
Tuesday 10 February 2009

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard condemns Catholic Book - Homosexuality is diabolic - AIDS is the punishment to sodomites

PRESS RELEASE: 9.2.9 by Dr. Inġ. Patrick Attard

"This is not ignorance. This is hatred. This is pure hatred." - Dr. Ing. P. Attard

Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard claims that the Catholic Church is inciting hatred against the Maltese gay community.

On Monday 2nd February a book entitled "The Catholic Church and Homosexuality" by Atila Sinke Guimaraes was prominently advertised on the Media-Centre website and Dr. Attard bought a copy from The Church's Bookshop, Il- Qarrej Nisrani, Media Centre in 167 Valley Road B'Kara.

The book's summary states that "This book covers briefly the Catholic tradition regarding homosexuality, which will clarify the issues once and for all, with no doubt left in anyone's mind about the intrinsic evil of this disgusting, unnatural practice, and how the Church and society have always legislated against it."

The book mentions that homosexuality is diabolic and that AIDS is God's punishment to gays. The book also links paedophelia to homosexuality.

The opening quote on the front page of the book is Leviticus 20:13 "If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination, let them be put to death: their blood be upon them".

This is not ignorance, this is hatred insists Dr. Patrick Attard.This is the same hatred which led to 15,000 German gays to be rounded up and sent to Mauthausen in 1933 with less than 10 of them surviving. The treatment of gays in concentration camps was so bad that when a Jew died, the gays used to try and steal the star from his clothing to cover their pink triangle. Gays were sodomised with broken rulers until they bled to death, had their nails pulled out, were mauled to death by dogs and used as target practice by soldiers. Horrible medical experiments were carried out of gays.

It is important that whoever is importing these books in Malta to be held responsible and even the political parties should speak up about this. It is shocking that mothers who find out that their son is gay and go to buy books from the Media Centre to inform themselves about the subject have their minds poisoned with this sort of literature.

Dr. Attard has a copy of the book and the Media-Centre's VAT receipt as proof of purchase. The sale of the book was also noted in the shop's register by the Clerk.

It is important that the importation of such books is stopped immediately and Dr. Attard urges people not to be complacent and quiet but to stand up and say this is intolerable.

This cannot be left without consequences. In order to repair the damage, the Catholic Church MUST:
- terminate the employment of the person responsible who allowed the book on the bookshelves.
- take disciplinary action against the person who translated the back cover to Maltese, and the person who uploaded the book summary on the Media-Centre website on Monday 2nd February.
- Issue an unambiguous public apology to all gays by a senior Church official
- withdraw the book immediately from the bookshelves.
- recall all the books sold and offer a full refund to whoever bought the book.
- destroy the collected books (to prevent re-sale).
- The Catholic Church should make a public declaration that no such books will be imported.

It is important that the political parties publicly take a stand. It is important to note that both Dr. Simon Busuttil and David Casa repeatedly voted against or abstained resolutions which condemn the murder and torture of gays in the European Parliament. Moreover Simon Busuttil signed a petition on the 26 th April 2007 to remove a Resolution condemning Homophobia from the Agenda - an utterly obscene act. If they claim to be the fighters for gay rights as they recently did when voting in favour of a non-binding resolution, they must resolve this issue in an examplary way before the up-coming EU Parliament elections.

Dr. Attard tried to obtain legal advice from a number of sources including the Police Legal Section. It seems that to date there is no law condemning hatred towards the gay minority.

This book is full of quotes from the book of Leviticus. The Book of Leviticus condones slavery and states that those who work on a Sabbath must be killed. If these are not relevant today anymore, why is its teaching on homosexuality still relevant?

Related article:


Media Centre's main website 2.02.09

Ghal aktar taghrif dwar il-hwienet , tista' tmur fil-pagna 'Il-Qarrej Nisrani'

Prezz LM3.75 €8.74

Dan il-ktieb jittratta b'mod hafif, it-tradizzjoni Kattolika dwar l-omosesswalita, biex ticcara bla tlaqliq, il-problemi ta' mawaraha u b'hekk ma jibqa' l-ebda dubju fl-imhuh dwar il-kruha ta' din il-prattika abnormali u l-mod kif il-Knisja dejjem harset lejha.

Dan l-istudju jdahhal hafna kwotazzjonijiet mill-Bibbja, mit-taghlim tal-Magisteru, mit-taghlim tal-Papiet, mil-Ligi Kanonika, mid-Dutturi tal-Knisja, qaddisin u ohrajn. Minjkejja li t-taghrif jinghata fil-qososr, l-ebda kattoliku serju ma jista' jinjora dan l-istudju car u miftuh.Il-ktieb jaghti ukoll ideja tajba tal-kitba originali, hafna aktar dettaljata, bl-isem 'In the murky waters opf Vatican II, li hu xoghol li kull kattoliku ghandu jaqra, l-aktar dawk li jixtiequ jsiru jafu aktar mill-qrib x'gara fil-Knisja wara l-Koncilju Vatikan II.


Book's Back cover:


Atila Sinke Guimares, 1999 Tan Books

Atila Sinke Guimaraes. The Catholic Church and Homosexuality is a reprint of the Appendix to In the Murkey Waters of Vatican II that is alone worth the price of the parent book. With so much heard about this subject currently, this present commanding study will be heartily welcomed by good Catholics everywhere who are sick to death over the compromising stands being taken by so many of the Church's clergy today with regard to this problem. This book covers briefly the Catholic tradition regarding homosexuality, which will clarify the issues once and for all, with no doubt left in anyone's mind about the intrinsic evil of this disgusting, unnatural practice, and how the Church and society have always legislated against it. This study includes quotes from Sacred Scripture, the Teaching Magisterium, some of its Popes, Canon Law, the Doctors of the Church, the Saints and others. Plus, it gives a critique of recent Post-Conciliar pronouncements, the current situation in the United States and in various countries, the principal movements today, so-called homosexual "religious orders," pedophilia, and so forth. Short but thorough, this is an enlightening and shocking study that no serious Catholic can afford to ignore! It also gives an excellent idea of the caliber of writing to be found in the larger work, In the Murkey Waters of Vatican II-which is itself an epochal book that all Catholics should read, especially anyone who wants to know what happend to the Catholic Church after Vatican II.

Short but thorough.. an enlightening but shocking study.


Author's Biography:

Atila Sinke Guimaraes

The DAILY CATHOLIC is honored to add Atila Sinke Guimaraes to our list of contributing columnists. He is the distinguished author of the 11-volume collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani (My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken me?). To date five volumes of this collection have been published in English: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II and Animus Delendi- I (Desire to Destroy), Quo Vadis, Petre?, and most recentlyAnimus Delendi-II.

This prolific writer was born in Rio de Janiero and tutored by his esteemed mentorProfessor Plinio Correa de Oliveira for many years. Both Atila and his mentor spent many years in studies and researches, which included several trips to Europe and other countries of South America.

He is co-author of two timely statements addressed to Pope John Paul II on the responsibility of the Pontiff in upholding Church doctrine and tradition in We Resist You to the Face and An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change the Papacy.

His most recent work is the fifth volume in his Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani series -Animus Delendi - II, which lays out the destruction of the Church through Secularization and Ecumenism. Among his most recent works released is a photo book co-authored with Marian T. Horvat entitled Previews of the New Papacy. He has also authored numerous booklets published by Tradition In Action, Inc. which we highly endorse.

Atila Guimaraes is a contributor to Catholic periodicals, and has regular columns in The Remnant, Catholic Family News, and The DAILY CATHOLIC. In February 2000, the International Biographical Center of Cambridge included him in the 2000 Outstanding Writers of the 20th Century in honor of his contribution in the field of Contemporary Religious Analysis.

His resume represents years of studies which began with Engineering from 1964-67; Law studies 1967-70; three years of French Literature; four years of Medieval History Studies; four years of Catholic Church History; eight years studying Philosophy as well as Politics; with sixteen years of Apologetics on Contemporary Religious Studies.


  1. There are several issues surrounding the sale of this book. First, does the book vilify gay men and lesbians or is it simply presenting a slant on Scripture and tradition which we reject. Secondly, why is the Media Centre only importing books that have one particular theological perspective on homosexuality? Why is it not selling theological books that are critical of the traditional line? Why is the faithful being indoctrinated? What has the Church to fear? An informed faithful? Is it afraid that its arguments are seen for what they are - homophic and unscholarly? Even so, I do not believe in censorship. Other books should be sold to provide a balanced picture.
    Joseph Carmel Chetcuti

  2. I sympathise with your concern about the sale of this book because of the extremism expressed in parts of it (especially from page 1 to page 15). However, I can never agree with the censorship of books and other literature.

    Whilst I am against any physical, verbal or emotional violence against homosexuals, I cannot agree with the “solutions” you proposed in your blog to "repair the damage caused by the sale of this book in Malta".

    This is because the solutions you proposed tantamount to censorship.

    Ruben Overend

  3. This book is written with the impression that its supported by the Catholic Church (Is it?)

    Personally I feel absolute anger at the idea that this man of the "cloth" says that homosexuallity is so bad that it disgusts the devil??? sounds like the writer is a closeted gay person himself trying to hide his own personal feelings behind a disgusting statement of hate of other human beings BORN the way that GOD made them!!!
