Saturday, 31 May 2014

Public Registry [Malta]: Civil Unions

Public Registry

 The main functions and responsibilities of the Public Registry originate from the Public Registry Act (Cap 56), the Marriage Act (Cap 255), the Civil Unions Act (Cap 530), Chapter 16 of the Civil Code, Sections 1 to 306 and the Housing (Decontrol Ordinance), 1959 (Cap 158).

The Public Registry was set up on the 3rd August 1889 although the records date back to 1863. Records kept at the Public Registry include acts of birth, marriage, civil unions and death and adoption registrations. Annotations to the mentioned acts/registrations are made following court decrees/judgements. Certificates of the above are issued accordingly on request.
     Civil Status
     The Archives

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Independent: Malta ranks among the best countries for LGBTi rights
Tuesday, 27 May 2014, 11:27 , by Duncan Barry

Malta has made vast improvement in terms of LGBTi rights, scoring an additional 22 percentage points over the previous year’s score of thirty five per cent, a survey carried out by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) earlier this month, has found.

The annual Rainbow Europe Survey ranked the United Kingdom and Belgium as the best places for LGBTi rights. The UK came first with a tally of 82 per cent while Belgium placed second (78 per cent).

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Malta Today: Government to propose Gender Identity Bill

Marking the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, government reflects on Malta’s inroads in civil liberties landscape.
16 May 2014, 6:33pm by Daniel Mizzi

After Malta moved up 22 percentage points in the Rainbow Europe Index, the government has announced that it will soon be proposing a Gender Identity Bill, and that it would explore other legislative initiatives.

Since May 2013, Malta was the ‘fastest climber’ in the Rainbow Europe Index – Europe’s score on LGBTI human rights – moving up 22 percentage points in the European rankings.

All Out: In 77 countries it's a crime to be gay

More than 17,068 of us shared one number on Facebook: 77. It's reached over 1,029,135 people so far.
Today, we can reveal the shocking truth. 
In 77 countries it's a crime to be gay. But we know that together, we can make sure the whole world knows that we're going All Out to get it to ZERO – and that they can join in.

There's so many laws and practices that hurt lesbian, gay, bi and trans people every day – and part of stopping it is getting the world's attention that this is a HUGE and global problem.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Times: Society has to change mindset to eradicate homophobia - Minister
Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 15:23 by Juan Ameen

Video: Paul Spiteri Lucas [Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

Changing laws was not enough to eradicate homophobia but society also had to change its mindset, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo said today.

“It helps to have the laws in place but people are still suffering,” he said during an event organised this afternoon by the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology against homophobic bullying.

Malta Today: A full-time commitment against homophobia
By Helena Dalli, 13 May 2014, 9:59am

This week Malta will be hosting the second European Forum on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO 2014 Forum).

One of my initial foreign engagements as minister was the first IDAHO Forum in The Hague, last May. I recall how Malta stood out as a signatory of the IDAHO Forum declaration, calling on the European Commission to adopt a common policy approach on a European level to combat discrimination on the basis on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Di-ve: MCAST’s first Day Against Homophobia.
Last Updated 12 | 05 | 2014 at 10:55
Article By: news

The MCAST Student Support Services are organising MCAST’s first Day Against Homophobia.

A Holy Mass will be held on Tuesday 13th May at noon in the Chapel, MCAST Main Campus, Paola.

Another event including a panel discussion on bullying will be held on Wednesday 14th May at 1300hrs at the canteen outdoor area, MCAST Main Campus, Paola. The guests include Winter Moods, The Minister of Education and the Ambassador of the United States of America. The US Embassy will premiere a new short film at the event.

For full programme please contact PR and Communications Manager Ms. Caroline Balzan.

Times: Minister reacts as Adoptions Board head laments lack of consultation
Monday, May 12, 2014, 08:39

The chairman of the Adoptions Board has expressed disgust at the way adoption by same-sex couples has been “surreptitiously” introduced in the law on civil unions.

Ivan Grech Mintoff refused to reply to questions about the board’s position on the actual issue of gay adoption, saying it had been instructed not to comment. But he was more forthcoming on the manner in which the measure was introduced: “I can tell you outright that we were not consulted before gay adoptions became part of the Civil Unions Bill.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Times: Austria's 'bearded lady' Conchita Wurst wins Eurovision Song Contest
Sunday, May 11, 2014, 00:31

Austrian drag queen Conchita Wurst, popularly known as "the bearded lady," won the Eurovision Song Contest with the James Bond-theme-like ballad "Rise Like a Phoenix", before a global TV audience of about 180 million people in 45 countries.

Malta's representative, Firelight singing the song Coming Home, gave a confident performance but failed to get points from the majority of countries, finishing off 23rd with a total of 32 votes.

Ray Calleja: L-Imhabba taghmel hsara lilek u lill ta’ madwarek!
Posted by raycallejamundu Wednesday, May 7, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Dan li gej kien diskors li ktibt xi gimghat qabel ma ghaddiet il-ligi dwar l-unjoni civili f’Malta.

Il-bierah kelli diskursata tahraq ma tnejn minn shabi li jixtiequ jizzewgu u ma jistghux! Lill Paul u Doris ilni nafhom snin twal, u ghalhekk kont sorpriz meta laqqghu lill grupp tal-klikka taghna biex ituna l-ahbar. Lanqas biss konna nafu li huma koppja ahseb u ara li kellom ix-xewqa li jizzewgu u jkollom familja!

Id-diskors malajr dar fuq ghalfejn Paul u Doris qatt ma qalulna xejn. “Konna mbezzghin li ma kontux tridu tkunu aktar hbieb taghna jekk nghidulkom”. “Gieli rajna r-rejazzjoni taghkom meta rajtu tnejn bhalna fuq it-televixin jghidu l-istess, ghalkemm accetajtuhom, qiskom dhaktu w’ izzufjettatju bihom minn taht!” “Meta konna l-Belt niehdu kafe ridna nzommu jdejn xulxin biex forsi tiehdu sinjal ta’ dak li qed inhossu, imma bzajna li l-kafe jinzel velenu jew li thossukom skomdi. Legalment ma nistghux nizzewgu u jkollna familja f’pajjizna ghax id-diskors ghadu jdur fuq jekk ahniex kompetenti, jekk haqqniex, jekk ahniex morda emozzjonalment jew jekk (bhall avviz fuq pakett tas-sigaretti) jekk l-imhabba taghna taghmilx hsara lilna u lill ta’ madwarna!”

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

KullĦadd: "Bħalissa qed inħossu ferħ kbir"

MANUEL XUEREB huwa wicc familjari hafna mal-Maltin, hekk kif ghal dawn l-ahhar snin bena isem ghalih innifsu fix-xena tal-ispettaklu u t-televizjoni. Wara relazzjoni twila ta’ hmistax-il sena, ghall-ewwel darba Manuel se jkollu c-cans li jinghaqad mas-sieheb tieghu Steve permezz tal-unjoni civili. F’din l-intervista Manuel tkellem ma’ RITIANNE AGIUS dwar dak li ghadda minnu, dak li tfisser ghalih din l-opportunità, u t-tieg tieghu li se jsir f’Settembru li gej.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

TVM: Aġġornat: Ryan u Jamie jirreġistraw l-ewwel żwieġ gay f’Malta
MTELLA' 3 TA' MEJJU, 2014 - AĠĠORNATA 4 TA' MEJJU, 2014 12:16AM

Il-koppja Ryan Pisani u Jaime Banuelos naqqxu isimhom bħala l-ewwel koppja li rreġistrat uffiċjalment iż-żwieġ gay tagħhom f’Malta, jinsab

Huma għamlu dan it-Tlieta li għadda fid-Dipartiment tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, il-Belt Valletta.

Ryan, Malti mwieled il-Kanada u Jaime mwieled il-Messiku, iżżewġu fl-20 ta’ April 2013 f’Toronto, il-Kanada fejn iż-żwieġ bejn koppji tal-istess sess huwa rikonoxxut mill-istat.

Times: The ways of the bullies
Saturday, May 3, 2014, 00:01 by Gabi Calleja

There were celebrations outside Parliament, in Valletta, when the House approved the third reading of the Civil Union Bill.

One may understand how a dentist such as Miriam Sciberras can, as a concerned citizen, write an opinion piece that is completely devoid of truth and logic.

She, like many others, fails to recognise how presumptuous and offensive it is to assume that heterosexuality automatically imbues straight people with an understanding and appreciation of what is in the best interest of the child, a quality which gay people are seemingly devoid of. However, one would have rather different expectations from a journalist, such as Ivan Fenech who, in his article of April 8, seems to be completely lacking in any kind of journalistic integrity or analytical thinking.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Times: Is North Ireland non-European?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 13:33 by Fr Joe Borg

In this morning’s The Times of Malta I tried to answer Kurt Sansone’s question whether our membership of the EU has had anything to do with the introduction of divorce, gay marriage and gay adoptions. I answered in the negative.

Dr Michael Brigulio was of the same opinion.

It is very clear that the socio-cultural milieu that led to the introduction of these subjects has nothing to do with the EU institutions. The answer lies elsewhere and therefore the argument that who was against such innovations is not a European is not correct.

Times: No ‘mum and dad’
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 00:01 by Frank Muscat

It is important to stress from the outset that I have always been in favour of civil unions, uncomfortable with the notion of same-sex adoption for reasons given below, and certainly against same-sex marriage. As one who has professionally worked in different settings with children, young persons and families, locally and overseas, I contend that the government’s decision to combine civil unions with adoption was a step in the wrong direction. My contribution focuses on same-sex adoption.

The well-articulated, level-headed and liberal Opposition leader Simon Busuttil is right in saying that, on a personal level, he is all out in favour of civil unions but had reservations on gay adoption. Busuttil would have supported gay adoption had a local social impact assessment been carried out, resulting in same-sex adoption being in the best interest of the child.