Sunday, 21 July 2013

BBC News: US Supreme Court in historic rulings on gay marriage
27 June 2013 Last updated at 01:53 GMT

Edith Windsor celebrates after the Supreme Court ruling in her case in New York 26 June 2013Doma plaintiff Edith Windsor saluted her late partner Thea Speyer after the Supreme Court ruled in her favour

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The US Supreme Court has struck down a law denying federal benefits to gay couples and cleared the way for same-sex marriage in California.
The justices said that the Defense of Marriage Act, known as Doma, discriminated against same-sex couples.
In a second ruling, they left in place a lower court's striking down of Proposition 8, California's prohibition of gay marriage.
Opinion polls indicate that most Americans support same-sex marriage.
Wednesday's decisions do not affect the bans on gay unions enshrined in the constitutions of 29 US states.

Malta Today: Doma struck down on historic day for gay rights in America

Justices rule Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and clear way for same-sex marriage to be restored in California
Thursday 27 June 2013 - 09:11

A landmark supreme court ruling struck down a controversial federal law that discriminated against gay couples in the US, delivering a stunning victory on Wednesday to campaigners who fought for years to overturn it.

The court also dismissed a separate appeal against same-sex marriage laws in California, restoring the right to gay marriage in the largest US state and nearly doubling the number of Americans living in states where gay marriage would be legal.

All Out: Put a ring on it!


Today, the US Supreme Court ruled at last: all legally married couples will finally be equally protected by the law – including gay and lesbian couples.
It means that all legally married couples in the US will now have the right to visit their husband or wife if they’re sick or dying in hospital. And for couples where only one person is an American citizen, they can now marry and stay together in the US, instead of being torn apart.
This is huge news within the US, but the march toward equality is accelerating all over the world. All Out members and our partner organisations in many countries are building incredible momentum towards winning equal marriage in many more countries, like Brazil and Mexico.
The decision today, and recent successful marriage campaigns led by organizers in Argentina, France, New Zealand and Uruguay show that the message of love and equality is taking hold.
We can celebrate this moment together, as we keep working to build a world where no person has to sacrifice their family, safety, freedom or dignity because of who they are or who they love.
Messages of joy are flying around the world on Twitter and Facebook, will you join in?
If you use Facebook, help break the news by clicking here and then clicking SHARE, to share the image below with friends and family.

Independent: 'Government already working on amending Constitution'
Saturday, 22 June 2013, 17:28

Minister Helena Dalli said that the government is already working on an amendment to the Constitution to eliminate discrimination against gays, lesbians and people who changed sex.

Attending the gay pride parade this morning, the minister spoke about what has been done on LGBT rights in the government's first 100 days. Dr Dalli said that the government will keep up the pace in order to build a society where all persons can enjoy their rights as human beings.

Times: Updated: Hundreds attend Malta's Gay Pride Parade in Valletta
Saturday, June 22, 2013, 13:31

Video: Darrin Zammit Lupi [Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

Republic Street in Valletta was this morning transformed in a rainbow of colours as people from all walks of life joined the gay community in the annual Gay Pride parade.

Reporter Kristina Chetcuti spoke to Gaby Calleja, of the Malta Gay Rights Movement, about the current situation, the stigma that can surround homosexuality and the organisation's current projects.

Prohibition of sexual orientation discrimination to be included in Constitutional reform

Malta Today: Updated | Civil liberties minister pledges equality in pride march

Minister Helena Dalli says nobody should be discriminated over race, sex or sexual orientation.
Saturday 22 June 2013 - 12:44 by Jean Pierre Cassar

Civil liberties minister Helena Dalli said the first 100 days of the Labour government were charecterised by landmark decisions granting further liberties to LGBTI persons.

Citing the change in the civil code granting the right to marry to transexuals and the consultative council entrusted with drafting a civil union bill, she said: "These are a symbol of the government's first 100 days."

Dalli also welcomed the Nationalist Party's proposal to amend the Constitution and grant protection to all citizens irrispective of their sexual orientation.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Malta Today: PN goes LGBT?

The Nationalist Party's parliamentary proposal to include a clause in the Constitution to protect people against discrimination based on sexual orientation is most welcome.
Friday, June 21, 2013 by Michael Briguglio

So is its apology towards to Joanne Cassar and transgendered persons. Symbolically, the latter is a far cry from its confessionalism of the previous years.

It would be even better if this Saturday, at the Pride March, leaders of all 3 political parties pronounce themselves clearly and unequivically against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in all aspects of social policy. Basically, this would represent clear policy consistency for Arnold Cassola, it would represent a great leap forward for Simon Busuttil and it would represent the logical path for Joseph Muscat.

Malta Today: AD welcomes initiatives, questions why gender identity is not mentioned

AD says private member’s bill is a step in the right direction, but makes no mention of gender identity.
Friday 21 June 2013 - 12:00 by a Staff Reporter

Opposition MP Claudette Buttigieg.

Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, has said it welcomed the recent move by Opposition MP Claudette Buttigieg to present a private member's bill to amend the constitution with regard to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but has questioned why no mention to gender identity was made.

This was one of the proposals included in the electoral manifesto of Alternattiva Demokratika, which was the only party propagating full equality for LGBT persons in all areas of social life, said AD chairperson Arnold Cassola.

Independent: AD welcomes initiatives against LGBT discrimination
Friday, 21 June 2013, 11:25

Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party welcomes the recent move by the PN to present a private member's bill to amend the constitution with regards to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation but questions why gender identity is not mentioned. This was one of the proposals included in the electoral manifesto of Alternattiva Demokratika which was the only party propagating full equality for LGBT persons in all areas of social life.

Prof. Arnold Cassola, AD Chairperson, said: "It is great that Claudette Buttigieg has taken the initiative to effectively present this private member's bill. The anomaly in the Maltese constitution has been there for years, since Malta signed and ratified the "European Charter of Fundamental Rights" which calls for the eradication of any discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The swift approval of the Hon. Buttigieg's private members bill will serve to finally get us in line with democratic Europe. Protocol 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights should also be ratified, and Malta should take a more active role in the promotion of human rights of LGBT persons at the international level".

Times: Updated: Opposition presents Constitutional amendment against sexual orientation discrimination

MGRM, Aditus welcome proposed amendment
Thursday, June 20, 2013, 13:12

Video: Paul Spiteri Lucas [Click on the hyperlink above to watch the video.]

The Opposition has presented a private member's bill to amend the Constitution and increase the protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Article 45 of the Constitution protects against discrimination based on race, colour or sex among others. The previous government had proposed changes based not just on sex, religion and political beliefs, but also on sexual orientation, and this was listed as Proposal 99 of the Nationalist electoral programme, deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco said during a press conference after the bill was presented to Speaker Anglu Farrugia.

Malta Right Now: Imniedi l-video "It Gets Better"
19 ta' Ġunju, 2013 20:56 CET minn Charles MUSCAT

Imniedi l-video

L-Ambaxxatur tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika għal Malta, Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley nediet video intitolat "It Gets Better" li hu produzzjoni tal-Ambaxxata Amerikana.

Il-video sar bl-appoġġ għad-drittijiet tal-persuni b'orjentazzjoni sesswali differenti LGBT.

YouTube: NET TV: Imniedi l-video "It Gets Better"

US Embassy, Malta: It Gets Better [video]

On Wednesday, June 19, US Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley with the Malta Gay Rights Movement launched the U.S. Embassy-produced “It Gets Better” video during a reception to celebrate Pride Week. Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley reiterated that no one should be harmed because of who they are or who they love.

Watch the video here:

L-Orizzont: Sejħa għall-ġenituri b'ulied LGBT: Titilquhom Qatt!!

11.6.2013 minn Joseph Mifsud

DRACHMA Parents’ Group jaf il-bidu tiegħu lil għadd żgħir ta’ ġenituri flimkien ma’ patri Dumnikan li kien jakkumpanjana, ftit aktar minn ħames snin ilu. Kien bżonn għalina li nifhmu aktar x’inhi l-omosesswalità. Xtaqna nsibu wkoll xi tweġibiet għall-mistoqsijiet u d-diffikultajiet li kellna. Fl-istess ħin ridna nirrikonċiljaw il-fidi mar-rwol tagħna bħala ġenituri ta’ ulied ‘gay’, partikolarment bejn dak li l-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem dwar l-omosesswalità u s-saħħa emozzjonali u mentali ta’ wliedna.

[Tista' tara l-artiklu kollu hawn.]

Malta Today: Prime Minister receives Soldier Award for supporting gay rights

First draft civil union bill to be discussed on Thursday within the LGBT consultative council.
Tuesday 18 June 2013 - 15:52 by Miriam Dalli

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat 'winner' of this year's Soldier Award.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was today awarded the Soldier Award for supporting the gay community.

This award was previously given to now Education Minister Evarist Bartolo last year and MGRM coordinator Gabi Calleja in 2011.

Receiving this year's Gay Exiles' Soldier Award, a somewhat beaming Muscat said he "generally was not a fan of awards" but heartily welcomed this one.

iNews Malta: L-Unjoni Ċivili tidħol sal-aħħar tas-sena
18:04  |  18.06.2013

Il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat tkellem dwar avvanz importanti fir-rispett lejn id-diversità se jkun l-introduzzjoni tad-dritt ta' civil union għal koppji tal-istess sess. "Permezz tal-kunsill konsultattiv li ħatar dan il-Gvern biex jaħdem fil-qasam LGBT, se jkun imħejji l-abbozz ta' liġi li imbagħad jiġi diskuss u jgħaddi mill-Parlament sal-aħħar ta' din is-sena," qai il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat waqt laqgħa f'Kastilja mal-komunità LGBT.

Independent: Civil unions for same-sex couples by end of year
Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 19:58

The Prime Minister being presented with the 'Soldier Award' for his endeavours to bring greater awareness about minority rights

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this afternoon announced that government intends to legislate in favour of civil unions by the end of the year.

Dr Muscat said this during a meeting with the LGBT community at Castille on the occasion of Pride Week 2013. He said that the bill will be drafted by the consultative committee set up recently.

Times: Civil unions for same sex couples by end of the year - Prime Minister
Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 18:12

Photo: Pierre Sammut, DOI

Civil unions for same sex couples will be introduced by the end of the year, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this afternoon after he was presented with the Soldier Award as an "agent of change".

The award was presented by the social group Gay Exiles, which represents Maltese who had to leave their families to live in foreign countries with their loved ones, who happened to be of the same sex.

Malta Today: MGRM launch 'Love is Love' pride week

Malta Gay Rights Movement launches pride week entitled 'Love is Love'.
Saturday 15 June 2013 - 10:36 by a Staff Reporter

'Love is Love' is the theme for this year's Pride Week which will take place between the 17 and 23 June 2013.

This year Malta commemorates the 40th anniversary of the decriminalisation of sodomy and moves ever closer towards the enactment of a Civil Union Bill that will hopefully grant meaningful recognition and rights to same-sex couples, the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) said.

"It is also the 10th anniversary of the Pride March which was first held in Malta in 2004 and this year will be held on the 22nd June at 11am in Valletta, gathering in front of the law courts at 10.30am."