down a general framework for eradicating any discrimination on the basis of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation occurs whenever unwanted conduct related to sexual orientation takes place with the objective or effect of violating the dignity of a person and of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. EU law provides that, where the plaintiff comes up with facts from which it may be presumed that there has been discrimination, the burden of proof then shifts on to the defendant who has to prove that, notwithstanding the appearance of discrimination, the principle of equal treatment was not breached.

Times: Three gay herrings
Thursday, November 14, 2013, 00:01 by Ranier Fsadni

Several commentators have expressed surprise – in some cases, profound disappointment – at the lack of vigorous debate over the Civil Union Bill, which will give homosexual couples rights equal to those of married couples.

What strikes me, however, is how the people who are speaking up against gay unions keep missing the key point where debate and further public reflection might make some real difference.

Times: Housing rights for same-sex couples
Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 20:32

Family Affairs Minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca has said in Parliament that although the Housing Authority has no specific policy regarding same-sex couples, there were already some benefits that such couples may apply for.

These include rent subsidies if both are recognised inhabitants of the place; VAT refund if both have bought the place together; and subsidies on repair or enhancement of places occupied by owners or tenants.

Malta Today: Silence is not an option | Mgr Charles Scicluna

He was the Vatican’s chief prosecutor on the sex abuse crimes of the clergy. Now he is Malta’s auxiliary bishop. And now that he’s in town, he won’t just stay put. Mgr Charles Scicluna on civil unions and the Church.
Monday 11 November 2013 - 10:20 by Matthew Vella

Scicluna calling a spade, a spade: ‘If the government wants gay marriage, it should say so.’

There's fire in the portly Charles Scicluna, the auxiliary bishop whose diminutive stature belies not just his independence of mind, but the fact that he had been the Vatican's chief prosecutor on the sexual abuse cases that rocked the Catholic Church ever since 2002. For years he stood by the side of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Benedict XVI, when the latter headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the successor to the Roman and Universal Inquisition - and in its modern incarnation, Scicluna served as a latter-day Bernardo Gui, an enforcer for the Roman pontiff and a hunter of sinners.

Times: Getting the conversation right
Sunday, November 10, 2013, 00:01 by Fr Renato Borg

On January 13, 2013, many hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Paris to publicly oppose the Socialist Government’s social engineering agenda to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. Some observers were surprised at the very significant public opposition. However, some of the prominent voices in favour of retaining the understanding of marriage as the union of husband and wife were associated with the gay rights cause.

Times: ‘Youngsters don’t care if their parents are gay’
Sunday, November 10, 2013, 18:28 by Patrick Cooke

David Worsley’s mother is gay and he calls her civil partner Mum Number Two. Photo: Facebook

David Worsley is a 30-year-old British expat with a steady job and a loving girlfriend. He was also raised by a lesbian mother, not that he thinks that matters.

“All I wanted as a child was a nice, happy home, and my mum was happy,” he said.

Mr Worsley opted to speak to The Sunday Times of Malta because he was frustrated by the tone of the debate on the Government’s plans to allow same-sex couples to adopt children.

Times: Woman to woman marriage
Friday, November 8, 2013, 00:01 by Mark Sammut, Valletta

Ranier Fsadni’s teasingly-named We Are All Gay Now (October 31) was about legal recognition of quasi-matrimonial arrangements between homosexuals of the same sex.

Dr Fsadni wrote that “woman to woman marriage [was allowed] among the Nuer of the Sudan in the 1930s”.

Times: EU court backs gay asylum bids
Thursday, November 7, 2013, 15:16 by PA

Refugees facing imprisonment in their home country because they are gay may have grounds to be granted asylum in the European Union, the bloc's top court has ruled.

The existence of laws imprisoning homosexuals "may constitute an act of persecution per se" if they are routinely enforced, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice ruled.

Independent: Homosexuality can be grounds for asylum - EU Court
Thursday, 07 November 2013, 12:05; UPDATE 1

Refugees facing imprisonment in their home country because they are gay may have sufficient grounds to be granted asylum in the European Union, the 28-nation bloc's top court ruled Thursday.

The existence of laws imprisoning homosexuals "may constitute an act of persecution per se" if they are routinely enforced, the Luxembourg-based EuropeanCourt of Justice said.

Times: Vote on civil unions Bill
Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 00:01 by Alfred Gatt, Santa Venera

Bishop Charles Scicluna recently issued an appeal to parliamentarians regarding the Civil Union Bill that is being presented in Parliament. In it, he mentions the value of marriage between a man and a woman, procreation, consummation and the rights of children.

I am of the opinion that this appeal should be synthesised in a pastoral letter by the Bishops Conference of the Maltese Islands, to be read in all the churches of Malta and Gozo before it becomes law.

Times: Some education about civil unions
Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 00:01 by Jonathan Shaw

When we voted for divorce, the majority made a clear choice. The vote allowed people to choose their own destiny. Instead of forcing separated people to build their new relationships outside of wedlock, they can now remarry civilly.

And this is because, ironically, the divorce vote was also a statement in favour of marriage rather than against it.

Then came civil unions. In its electoral manifesto the Labour Party promised to introduce civil unions for gay couples.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Times: Christians taking a stand
Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 00:01 by Klaus Vella Bardon

In his contribution ‘Till death do Gaby and Cyrus part’ (The Sunday Times of Malta, October 20) commenting on the Civil Unions Bill, (same-sex marriage under a different name), Mark Anthony Falzon stoops to an unbelievable level of bitterness and unfairness.

As a worthy representative and champion of the local secular, anti-Catholic brigade, he portrays those who oppose the corrosive changes in marriage legislation in the worst possible light. Instead of sticking to a civil argument, he resorts to mockery and vilification.

Times: Gay ‘marriage’ and adoption
Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 00:01 by Joseph Sciriha, Msida

It is encouraging that the current discussion in respect of civil unions has to date been carried out civilly, maturely, constructively and, above all, in full respect of the dignity of every person.

Every proposed law includes a statement of fundamental importance which sets out the ‘The Objects and Reasons of the Bill’. The Civil Unions Bill states the following: “The underlying principle of this Act is to equate civil unions with marriages in terms of procedure and substance in a manner that guarantees equal rights to parties in a civil union as are granted to spouses in a marriage.”

Times: Barilla plans ‘inclusive’ TV ads after anti-gay remarks
Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 00:01 by Steve Scherer, Reuters

Packs of Barilla pasta are seen in the kitchen of a restaurant in Rome. Photo: Tony Gentile/Reuters

Italian pasta maker Barilla has reacted to the global storm caused by its chairman’s comments that he would never use a gay family in his advertising by saying it planned to make the company more diverse and run a more inclusive TV ad campaign.

Guido Barilla’s remarks to a radio interviewer in September led to calls by gay rights groups to boycott the products of the world’s biggest pasta maker, a company more than 130 years old based in the provincial city of Parma.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

All Out: Winner [Russia]

What if living your dream meant living a lie? Please watch this:
Russia is in the midst of a violent crackdown against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people – fueled by laws that make it a crime to be open about who you are and who you love.
The countdown is on for Russia's winter Olympics and, very soon, all eyes will be on them. But behind the spectacle that President Putin wants the world to see, there are thousands of people hiding and living in fear.

iNews Malta: “Neħħew ir-ritratti tiegħi mid-dar wara li għidtilhom li jien gay”
Melvic Zammit | 07:47 | 03.11.2013

“Ma nafx x’fettilli nżerżaqielhom li jien gay. Li ma kellix ġibda sesswali lejn is-sess oppost tiegħi. Mhux se ngħidlek li ommi fetħet idha meta għidtilha x’jien, imma ħaditni aħjar minn missieri. Dak għandu mentalità antika”.

Il-vuċi fraġli u l-għajnejn miksura kienu jirriflettu xi ftit jew wisq mill-ansjetà li kien għaddej minnha. It-toqol fil-pass irrifletta l-apatija li nħakem minnha. “Qed inħossni mnikket.” Għalkemm għall-ewwel kien qed jistenna li jkun hemm dik it-tip ta’ reazzjoni, “għaliex wara kollox din kienet sajjetta fil-bnazzi għalihom”, ma kienx qed jistenna li l-affari se titwal daqshekk. “Imma allura kont se nibqa’ sieket? Issa billi se nibqa’ ngħix f’gidba?! Mhux jien se nbati?”

iNews Malta: Ġurnata li se tibqa’ miktuba fl-istorja – Muscat
22:26 | 22.10.2013

“Illum hi ġurnata importanti mmens li se tibqa’ miktuba fl-istorja.” Hekk sostna l-Prim Ministru u Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, Joseph Muscat hekk kif kien qiegħed jindirizza l-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Forum Żgħażagħ Laburisti wara li kien għadu ġej mill-Parlament fejn bdiet tiġi diskussa l-liġi dwar l-unjoni ċivili.

Il-Mexxej Laburista qal li dan il-forum kien dejjem benniena għall-ideat azzardati fejn minnhom kien hemm bosta li saru realtà, anke meta l-Partit Laburista kien għadu fl-Oppożizzjoni. Fakkar ukoll kif ftit tax-xhur ilu kien ħeġġiġhom biex jibqgħu jkunu ambizzjużi fl-ideat tagħhom u anke kif dan il-forum kien il-mutur ewlieni li wassal biex sentejn u nofs ilu ddaħħal id-divorzju.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Independent: Vatican polls parishes on Marriage, Birth Control
Friday, 01 November 2013, 06:22

The Vatican is taking the unusual step of conducting a worldwide survey on how parishes deal with sensitive issues such as birth control, divorce and gay marriage, seeking input ahead of a major meeting on the family that Pope Francis plans next year.

The poll was sent in mid-October to every national conference of bishops with a request from the Vatican coordinator, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, to "share it immediately as widely as possible to deaneries and parishes so that input from local sources can be received."