
Thursday 1 July 2010

Graffitti: Civil Marriage is a Human Right Not a Heterosexual Privilege «English / Malti»

EN: Press Release 01/07/10; Luke Buhagiar; f/ Moviment Graffitti

Moviment Graffitti is issuing this press release with reference to comments made by the Imam and [Arch-] Bishop of Malta at a seminar intended to discuss the role of the family from a Muslim and Christian perspective. While the fact that both Christian and Muslim religious institutions cooperate with each other is very positive, they should be careful not to spread hate indirectly. Instead of uniting to promote tolerance and respect, they united in order to speak out against same-sex marriage, with disturbing comments such as that gay marriage will lead to "the destruction of the family".

Furthermore, Moviment Graffitti states that everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation, has the right to form a family. Marriage is a human right and not a heterosexual privilege.

As regards to traditional and/or religious values about marriage or the family, Moviment Graffitti states that people obviously have the right to practise these values personally as long as these values do not harm and are not imposed on others. Even the rights of the minorities (in this case, LGBT persons) must be protected in order for our society to really and truly be tolerant and inclusive. Therefore, not granting the right to marriage (a basic right) to LGBT individuals is a form of discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The [Arch-] Bishop's and the Imam's comments continuously referred to the family and marriage in the Christian and/or the Muslim tradition. Moviment Graffitti views this as a very important point since it means that, since not everyone is either Christian or Muslim, same-sex marriage should be legalised for those who agree with it.

One is not being forced to marry anyone; rather, this type of marriage should be legalised in order to make more space for personal decision and for the rights given to married couples to be enjoyed by homosexual persons as well. Therefore, comments such as that same-sex marriage "will lead to catastrophes and destruction" are unfounded and their only aim is irrational scaremongering.

MT: Iz-Zwieg Civili huwa Dritt tal-Bniedem u Mhux Privilegg Eterosesswali.

Il-Moviment Graffitti qed johrog din l-istqarrija stampa b'referenza ghall-kummenti tal-Imam u l-[Arc]Isqof ta' Malta f'seminar intenzjonat li jiddiskuti l-irwol tal-familja minn perspettiva Musulmana u Kristjana. Filwaqt li l-fatt li l-istituzzjonijiet religjuzi Kristjani u Musulmani jikkoperaw flimkien huwa pozittiv hafna, ghandhom joqghodu attenti biex ma jxerrdux mibgheda indirettament. Minflok ma inghaqdu halli jippromwovu t-tolleranza u r-rispett, dawn inghaqdu sabiex jitkellmu kontra z-zwieg bejn persuni tal-istess sess, b'kummenti disturbanti bhal li dan it-tip taz-zwieg se jwassal ghad-"distruzzjoni tal-familja".

Barra minn hekk, il-Moviment Graffitti jghid li kull individwu, irrispettivament mill-orjentazzjoni sesswali tieghu jew taghha, ghandu d-dritt li jifforma familja. Iz-zwieg huwa dritt tal-bniedem u mhux privilegg eterosesswali.

Rigward valuri tradizzjonali jew religjuzi marbutin maz-zwieg jew il-familja, Moviment Graffitti jghid li ovjament in-nies ghandhom id-dritt li jipprattikaw dawn il-valuri, sakemm dawn il-valuri ma jaghmlu hsara lil hadd u ma jigu imponuti fuq hadd. Anke d-drittijiet tal-minoranza (f'dal-kaz, persuni LGBT) ghandhom jigu protetti sabiex is-socjeta' taghna tkun verament inklussiva u tolleranti. Ghalhekk, li dawn in-nies ma jinghatawx id-dritt taz-zwieg (dritt baziku), hija forma ta' diskriminazzjoni bbazata fuq l-orjentazzjoni sesswali ta' dak li jkun.

Il-kummenti tal-[Arc]Isqof u tal-Imam kontinwament irreferew ghall-familja u z-zwieg fit-tradizzjoni Kristjana u/jew Musulmana. Il-Moviment Graffitti jara dan il-fatt bhala punt importanti ghax b'hekk, peress li mhux kulhadd huwa Kristjan jew Musulman, iz-zwieg bejn persuni tal-istess sess ghandu jkun legalizzat ghal min jaqbel mieghu.

Hadd mhu qed jigi mgieghel jizzewweg lil hadd; anzi, dan it-tip ta' zwieg ghandu jigi legalizzat sabiex ikun hemm spazju ghall-ghazla personali ta' dak li jkun u sabiex id-drittijiet li jinghataw lil koppji mizzewga jkunu jistghu igawduhom persuni omosesswali wkoll. Ghalhekk kummenti bhal li z-zwieg bejn persuni tal-istess sess "se jwassal ghal katastrofi u distruzzjoni" huma minghajr bazi soda, u l-unika skop taghhom huwa t-tixrid ta' bizgha irrazzjonali.

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