Published on 12 Jul 2016
'The Arrow' is a striking visual representation of a simple story - two male artists who fell in love. From the first time our eyes met, the first embrace, to creating a bond and love that is unbreakable. The video shows two talented men who transform their personal story into an exciting performance to send a powerful message. That we are proud of who we are, the love that we share, and that all love is equal.
MUSIC - "Arrow" by The Irrepressibles -
DIRECTOR - Damian Siqueiros -
CREATION + CONCEPT - Matthew Richardson -
CAMERAMAN + GAFFER - Camilo Chitiva Zamudio
SECOND CAMERA - Guillermo Castellanos
Thursday, 21 July 2016
DOI: STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦAS-SAĦĦA: L-ARC b’donazzjoni għal taħriġ għall-istaff mediku tal-GU Clinic
Reference Number: PR161611, Press Release Issue Date: Jul 18, 2016
Dan it-taħriġ għen biex l-istaff tal-GU Clinic iżid l-għarfien tiegħu kemm fuq mard trasmess sesswalment, kif ukoll dwar il-ġbir ta’ informazzjoni fuq it-trattament, b’riżultat li ssir taf bl-infezzjoni aktar kmieni u li jibda t-trattament immedjat.
Il-Ministru għas-Saħħa rringrazzja lill-NGO ARC li hija NGO li taħdem qalb il-komunitajiet LGBTI+ għall-ġest nobbli li għamlu u li permezz tiegħu se jibbenefikaw ħafna nies.
L-Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC) din il-ġimgħa ppreżentaw donazzjoni ta’ ’l fuq minn €2,000 lill-Ministru għas-Saħħa, Chris Fearne. Din id-donazzjoni ntużat biex tliet persuni mill-istaff mediku tal-GU Clinic ingħataw taħriġ speċjalizzat f’St Mary Hospital ta’ Londra u fl-isptar ta’ Bertinoro fl-Italja.
Dan it-taħriġ għen biex l-istaff tal-GU Clinic iżid l-għarfien tiegħu kemm fuq mard trasmess sesswalment, kif ukoll dwar il-ġbir ta’ informazzjoni fuq it-trattament, b’riżultat li ssir taf bl-infezzjoni aktar kmieni u li jibda t-trattament immedjat.
Il-Ministru għas-Saħħa rringrazzja lill-NGO ARC li hija NGO li taħdem qalb il-komunitajiet LGBTI+ għall-ġest nobbli li għamlu u li permezz tiegħu se jibbenefikaw ħafna nies.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Lovin Malta: Meet Ben, The First Child Adopted By A Same-Sex Couple In Malta
And y'all are crazy if you attack this family based on what you claim is the "best interest of the child".
14.7.2016 by Chucky Bartolo
Yesterday, after news broke that Malta's court had given the go-ahead for the first adoption of a child by a same-sex couple, Malta's Facebook exploded.
Many praised the move as a huge leap forward for Malta, while others rambled on about the doom and gloom this would bring about; flinging around the classic arguments the anti-adoption camp always do (something about it being "unnatural" and "not in the child's best interest").
14.7.2016 by Chucky Bartolo
Yesterday, after news broke that Malta's court had given the go-ahead for the first adoption of a child by a same-sex couple, Malta's Facebook exploded.
Many praised the move as a huge leap forward for Malta, while others rambled on about the doom and gloom this would bring about; flinging around the classic arguments the anti-adoption camp always do (something about it being "unnatural" and "not in the child's best interest").
Gay Parenting / Adoption,
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Gay Malta: Syphilis & Gonorrhea Outbreak
Joanne Farrugia is a Health Nurse at the Health promotion, disease prevention & disease prevention directorate. Joanne voluntarily contributes monthly (or whenever something urgent happens) to arc's newsletter and!Syphilis-Gonorrhea-Outbreak/w0uls/578d01280cf2fc65e31f9900!Syphilis-Gonorrhea-Outbreak/w0uls/578d01280cf2fc65e31f9900
Greetings everyone!
I always have an idea of what to write about every month, however a new alert just came in from the European Centre of Disease Prevention and I have to share this with you.
TVM: Żieda fil-Każi tal-HIV f'Malta
minn Antonia Micallef
Ikklikja fuq il-link biex tara l-artiklu u l-video.
minn Antonia Micallef
Ikklikja fuq il-link biex tara l-artiklu u l-video.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),
Guardian: Gay and bisexual men to be offered HPV vaccine under pilot scheme
Trial of cancer-preventing jab for 40,000 men in England criticised for not being available to all who request it
Denis Campbell Health policy editor
Thursday 26 May 2016 19.41 BST
Gay and bisexual men are to start receiving a vaccine to protect them against several forms of cancer linked to sexual activity, but ministers have been criticised for not making it available to every man who is at risk.
Jane Ellison, the public health minister, has decided to offer the jab against the human papillomavirus (HPV) to 40,000 men in England who have sex with other men. It will be part of a trial programme beginning in June.
Denis Campbell Health policy editor
Thursday 26 May 2016 19.41 BST
Gay and bisexual men are to start receiving a vaccine to protect them against several forms of cancer linked to sexual activity, but ministers have been criticised for not making it available to every man who is at risk.
Jane Ellison, the public health minister, has decided to offer the jab against the human papillomavirus (HPV) to 40,000 men in England who have sex with other men. It will be part of a trial programme beginning in June.
Monday, 18 July 2016
One News: ESKLUSSIVA: L-ewwel adozzjoni fost dawk b’Unjoni Ċivili
Perjodu twil ta’ skrutinju u proċeduri għall-koppja gay li xtaqet trabbi l-ulied intemm it-Tlieta filgħodu meta fil-Qorti tal-Familja kienet approvata l-adozzjoni ta’ wild għal żewġ irġiel.
Kien li żvela kif żewġ irġiel li fl-aħħar xhur immarkaw l-imħabba tagħhom f’Unjoni Ċivili. Biex b’hekk ingħataw id-drittijiet kollha ta’ żwieġ.
Perjodu twil ta’ skrutinju u proċeduri għall-koppja gay li xtaqet trabbi l-ulied intemm it-Tlieta filgħodu meta fil-Qorti tal-Familja kienet approvata l-adozzjoni ta’ wild għal żewġ irġiel.
Kien li żvela kif żewġ irġiel li fl-aħħar xhur immarkaw l-imħabba tagħhom f’Unjoni Ċivili. Biex b’hekk ingħataw id-drittijiet kollha ta’ żwieġ.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Pink News: Scientists declare ‘the end of AIDS’ as a public health issue in Australia
Joseph Patrick McCormick; 10th July 2016, 4:17 PM
The scientists declared the "end of AIDS" in Australia as a public health issue
Scientists in Australia had declared “the end of AIDS” as a public health issue.
The announcement makes Australia one of few countries where the AIDS epidemic has been declared officially over.
Researchers from the Kirby and Peter Doherty institutes and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations made the announcement, as the number of AIDS diagnoses per year has now fallen so low.
Since the rise to prominence of antiretroviral drugs in the 1990s, the number of those living with HIV whose condition progresses to AIDS, has fallen dramatically.
At the height of the AIDS epidemic, around 1,000 Australians died a year of AIDS-related illness.
Joseph Patrick McCormick; 10th July 2016, 4:17 PM
The scientists declared the "end of AIDS" in Australia as a public health issue
Scientists in Australia had declared “the end of AIDS” as a public health issue.
The announcement makes Australia one of few countries where the AIDS epidemic has been declared officially over.
Researchers from the Kirby and Peter Doherty institutes and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations made the announcement, as the number of AIDS diagnoses per year has now fallen so low.
Since the rise to prominence of antiretroviral drugs in the 1990s, the number of those living with HIV whose condition progresses to AIDS, has fallen dramatically.
At the height of the AIDS epidemic, around 1,000 Australians died a year of AIDS-related illness.
Saturday, 16 July 2016
Pink News: This heartbreaking film shows the real danger same-sex couples can face just for a kiss
Joseph Patrick McCormick; 1st July 2016, 2:36 AM
The short film carries a serious message
A new short film released for Pride in Madrid shows the real danger same-sex couples can face just for kissing in public.
The film ‘Por Un Beso’, or For a Kiss, was released to coincide with Madrid Pride.
It shows the growing romances of a budding relationship.
While the two men happen to meet twice in one day, they gradually form a relationship and appear to be planning to move in together.
Joseph Patrick McCormick; 1st July 2016, 2:36 AM
The short film carries a serious message
A new short film released for Pride in Madrid shows the real danger same-sex couples can face just for kissing in public.
The film ‘Por Un Beso’, or For a Kiss, was released to coincide with Madrid Pride.
It shows the growing romances of a budding relationship.
While the two men happen to meet twice in one day, they gradually form a relationship and appear to be planning to move in together.
Films - Video Clips,
Times: Court gives go-ahead for adoption by gay couple in first for Malta
Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 07:46
A gay couple has become the first in Malta to adopt a child in the wake of its civil union.
One News reported that the go-ahead for adoption was given by the Family Court yesterday for the adoption by the two men.
The Civil Unions law gives same-sex couples the same rights as in marriage, including the right to adopt, although gay adoptions were never technically illegal.
The adoption process is centred around an assessment of the suitability of the applicants by the Family Court.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 07:46
A gay couple has become the first in Malta to adopt a child in the wake of its civil union.
One News reported that the go-ahead for adoption was given by the Family Court yesterday for the adoption by the two men.
The Civil Unions law gives same-sex couples the same rights as in marriage, including the right to adopt, although gay adoptions were never technically illegal.
The adoption process is centred around an assessment of the suitability of the applicants by the Family Court.
Gay Parenting / Adoption,
Friday, 15 July 2016
Gay Star News: WATCH this perfect wedding filmed by drone in Malta
Amazing footage from a marriage in Malta basically set a template for your own wedding
Weddings come in all shapes and size, but we think this one in Malta was just right.
Karl Boxall and Simon Law got married in sunny Malta (both are Maltese) on June 11. They filmed much of the ceremony by drone.
Gay Marriage / Civil Partnership
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Pink News: Designer fighting stigma: ‘When I came out as HIV+, my flatmate refused to share a fridge’
Jacob Alexander is fighting HIV stigma
A London fashion student has launched a new app aiming to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV and help those newly diagnosed with the virus.
The Positive Project app was conceived after creator Jacob Alexander found out he had HIV on the morning of his 22nd birthday.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Guardian: UN pledges to end Aids epidemic but plan barely mentions those most at risk
Activists walked out in protest after the resolution was adopted
Summit criticized for excluding gay and transgender organizations
Amanda Holpuch in New YorkWednesday 8 June 2016 23.07 BST
UN member states have pledged to end the Aids epidemic by 2030, but campaigners say the strategy adopted by the 193-nation general assembly on Wednesday barely mentions those most at risk of contracting HIV/Aids: men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people and intravenous drug users.
Activists walked out in protest after the resolution was adopted on the first day of the three-day summit, which had already been the subject of intense criticism for excluding gay and transgender organizations. More than 50 countries, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran, blocked 22 groups from attending the conference.
Amanda Holpuch in New YorkWednesday 8 June 2016 23.07 BST
UN member states have pledged to end the Aids epidemic by 2030, but campaigners say the strategy adopted by the 193-nation general assembly on Wednesday barely mentions those most at risk of contracting HIV/Aids: men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people and intravenous drug users.
Activists walked out in protest after the resolution was adopted on the first day of the three-day summit, which had already been the subject of intense criticism for excluding gay and transgender organizations. More than 50 countries, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran, blocked 22 groups from attending the conference.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Independent UK: Three things you think you know about gay men and HIV
Critics of PrEP, the daily pill that stops people getting HIV, say that gay men just need to change their behaviour, not take a preventative medicine. Here is why that alone is not the answer
Suzi Price; Friday 20 May 2016
When the Pill was introduced, there was an immediate backlash, as people felt it would encourage promiscuity. We managed to overcome that stigma, and over 50 years later we are on the cusp of something similarly revolutionary in regards to HIV.
Monday, 11 July 2016
YouTube: Wasted Blood
In Brazil, it's illegal for men who have had sex with other men to donate blood. That means thousands of liters of blood being thrown out instead of saving lives.
In Brazil, it's illegal for men who have had sex with other men to donate blood. That means thousands of liters of blood being thrown out instead of saving lives.
My mother was in the hospital, and I wanted to donate blood. I had been in a monogamous relationship for almost ten years. Yet, when the social worker found out my partner was a man, my blood was turned down. Just because I'm gay."
Stories like that happen every day in Brazil.
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