
Wednesday 29 December 2010

YouTube: Dr Joseph Muscat and Gay Partnerships in Malta

Dr Joseph Muscat (PL) iwiegħġeb mistoqsija mill-Kunsillier Nazzjonalista Cyrus Engerer fuq x'jaħseb dwar iż-żwieġ bejn koppji ta' l-istess sess.

Dr Muscat jgħid li hu favur partnership ċivili bejn nies ta' l-istess sess, favur li jkun hemm liġijiet kontra l-omofobja (mibgħeda lejn gays, liżbjani) iżda hu kontra l-adozzjoni ta' tfal.

Il-Program jismu Affari Tagħna u kien ippreżentat minn John Bundy fuq One Television fit-12 ta' Novembru 2010.

Tista' tara l-Programm kollu hawn: mms://­v
[Clip irrekordata: 1:43:01-1:48:15]


1 comment:

  1. MARGARET RICHARDSDecember 30, 2010

    Can't understand why all this mayhem. People are equal - and this is what them top brass weirdos have to start to understand. By being patronizing it means that there is a problem just the same. When you are indifferent as to what other people do, whether they marry same sex partners, whether are separated, single, divorced, christian, atheist, the weird freaks at the top should just get the hell on with their lives, and live and let us common mortals live in santa pace. Acceptance does not come with patronizing terminology but by accepting each and every person without labels or titles.........and this goes especially for CC - CORRUPT CURIA!!!
