Monday, 5 October 2015

iNews Malta: Malta kklassifikata l-ewwel fost 49 pajjiż fil-qasam tad-drittijiet ta' persuni LGBTIQ
17:07 | 05.10.2015

Pajjiżna kompla javvanza ’l fuq fl-indiċi fil-qasam tad-drittijiet tal-persuni LGBTIQ għall-2015 maħruġ minn ILGA-Europe fejn għall-ewwel darba Malta rnexxielha titla’ fl-ewwel post minn fost 49 pajjiż differenti.

F’aġġornament li ħarġet ILGA-Europe aktar kmieni llum dwar l-andament ta’ pajjiżi differenti fil-qasam tal-libertajiet ċivili, jirriżulta li Malta rnexxielha tavvanza żewġ postijiet oħra ’l fuq biex mit-tielet post li kisbet f’Mejju, issa tinsab fil-quċċata f’temp ta’ erba’ xhur. Dan ifisser li fl-aħħar xhur pajjiżna rnexxielu jaqbeż kemm lill-Belġju kif ukoll lir-Renju Unit li kien ilu jokkupa l-quċċata għal diversi snin.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Times: Dating app blamed for HIV surge
Sunday, October 4, 2015, 07:52 by Ariadne Massa

Grindr, a men-only dating app used for casual sexual encounters, is one of the factors fuelling the record surge in new HIV cases this year, according to Mater Dei Hospital’s infection specialist.

Forty-six new HIV cases were registered in the first nine months of this year – three more than all of 2014 – and 90 per cent of these were gay men, mainly aged between 30 and 50.

“People are having unprotected casual sex, and these geosocial apps, where you can seek an anonymous partner close by… are contributing to it. This is a phenomenon being witnessed across Europe and the US,” Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi said.

Times: Majority of clinic visitors did not use condoms
Saturday, October 3, 2015, 00:01 by Ariadne Massa

Just over half of those visiting the GU Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital this year played Russian roulette and indulged in unprotected sex, while another 35 per cent admitted to only “sometimes” using a condom, according to the latest figures.

Health Parliamentary Secretary Chris Fearne said in the first eight months of this year, 1,942 patients visited the Genitourinary Clinic.