
Monday 26 May 2008

MLP Leadership Candidates: Divorce and Gay partnerships
Sunday Times: It's my party
Sunday, 25th May 2008
Herman Grech and Mark Micallef

Here are excerpts from the interview.

What are your views on divorce?

George Abela
We need a clear strategy for minorities like gay rights, cohabitation rights and the issue of divorce. We need to have a clear distinction between the Church's moral stand and the rights and civil obligations of our reality.
As a progressive party in the EU, we can't ignore these realities. As a party we need to start a serious discussion.
However, we must always take into consideration the need to strengthen the family.
See also:

Evarist Bartolo
We have a lot of couples who are facing problems and we should have a debate and find solutions that address their problems. I don't believe we should be EU members just to receive funds, while ignoring the important values of social coexistence. I have a happy marriage that is still going strong after 31 years but should I give the cold shoulder to people who are in a different situation and want a fresh start?

Joseph Muscat
I am in favour of the introduction of divorce and if elected and if Labour is in government I will be putting forward my own draft legislation and will give a free vote to our parliamentarians on this issue.

Michael Falzon
Again, I don't think I should pre-empt the party's position.
See also:

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
There will come a time when divorce has to be introduced. I would give a free vote to my MPs to decide.

Julia Farrugia, Illum, 18.5.8

Joseph Muscat, Taqbel li l-MLP għandu jipproponi ż-żwieġ għal koppji gay?

Naħseb li hu prematur ħafna li wieħed jitkellem fuq dan. Ma naqbilx mat-terminu ‘żwieġ’.
Int iżżewwiġt imma….

Ma naħsibx li fil-każ ta’ koppji omosesswali wieħed jista’ jitkellem dwar żwieġ. Naħseb li hemm lok ta’ diskussjoni għal civil partnership.
Irridu nibdew billi nirrikonoxxu l-pożizzjoni ta’ eluf ta’ koppji f’pajjiżna li jpoġġu u mbagħad l-aktar ħaġa li tinteressani hi d-drittijiet ta’ uliedhom. Minn hemm irridu nibdew. Dan m’għandu jixxokkja lil ħadd. Meta qalha l-Gvern Nazzjonalista, meta qalha Lawrence Gonzi ħadd ma tkellem u ma naħsibx li xi ħadd għandu jixxokkja ruħu jekk inkun qed ngħidha jien bħala Mexxej Laburista.
Julia Farrugia, Illum, 25.5.8
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca,
Taqbel li l-MLP għandu jipproponi ż-żwieġ għal koppji gay?
Le, ma naqbilx. Però naqbel żgur u din anke fid-dokument li għamilt dwar il-familja li kont responsabbli minnha jiena ipproponejtha, li għandu jkun hemm l-għarfien tad-drittijiet ċivili ta’ dawn in-nies. Dawn huma ċittadini daqs kulħadd u għandhom ikollhom id-drittijiet kollha tagħhom imħarsa.

As as side-note it is interesting to take a look at the MLP's document on the electoral defeat. There is no mention of gays or homosexuals and there is only one reference to divorce:
Pg. 104 (pdf file) or pg. 97 (on paper)
Jekk il-politika hija l-arti tal-konvinzjoni, l-MLP m'għandux jibża' li joħroġ bi proposti ġodda għall-pajjiż, li fil-bidu jafu ma jkunux popolari. Bħala eżempju nistgħu ngħidu li l-Partit m'għandux jiddejjaq jiftħu hu d-dibattitu nazzjonali dwar id-divorzju jekk huwa jħoss li leġiżlazzjoni bħal din ikun jaqbel magħha. Attitudni passiva rigward drittijiet ċivili simili ma tpoġġix lill-Partit Laburista bħala wieħed viżjonarju, anzi pjuttost tqiegħdu fil-kategorija ta' dawk li dejjem jieħdu l-attitudni ta' "nistennew u mbagħad naraw". Hija appuntu l-ħila fil-mod li jikkonvinċi li jrid ikun armat biha l-Partit Laburista, biex imbagħad jasal biex ma jibża' xejn li jkun viżjonarju. Il-Partit Laburista għandu l-ħtieġa li jħajjar lin-nies joħolmu l-ħolm li jkun qed joħlom hu.


  1. Not much food for thought. Kif ighidu: "Kulhadd idur mal bajda"

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2008

    Usually it is difficult to get a clear answer from a politician, Yet it's interesting how M.L. Coleiro-Preca and J. Muscat immediately shoot down the idea of gay marriage. I wonder what are the reasons for their opinion?

  3. So according to Mr Muscat, it is more urgent to deal with the relationship of those who have decided not to commit to the legal arrangement that already exists for them (marriage) than those who's relationship the state refuses to acknowledge. Hardly the liberal socialist he wants us to believe he is.

    The state in Malta is ready to recognise a divorce made abroad (indeed it already does) but it blatantly discriminates against me when it comes to my UK civil partnership.

    The Labour party, on the other hand, does not have the courage to not pander to the Catholic church. Mr Muscat, take example from Spain, a country who's Catholicism has for years been dogmatic under Franco and turn a new page in Malta's history. Dragging our feet behind with medieval laws will never make of us the new Switzerland.

  4. AnonymousJuly 06, 2008

    When it comes to Gay issues ,there isn't much difference between Drs Gonzi and Mifsud. Political expediency no doubt.The only saving grace for these two is that they are not closeted gays(I think) who vote against their beliefs like some of our Parliamentarians.

    Hypocracy is alive and well and living in Malta!
